Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Generation Video Grand Opening

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OG readers will know that I have a soft spot for retro film review podcasts. Whether it’s author JD Cowan’s Cannon Cruisers or, to go all the way back, the late, great Drunken Zombie Podcast, listening in while a couple of guys talk 80s and 90s movies is a guilty pleasure.

That’s why I was delighted when my good friend Wes told me he was starting a new podcast with his co-host Rett. Not only will these two knowledgeable gents be discussing the films of their formative years, as a bonus, Wes hails from Gen X, and Rett is a Millennial. So they’ll be giving us regular exercises not just in film theory, but generational theory.

Super extra bonus: Wes co-hosted Drunken Zombie, so his film critic bona fides need no further proof.

If that doesn’t make you all kinds of excited to check out Generation Video, you may be an actual zombie.

This week’s episode concerns Kevin Smith’s 1994 indie breakout comedy Clerks.

Listen in as Wes reminisces about the era-defining film he grew up with while Rett gives his take on seeing it for the first time!

This is the exact kind of intergenerational pop culture exchange we’ve been waiting for. Don’t miss it.

The sign on the door is flipped to OPEN, the shelves are stocked with tapes, and the popper’s fired up. Here’s wishing Generation Video a long and glorious run.

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