Just 3 days left to back my dark fantasy novel The Burned Book. We’ve just added exciting mech-related perks not even Combat Frame XSeed backers could get.
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Today’s tale of high strangeness comes from @PinkertonsGhost on X.
Some of my church went to Bali where they were tormented, physically and spiritually by demons tied to the area. Americans don’t know how good they have it.
Which is a big theme of Pinkerton’s Ghosts. As more and more Christianity slips away, it’s going to get worse.
Good news! It also means the Christians you [meet] are going to be genuine!
Bad news! Demonic activity. Lots of it. And no, it won’t be funny. Think real Voodoo.
There could be revival. But lets be real, just like the Second Coming, it’s not happening in the Wicked Generation’s timing. It’ll happen when God calls it out and there are workmen for the harvest. Things have to get worse. Haiti where-ever a church dies or zombifies.
And that Voodoo stuff? I wasn’t exaggerating. Not one bit. You’ll see people die for no reason. You’ll see stab wounds that won’t bleed. You’ll see people transform into their demons. Statues of evil, except with blood offered to them, not the laughter of pop cultists
The travelers were tormented physically, unhealed hurts became as bad as when they were broken. Horrid dreams and bodily weights assailed them. They couldn’t sleep. It was not until they left the island and went to church, did the demons cease and leave like falling weights.
Mind, this was my pastor and an elder, Godly men. They were praying with and ministering to what few Christians are on that island. Yet, it was not until they left the island itself did the attacks stop. In fact, it was the singing of hymns that brought them to normalcy.
Weights slid off their shoulders, pain ceased. Dreams returned, and nightmares left. They could sleep again. The spiritual was closer to real than the physical. Once they were normal, the pains returned when they came to the island again, and left when they left it.
At the same time they were telling stories of voodoo rituals. Many men sleeping under a great blanket and saying their spirits fought one another in the air, some die, the losers. Other times men stabbed themselves, bleeding no blood.
Bali is Godless, and Indonesia bans all work spreading the gospel. What is more the “spiritual feeling” many say Bali has is demons, and always was demons. Who will go and rebuke the witch doctors, as is done in South America? Who will take the gospel to Bali? Only God knows.
Reminder: You’ve only got 3 days left to back The Burned Book. We’ve added cool new perks – including awesome mech rewards not even Combat Frame XSeed backers could get. And now you can add the Classified Intel collection and Illustrated Tech Guides 1 & 2 on to any other perk.
Don’t wait till it’s too late. Claim your tine-sensitive swag now!