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A wise man once said that when the same idea is attacked from opposite sides for opposite reasons, odds are it’s the truth.
With the Synod on Syno0dality having failed to produce any of the bombshells they’d craved, the mainstream media have nonetheless launched their planned attacks on the Church. And many of these makeshift charges are being pressed from the right.
Note to MadTrads, borderline sedes, and Daily Wire Boomers: When you find yourselves firing on the same target as the Big Brain Nietzsche Bunch and nuPagan LARPers, you should rethink your position.
Even the lowest-information dissident must admit that the Death Cult’s ascent coincides with the West’s apostasy from Christ. Their continued hatred of the Gospel reveals them as dupes of the same forces that back the Wokies.
Since abandoning Christ led us straight to Clown World, re-embracing Christianity is the cure for the Woke plague. But the resurgent idolatry afflicting the Right – whether in the form of ancestor, tree, or state worship – keep many from making that conclusion.
After all, the Bible has strong words against smoking party drugs and hiring prostitutes.
Instead of submitting their appetites to the only faith with a proven track record against spiritual threats to the West, tree worshipers hang their hopes on utopian fantasies of restoring America’s pre-1965 demographics while keeping post-1968 morals. But the idea that a godless white majority will prevail where a white Christian majority lost is just dumb.
Any serious student of history knows that Christianity is an essential pillar of Western civilization. But Satan loves tempting God’s people to sin and then accusing us of hypocrisy. No one would fall for the nuPagans’ grift if every Christian lived Christianity. That scandal has given many who are otherwise sympathetic to Christianity second thoughts.
Hang out on Christian Twitter, and you’ll soon encounter statements like “Child trannies have me convinced that demons are real, so there must be a God. But every Christian sect seems woke, cucked, or cringe. If only there was a based Church!”
Such laments betray the same shallow, consumerist attitude that underlies both MadTrad and nuPagan attacks on the Church.
Both make the fundamental category error of equating religion with politics, when politics is downstream from religion.
The irony is that a lot of these guys would quote you Andrew Breitbart’s famous “Politics is downstream from culture” line. But you can’t spell “culture” without “cult”.
That distinction escapes Late Modern Liberals of both parties. Because neoliberalism promised everyone unrestricted license. So personal preference became the sole standard used to judge everything, including religion.
You see it in the phrase “marketplace of ideas.” Liberalism frames politics as the same kind of consumer choice as shopping. Material preferences are enshrined as absolutes, so everything is politicized and commodified.
That is the tainted ground from which the Woke Cult grew. Genuine dissent can’t take root there.
The only fruitful way to approach religion is with intellectual honesty. If one is serious about seeking truth, he must acknowledge that truth isn’t up for grabs. Truth binds the conscience, and betraying that truth is intellectual treason.
That’s the real hypocrisy.
Even pagan LARPers heckle the Woke Cult over the same intellectual sloth, and rightly so.
This defining Western standard of morality is informed by Christianity, whether anyone likes it or not. Politics is downstream from culture, and religion is culture concretized. That is why anyone who presumes to pass judgment on the Church from a political standpoint commits the same offense he denounces.
Where both nuPagans and rad trads go wrong is in treating religion as a tool to achieve political ends. That inverted view is why the former can swallow nonsense about St. Paul starting the Church to undermine Rome, and the latter think a faux pas from the Pope disqualifies the Church.
Christianity is a revealed religion. And it’s not like she tries to keep that revelation secret.
If you’re convinced that Christianity’s essential doctrines are true, you are intellectually and morally bound to become Christian.
1 + 1 = 2 regardless of your math teacher’s cringe political takes or annoying personality.
Nor would your classmates’ personal lives keep you from joining the only class that taught skills vital to your success in life. The Church’s teachings are even more indispensable. Because not only do they teach us how to live life, they alone enable us to attain eternal life.
One of those teachings happens to be, “Take the beam out of your own eye first.” If you think you’re enlightened enough to condemn a two-millennia-long religious tradition based on the current leadership’s politics, you should join so you can go to confession.
On a lighter note, it’s my pleasure to present Work-a-Weapon 2:
Only 2 chances to commission a living weapon to appear in The Burned Book remain. So claim your WaW – or other tantalizing perk – before it’s too late. Back it now!