Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Work-a-Weapon 2

WaW 2

If you’ve been following our whirlwind Neopatronage campaign, you know that the Work-a-Weapon perk gives you the chance to commission your own living item for The Burned Book!

The first worked weapon turned heads. Now feast your eyes on WaW 2:


Soul Razor, the Magian Saber

From the backer: This legendary saber manifests powers of Midras or Aurokthon depending on the wielder’s virtue. It can shrink down to dagger size or grow to near-claymore length.

Its virtuous aspect has a sheen like titanium bluing and has been mistaken for ether metal. The blade gets dark and pitted, with a purple aura, when vicious.
The full extent of its sharpness hasn’t been tested. Some say it can cut anything, including silver cords, but that remains speculation. It is known to cut magical effects, as long as the user believes.

This sword is fearsome, but people fear more than just the weapon. It can bolster the wielder’s resolve. But if the user’s faith fails, the blade will betray him. Contrary to rumor, it is not cursed, and the bad ends some of its wielders have come to were not the sword’s fault. It just gave them what they thought they wanted.

Some myths speak of two swords, one evil and one good. But they’re never shown in the same place at the same time, much less on opposing sides of any recorded battle.


Hats off to our imaginative WaW backers, who are coming up with some creative and rather disturbing Worked weapon designs.

Because after all, this is the Soul Cycle cosmos, and that’s the point!

And I’d be remiss not to praise the portraits of each WaW by our new concept artist. He’s really bringing these sentient weapons to life!

Insider info: A third WaW is now in the works. I can’t wait for you to see it. But it also means that there are only enough Work-a-Weapon perks left for 2 honored Neopatrons.

Get your own Worked Weapon – along with a bounty of other rewards. Back Lord of Fate now.

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