Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Combat Frame Data: Seraph

 Technical Data

Model number: XCD-209
Code name: XSeed Angel King Kaiser Eckhart Custom
Nickname: Seraph
Classification: custom Two-series high mobility combat frame
Manufacturer: PAX modification of ISBC design
Operator: PAX
First deployment: CY 99
Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest
Height: 21 meters
Weight: 102 metric tons
Armor type: “1D” carbyne laminar armor
Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 4300 KW
Propulsion: gravity drive, max thrust 400,000 kg, EM booster: 2x 70,610 kg, top speed 7000 kph, 180° turn time 0.41 seconds; legs: top ground speed 200 kph, gyro-balanced for ground use
Sensors: gravitic, radar, thermal, optical array; main binocular cameras mounted in head
Fixed armaments: cyclonic cannon, x6 barrels rated at 3.3 MW each, installed in torso, fed by XSeed’s reactor or internal capacitor; x2 60mm Vulcan cannon, head-mounted; x2 hyper graviton sword, stored in charging racks in forearms, fed by graphcap or XSeed’s internal capacitor, graphcap holds 20 charges, output selectable from 0.12 to 1.96 MW; x4 retractable heat blade, 2 forearm-mounted, 2 foot-mounted
Optional ranged armaments: Trinary Rifle, features 3 fire modes—graviton-lensed plasma, output rated at 1.4 MW, magazine or XSeed’s internal capacitor-fed, each magazine holds 20 charges, graviton grenade, magazine-fed, each mag holds 10 grenades, plasma cannon, output rated at 4 MW, magazine or XSeed capacitor-fed, each magazine holds 15 charges
Special Equipment: ion field projector, backup ion field projector, TC/D drive
Pilots: Kaiser Eckhart

General Notes

In one of war’s frequent ironies, Kaiser Eckhart spent most of the ExSol Rebellion without a regular combat frame despite having test piloted the XCD-AK201. It wasn’t until the PAX victory at Orleans that he was reunited him with an Angel King model CF.

By that point, the cutting-edge XSeed had begun losing ground to more advanced Two-series designs. Kaiser stripped various other spoils won from the UCP to make his Angel King state of the art again.

Kaiser’s first step was replacing the AK’s relatively underpowered EM impellers with a gravity drive leftover from the XCD3 Sandalphon’s testing phase. Reasoning that too much was never enough, he added a pair of main EM thrusters scavenged from an MCF-C260 Cyclone in a set of shoulder-mounted booster nacelles. These outboard boosters enabled bursts of speed to outpace even the blazingly fast XCF-026 Grenzmark IV.

Favoring a standardized weapons loadout to the Angel King’s modular armament, Kaiser retained only the Trinary Rifle and pair of hyper graviton swords. He supplemented this basic equipment with a pair of fire-linked 60mm Vulcans. Mounted in the XSeed’s head, these guns operated as effective turrets for use against fighter craft and light armored vehicles. To keep up with the high-firepower units entering the battlefield, Kaiser pulled the cyclonic gun from the same Cyke whose drives he cannibalized and installed it in his XSeed’s torso. His finishing touch was a quartet of heat daggers mounted spring blade fashion in the CF’s bracers in homage to the storied CCF-017K Kurfürst.

Reinforced with extra carbyne laminar armor supplemented by main and backup ion fields, the XCD-209, dubbed Seraph by its builder and pilot, could fight toe to toe with the most advanced frames of the day. And Kaiser put that newfound power to optimal use until the close of the war.

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