Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Tales From the Darkside: The Movie

Tales From the Darkside

In honor of the Spooky Season, and to give my regular readers a sample of the fun they’re missing out on, I here repost a patron exclusive from last month: my review of Tales From the Darkside: The Movie.

Don’t let the title fool you.

Tales From the Darkside: The Movie is the third installment in the Creepshow series, and it continues to deliver the anthology-style horror that fans of the franchise have come to love.

This film weaves together three distinct tales, each with its own unique brand of horror. The first story, “Lot 249,” directed by Mary Lambert, revolves around a college student who uses an ancient Egyptian mummy to exact revenge on his enemies.

Besides marking the feature film debut of Julianne Moore, this segment features an effective blend of dark humor and classic horror elements. And the final twist manages to feel surprising, yet in hindsight, inevitable.

The second story, “Cat from Hell,” directed by series mastermind George A. Romero, follows a hitman hired to eliminate a black cat. Incredulous at first, the hired gun soon suspects his prey may not be what it seems.

Though the early 90s Stephen King-isms stand out from the author’s script like sore thumbs, it’s a fun, shlocky yarn.

But all of that is just a warmup for the third story, “Lover’s Vow,” directed by John Harrison, This modern adaptation of a classic Japanese ghost story delves into the consequences of making and breaking promises. It explores themes of love, betrayal, and ethics in a manner that’s as poignant as it is unsettling.

Factor in the wraparound story starring Blondie bombshell Deborah Harry, and you’ve got a sequel that in many ways rivals – and in some surpasses – the original Creepshow.

A particular strength of Tales From the Darkside: The Movie is its ability to balance different styles of horror within a single film. From the darkly comedic “Lot 249” to the more traditional and suspenseful “Cat from Hell” and the emotionally charged “Lover’s Vow,” the movie offers a rich variety of scares that caters to a wide audience.

The film also benefits from its impressive cast, which besides the stars named above, also includes familiar faces like Christian Slater, Steve Buscemi, and Buster Poindexter.

With that level of variety and star power, Tales From the Darkside: The Movie successfully carries on the tradition of the original Creepshow. Fans of that series, and horror anthology films in general, will find plenty to enjoy in this third installment, making it a worthwhile watch, and buy.

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