Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Combat Frame Data: Death Angel

Death Angel
XCD-208D Death Angel
Technical Data
Model number: XCD-208D
Code name: XSeed Angel King Dex Trapper Custom
Nickname: Death Angel
Classification: custom Two-series Sentinel use combat frame
Manufacturer: PAX modification of ISBC design
Operator: PAX
First deployment: CY 99
Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest
Height: 21 meters
Weight: 126 metric tons
Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor
Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 4300 KW
Propulsion: EM impellers: 5x 33,891 kg, 3x 4o,301 kg, 2x 24,267 kg, 2x 45,000 kg, top speed 5980 kph; maneuvering impellers: 42, 180° turn time 0.58 seconds; legs: top ground speed 200 kph, gyro-balanced for ground use
Sensors: gravitic, radar, thermal, optical array; main binocular cameras mounted in head
Fixed armaments: x2 cyclonic cannon, x6 barrels rated at 3.3 MW each, installed in palms, fed by XSeed’s reactor or internal capacitor; x2 hyper graviton sword, stored as cyclonic cannon barrels in forearms, fed by graphcap or XSeed’s internal capacitor, graphcap holds 20 charges, output selectable from  0.12 to 1.96 MW; capital ship buster, output rated at 1.58 GW, chest-mounted, fed by XSeed’s reactor or internal capacitor
Optional ranged armaments: remote launcher, holds a maximum of 4 laser and/or reflector drones, back-mounted
Special Equipment: ion field projector, 4x modular weapon hardpoint, TC/D drive
Pilots: Dex Trapper, Zane Dellister

General Notes

When ace pilot Dex Trapper staged a daring prison break from the UCS Icarus‘ brig, he commandeered an XCD-AK201 Angel King to aid in his escape. The Two-series XSeed served Dex well during his inaugural missions with the independent PAX group. But as the war against the government that had betrayed him progressed, Trapper found his burgeoning Sentinel powers outpacing his advanced combat frame’s capabilities.

PAX operative Heather DeLorraine stepped in to bolster Dex’s XSeed with a loan of four reflector remotes from her PAX-150D Phantom. Equipped with 6.25 MW lasers also borrowed from Heather’s CF, as well as actuated mirrors, the remotes docked with the Angel King’s four modular hardpoints in an improvised drone launch system. Like Phantom, Dex’s AK could position its remotes to bounce the high-output laser beams off each other, slicing through entire enemy formations. And mounting the lasers on the drones themselves allowed Dex to make energy weapon strikes from all directions at long range.

Yet even that significant upgrade proved to be just one of many modifications Dex would make as his abilities awakened. When PAX captured a number of the UCP’s new MCF-C260 Cyclones, Dex cannibalized their powerful cyclonic guns for installation in first one, and then both of, his CF’s forearms. The six-barreled plasma emitters were positioned to fire from the modified Angel King’s palms, giving them far wider fire arcs than the Cykes’ chest-mounted cannons. In a nod to his original MCF-122 Emancipator, Dex reconfigured his AK’s two hyper graviton swords to double as one barrel in each of his cyclonic guns. Each barrel-sword could be ejected into the XSeed’s hand at will for use as a melee weapon. Though still output-selectable from 0.12 to 1.96 MW, Dex opted to keep the blades at their maximum setting.

The crown jewel of Dex’s evolving weapons loadout appeared late in the war, when he convinced Ehud Red to install an experimental particle cannon meant for the XCD3 Sandalphon. Projecting a continuous beam rated at almost 1.6 GW, simulations showed the aptly named Capital Ship Buster capable of destroying a Daedalus-class carrier. Turning his attention to defense, Dex added more impellers for a 20% thrust increase over the standard Angel King. Along with a comparable maneuvering boost, the custom XSeed became a daunting target to hit. Dex nonetheless thickened his CF’s armor by 20% in the event of a lucky hit. A 25% more powerful ion field gave an added layer of protection. These additions succeeded in reaching the reactor output limit that the Angel Kings’ standard weaponry had largely left untapped.

As if moved by a will not his own, Dex had his deadly new XSeed painted black and christened it the Death Angel. Students of history noted a strong resemblance between Death Angel and the Dead Drop series of combat frames. The custom Two-series XSeed seemed invincible. But that perception would face a serious test from Salkia Azusa’s YCF-HA124 Shugyo.

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