Most of the tales of high strangeness we feature here happened years ago, but this one just surfaced yesterday.
A friend of the blog writes:
Brian I have a new High Strangeness that was just relayed to me in the breakroom at the warehouse
My supervisor’s buddy who works at a local Indian casino was speeding down a local road and was pulled over by a cop for going over 100 mph, given a ticket with the cop’s signature and everything
when he went to traffic court to pay the ticket the clerk looked at him and asked “is this a joke or something?”
turns out the cop had been dead for 10 years. Died in a car crash chasing a speeding driver on that same road
He kept the ticket and has it framed, but also tucked away in the garage
You have to admire that kind of dedication to the job.
Also, if you’re the praying sort and you have a mind to, find a spare minute to put in a word with the Man upstairs for the departed cop’s soul. If the account above really was an encounter with his ghost, it’s likely he’s working through some kind of purgatory. And as Holy Mother Church teaches, your prayers can shave time off his sentence.
It stands to reason that a police officer’s ghost would appreciate it the most.
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