Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Strange Characters Showing up at Mass

strange church

A Twitter mutual and brother in Christ passes along this personal account. Spiritual battle, high strangeness, or flight of fancy? You decide.

I had a very vivid dream last night. I dream fairly regularly, but every once in a while I have one that’s different from the rest & usually precedes some kind of important event, either for me personally or for friends, family, or the wider world.

In this dream I awoke suddenly in a Church. I knew it was a Church, but other than some smashed stained glass windows, there wasn’t anything obviously marking it as a Church. All the statues, icons, art, etc had been removed.

I was in an alcove next to a large hallway & there were bodies that had been torn apart, littering the hallway. I could hear something large, like an animal, lumbering through the building. I had the distinct impression that I should hide but…

I heard a woman or child (I can’t remember which) crying so I ventured out to confront the monster. I rounded a corner & the beast was standing over a prostrate figure. It turned towards me. It was large & black with fur standing out in all directions.

It reminded me of a cross between a wolf & some kind of alien. It opened its mouth & its face unnaturally came apart. It was vividly demonic. It came at me with such speed that I had almost no time to react. I tried to scream “stop in the name of Christ Jesus,”…

my voice came out hoarse. barely a whisper, but it did stop. My hand was on the top of its head, its jaws opened towards my chest. I yelled louder, my voice returning, “Leave in the name of Christ Jesus & the Virgin Mary.” The beast disappeared & I woke up.

I don’t have any particular interpretation to share. Maybe you all have some thoughts? I would suggest that it was a clear supernatural battle, there’s a lot of demonic activity going on, especially as we enter lent. Keep your heads on a swivel & pray fervently!

And there’s a postscript …

We’ve had some strange characters show up at Mass lately.

I kind of viewed it as an attack on me personally. A spiritual attack which I was able to overcome with our Lord & Lady’s help.

I mainly shared it as I tend to experience these kinds of things before big events.

My wife tends to have them as well. She had a big one about demons experimenting on peoples genetics right before Covid kicked off.

She had another one last week. In Hers, she’s usually a spectator watching demonic entities put some plan into motion.

Mine have a pattern where I end up drawing the entity’s attention & have to “fight” it.

The fight is upon us whether we wish it or not.

Happily, God has gifted us with this season of spiritual growth and repentance to get in fighting shape.

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