Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Dawn of the Iron Age

Iron Age

Yesterday’s post on the Death Cult’s conquest of pop culture occasioned much comment about where indie creators – in particular newpub authors – go next.

A common refrain among the commentariat invoked a burgeoning new counterculture movement, the Iron Age.

The rise of another online campaign to counter corporate skinsuit IPs may give longtime readers Groundhog Day vibes.

But before we rush to judgment, what is the #IronAge, and how do its adherents plan to counteract the Death Cult hegemony over pop culture?

Here’s author John A. Douglas with the elevator pitch …

For a more thorough explanation, watch his Iron Age video now:

And experience the horror-adventure series that did shake the pillars of the Pop Cult temple.

Fantasy. Spelljammer. Cthulhu … Read Nethereal now:

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