Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Walsh Tries to Jump the GamerGate Parade

Matt Walsh Parade

The Grift Right’s paymasters must be desperate to distract normies from some brewing enormity. Because they’ve got their controlled opposition mouthpieces out in force stirring up controversy.

First it was Hollywood creature Ben Shapiro arguing for people to work till they drop dead.

Now his Gen Y crony Matt Walsh is trying to jump the GamerGate parade.

Related: Parade Jumping

To catch folks up, iconic game dev Mark Kern, @Grummz on X, has been at the forefront of gamers exposing Sweet Baby Inc, a Canadian outfit that strongarms game studios into embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion dogma.

Mark’s crusade caught the attention of X owner Elon Musk, which many are declaring the start of GamerGate 2 (yeah, I know this is like the ninth time).

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One of Mark’s appearances was clipped by Walsh, who made the bizarre claim that the woke invasion of the game industry has largely gone unnoticed by the mainstream. I can think of at least one consumer revolt against DIE-driven unethical conduct in gaming – games journalism in particular – that achieved mainstream notoriety. They even made a Law and Order episode about it.

Anyway, here’s Matt’s segment on woke-ism in gaming:

Mark’s reaction to the Walsh segment was qualified, wary appreciation.

Which, as Walsh’s previous comments show, is a prudent stance.

Gamers who’ve been paying attention for the past decade were even more blunt.

Now, you could say that Matt Walsh is being unfairly dogpiled. You could argue that him giving the SBI debacle exposure on Daily Wire is a net positive, since no press is bad press.

And I would refer you to Daily Wire’s response to Mark Kern:

It’s hard to see how Gregg Re’s not out of line there.

He works for a company that Ben Shapiro just said does $200 million worth of business a year. By contrast, Matt Walsh says in the clip above that the video game industry brings in over $100 billion more per year than the music and movie businesses combined.

“So here’s a statistic that, at least if you were born at any point prior to the 1990s, might be hard to believe: By revenue, the gaming industry is bigger than both the movie industry and the music industry combined. And for the past several years, it hasn’t been especially close. The difference is consistently more than a hundred billion dollar per year.”

-Matt Walsh

In light of that vast disparity in cultural influence, it takes more than a little hubris for a guy working in large-but-niche media sector, for a company started by a Hollywood producer, no less, to throw shade at one of the key people behind Starcraft, Diablo II, and World of Warcraft.

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The takeaway is that whether Liberal or Conservative, journos are journos.

Their whole profession has been defined by an inflated sense of self-importance since J schools stopped teaching how to report the news and started filling students’ heads with nonsense about changing the world.

Get it right, Daily Wire. Mark Kern changed the world. It’s an inarguable fact due to his involvement in World of Warcraft alone.

Guys like Matt Walsh and Gregg Re, on the other hand, don’t create. They springboard off of cultural achievements by guys like Mark.

And right now, where they’re trying to jump is in front of the GamerGate 2 parade.

The only reason Con Inc operatives hijack grassroots revolts is to fly them into cliffs. Remember what happened with the Tea Party, the MAGA movement, and woke product boycotts.

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