Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Combat Frame Data: Legion


XCD-MD230 Legion

  Technical Data

Model number: XCD-MD230
Code name: Legion
Nickname: Golden Demon
Classification: prototype modular combat frame
Manufacturer: BEC modification of a Zephyr Labs design
Operator: Martian Royal Vanguard/UCP
First deployment: CY 99
Crew: originally vat-grown brain x6; modifications added 1 pilot in cockpit in chest
Height: 19 meters, 22 meters with wings
Weight: 76 metric tons
Armor type: carbyne laminar armor
Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 6500 KW
Propulsion: x6 gravity drive: 526,000 kg thrust total; top speed 5800 kph; 180° turn time 0.32 seconds; legs: top ground speed 198 kph
Sensors: gravitic, radar, thermal, optical array; main binocular cameras mounted in head
Fixed armaments: x2 heavy linear autocannon, mounted on forearms; x2 triple plasma autocannon, output rated at 5 MW per barrel, mounted in shoulder turrets; super particle cannon, output rated at 1.6 GW, chest-mounted, x2 plasma sword, output rated at 2.1 MW, mounted forearms; x2 plasma spike, output rated at 1.8 MW, mounted in knees; x2 plasma dagger, output rated at 1.2 MW, mounted in fists; x2 micro missile launcher, mounted on thighs
Special equipment: x6 ion field generator, Legion hive mind system, splitting system, self-repair nanomachines, full-immersion cockpit, TC/D drive
Pilot: Eiyu Masz (clones), Ash Red


General Notes

After the Fall of Earth in CY 98, CDF Marshal Edoard Ziebig sought to regain favor in the eyes of terrorist-turned-despot Arthur Wake. Ziebig delved deep into the Coalitions transhumanist past for a weapon concept capable of obliterating an Ynzu Controller frame. What his engineers devised proved an enormity in both destructive and moral terms.

In a technological sense, the dread weapon’s Two-series XSeed base was rather staid by comparison. Even its vast weapons complement, including a pair each of triple plasma autocannons, heavy linear autocannons, and micro missile launchers, was overshadowed by the CDF designers’ dark masterstroke. In place of a mid-chest cockpit accommodating a single pilot, the new unit would be controlled by six disembodied brains vat-grown and programmed only to destroy.

The detachable, brain-integrated sections did more than enable ranged attacks with the CF’s impressive array of plasma blades. Its arms, legs, torso, and head could separate into self-sufficient attack craft capable of independent action. All segments could deploy additional maneuvering surfaces or even sub-limbs – of note, a set of crablike manipulator arms that would sprout from the torso – and contained their own powerplants, drives, and ion field projectors. Nanomachines spread throughout the unit’s frame could effect nigh-instant repairs of even heavy damage, and in theory create whole new systems on the fly.

Impressed by his team’s twisted vision, Ziebig founded Zephyr Industries, a shell company formed to complete the project. Yet the ghastly new design failed to halt Ziebig’s fall from grace. And during the UCP occupation of Mars, Provisional Governor Jael Red appropriated Zephyr Industries’ plans for production at BEC’s Olympus Mons facility.

The freshly designated XCD-MD230 might have remained a hideous novelty if not for two unwitting contributions made by Jael’s brother, Dr. Gideon Red. First, his stolen S virus research allowed BEC to grow brains cloned from, and programmed with the memories of, Kazoku War ace Eiyu Masz.

Second, Gideon’s treatment of the invalid Ash Red with the same virus made him an ideal control mechanism to keep the rowdy brains in line. Renamed for BEC’s Project Legion, the abomination unleashed carnage beyond its creators’ wildest dreams when Jael launched it against CDF units attacking Mars. Legion laid waste to a joint MRV/PAX/UCP combat frame force in Mars orbit. But even that massacre paled before the horror that was to awaken.

See Legion in action! Read the epic mech saga’s stunning conclusion now:

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