Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Parasitic Morality

Scorpion Frog Morality

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’re probably aware of what I call the Witch Test.

Social media these days is rife with concern trolls who shill for Death Cult shibboleths while using Christian doctrines as handy clubs to browbeat Christians. Sometimes they claim to be Christian themselves.

All the Witch Test does is call the impostor’s bluff by challenging him to do what every Christian is commanded to do: publicly profess faith in Jesus Christ.

And in all these years, it’s never failed.

What makes the Witch Test so effective? A remarkable phenomenon observed in every application to date. Even though the Death Cultist could simply lie and make a false profession of faith, he somehow never does.

Again, no test subject has, to my knowledge, yet said, “Yeah, I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now let’s get back to discussing why you’re a vile bigot for refusing to celebrate Drag Queen Story Hour.”

Many a Twitter witchfinder and X inquisitor has asked me how the Witch Test works.

The answer is simple.

Being a Christian heresy, the Death Cult presupposes Christian morality.

But being a Christian heresy, the Death Cult espouses a worldview diametrically opposed to Christianity at the same time.

The Witch Test confronts the Death Cultist with the contradiction at the heart of his belief system and forces him to demonstrate his moral incoherence for all and sundry.

In short, he can’t profess faith in the God he hates, nor can he deny Him without forfeiting his stolen moral authority.

Death Cult morality–or what passes for it–is altogether parasitic on the Christian moral tradition. That’s because Christian morality isn’t just the dominant moral system in the West, it’s the ONLY moral system in the West – or to be more accurate – Christendom.

The best way to fight woke hypocrites cloaking themselves in the sheepskin of Christian morals while promoting evil that’s  anathema to everything Christ stands for is to cut them off at the knees.

Witches always argues from a position of unearned moral authority, so take that usurped high ground away. The Witch Test works wonders in that regard.


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