Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Ratioing Internet Atheists

It’s Friday, so to lighten the mood from the heavy topics we’ve been covering this week, please enjoy the following highlight reel of me ratioing internet atheists.

It all started with this piece of circular cringe:

The natural response was, of course …

To be honest, I’d intended that meme as a fire-and-forget response that I thought might get a dozen or so likes.

So imagine my surprise when I logged on to X this morning and found …

The Lord has vindicated His holy Name. Praise God for victory!

OK, that’s kind of tongue-in-cheek. But consider the huge disparity between the size of the atheist’s account and mine.

Fedora tippers can cope all they want. Ratioing one of their own whose following exceeds mine by sevenfold suggests a decline in influence.

Though I will say that X has been messing with my follower count. Over the past few weeks, it’s cracked 4,950, only to return to the 4940s every time for no discernible reason. And that’s despite having had two or three viral posts, this one included.

Anyway, not only did my post ratio the dude who tried to countersignal the Ten Commandments, the other heathens who showed up to white knight for him turned in lackluster performances.

The only response necessary

One guy did try to sow FUD by posting this old saw:

But as longtime readers know, I was ready.

As the same source the religion black piller cited shows, Christianity is doing fine worldwide. Meanwhile, atheism is shrinking faster than any religion.

Even in America, 80% of adults profess belief in God – the highest percentage of any developed nation.

But just look at those anemic comebacks to the meme I posted. Having dealt with internet atheists since at least the aughts, I can tell you that unbelievers these days lack the fire … the – dare we call it – zeal of their neckbearded forebears.

Internet atheism is not a movement with the confidence of its convictions.

It was a Trojan horse used by the Death Cult to weaken Christendom so a new, Satanic religion could take over.

And everybody knows it.

Remember when these guys used to promise us “Stop believing in Bronze Age superstition, and earthly techno-paradise is just around the corner” ten years ago?

I remember. And when I look out my window, I don’t see a shiny, sexy utopia.

What I see is closer to this:

Anybody with a shred of intellectual integrity who’s not delusional can see that internet atheism failed.

And it didn’t fail because some great Christian apologist gave a silver bullet theological argument.

Internet atheism died because atheists went on the internet, and people saw that they were like this:

That might not be a silver bullet, but it was a stake through online atheism’s heart.

Which is why the Cult-controlled media outlets are stirring up schism within the Church. Christ’s external enemies failed, so they’re  sowing division within His Mystical Body.

And they’ll fail with this tactic, too. Because Our Lord has seen fit to raise up holy antibodies to fight the infection.

So don’t despair, and remember: God already won.


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