Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Beloved Cartoonist Akira Toriyama Dead at 68

Toriyama Goku Goodbye

Akira Toriyama, the legendary creator of global phenomenon Dragon Ball, has passed away at age 68.

Akira Toriyama suffered an acute subdural hematoma, a type of bleeding near the brain, his studio said Friday.

Dragon Ball is hugely popular around the world and the comic series has also spawned cartoon and film versions.

Toriyama’s art also defined Japanese role-playing game classics such as Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger.

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Mr Toriyama had uncompleted works at the time of his death.

He died on 1 March and only his family and very few friends attended his funeral, according to a statement from the Dragon Ball website.

Akira Toriyama

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Many was the afternoon when I’d get home from a long day at college, trudge into the living room, and unwind with Cartoon Network’s Toonami block.

Dragon Ball Z was always a highlight of those low 90s weekdays.

That was back when the Freezer Saga first aired on American TV. And I’d never been so hooked on a show’s plot before.

While I pretty much checked out after Dragon Ball GT, Toriyama’s work brought me hours of fun and left an indelible mark on my otaku years.

It’s sad we won’t get to see his unfinished works as he intended them.

Let the sudden passings of Akira Toriyama, Monty Oum, and Kentaro Miura serve as a warning to creators, and Robert Jordan serve as an example: Have a plan for the posthumous resolution of your work.

Farewell, Akira Toriyama. And thank you!

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