Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Briggs’ Death Cult Compass

Death Cult Compass Wide2

A frequent topic of debate in counterculture circles is the question of how much credence our tyrannical rulers really place in their bizarre secular religion. Opion ranges from anti-Woke YouTubers who are sure Hollywood executives are on the make for a quick buck, to Christian monarchists firm in their conviction that everyone in a position of power fanatically submits to a Satanic Death Cult.

Which view of the black hole that is the managerial class is right? Statistician to the Stars William M. Briggs proposes a thoughtful answer.

Image: William M. Briggs

Do our rulers, Experts, elites and celebrities really believe what they say they believe about “gender”, “climate change”, “racism” and so forth? For instance, when these people say that that man over there in a dress is “really” a woman, do they truly mean it?

Related: The Ethic of the Death Cult

Yes and no. Which is to say, some do, some don’t. There is a distribution. Not just in belief, but in cynicism. If we’re going to counter this nonsense, we need to grasp the import of this distribution.

Briggs created a political compass-style chart to categorize the populace along the axes of Cynicism and Belief. So as not to just ride his eminent coattails, I’ve made a spruced-up version of his chalkboard drawing.

There are two crucial axes, as this diagram reveals. When criticizing any woke belief or action, you must know in which quadrant the people you’re dealing with are in.

The vertical axis is CYNICISM. This describes the attitude people have toward life and the general actions they take, and not how sincerely they hold their belief in the Latest Thing. Highly cynical people are ready to exploit any situation for their own benefit, whereas sincere people, i.e. those low in cynicism can, in their minds, be altruistic. Sincere people are not out to milk anybody. But they can become busybodies.

The horizontal axis is BELIEF, here belief in any Latest Thing falsehood, so that the axis can also be seen as TRUTH (on the right). High belief is just as it says: people who, for instance, truly think that when a man puts on a dress he becomes a woman. Low or no belief is similarly obvious: these people know the man in a dress is a man.

Briggs goes on to explain each quadrant.


These are people who always believe the Latest Thing, regardless of what it is. Even if it is diametrically opposite to what it was the day, even moments, before. Their belief is therefore shallow, resting only on instances of the Appeal to Authority. “We were told to believe, and so we do,” is their motto.

These are also people with little or no scruple. They understand others don’t believe as they do, and are happy to lie and exaggerate to bring their perceived enemies into order. These people support silencing and punishing non-believers.

In this quadrant are people like reporters and celebrities who at the beginning of the covid panic he swore they would never, on their mothers’ lives, take the “Trump vaccine”, but who later called out “vaccine deniers” and demanded they be put into camps. All low level bureaucrats reside here, but have less belief than journalists.

Related: Death Cult Sacraments


The people in this quadrant are low level Experts, newer politicians, midwit professors, and the young, especially college students. They ardently and sincerely believe that we only have one year left to “Save the planet”, and they have been saying that every year for the past thirty-some years. These are people who announce their pronouns at the start of meetings. Negative or contradictory evidence does not phase or influence them, evidence which is anyway seen as obviously false because it contradicts with their beliefs.

Nipissing University


Here dwell bad people, hardcore cynics willing, even eager, to leverage true believers to fatten their own wallets or gain political power. They are not stupid enough to fall for any Latest Thing, but they have no difficulty pretending they do.

Key rulers, many business executives and organization leaders, and high (not ordinary) Experts fill this quadrant. The thing these people believe in above all things is themselves. These are the people in charge of, the real rule-givers. Some of them might have slight beliefs in some Latest Things, like “climate change”, but none of them believe all Latest Things, and what little belief they do have easily evaporates when it benefits them.

Related: Seminaries of the Death Cult


Alas, this is the smallest quadrant. Not in numbers, where it is the largest, but in political importance. It is filled with, generally, powerless people who know the Latest Thing is absurd, and they are willing in their sincerity to think so, but not always to say so, because they know the danger in telling the truth when lies are mandatory.

See Briggs’ video for more:

The main reason I refer to our ruling elites’ de facto secular religion as the Death Cult isn’t due to its penchant for war or infanticide, though to be sure, those are factors.

It’s because what this Cult has done is redefine the world according to lies. There are now those who believe the lies and act on them, those who disbelieve the lies but act on them anyway, and those who don’t believe the lies, refuse to pretend they do, and suffer for it.

What the Death Cult can’t understand is that suffering is redemptive. The past several decades have refined Christianity into a devoted core of serious believers who are willing to suffer for the Truth. Cynics paying lip service to lies for personal gain can’t long stand up to suffering souls on fire with love for the Logos. Better despots than our decadent elites have tried for thousands of years and failed.

Briggs is right that when the evil cynics enforcing Death Cult diktats lose their grip on power, the Propagandists, some Ideologues, and most Normies will fall in line with their replacements.

And the consensus that’s forming, even within the Death Cult, is that what’s replacing them is a confessional Christian state.

Which, of course, has the Cultists hyperventilating with panic.

They needn’t worry. A government beholden to the Truth that makes laws aligned with nature will benefit everyone.

For now, normal people who refuse to embrace the lie need to pray, prepare, and deny the Propagandists our money.

I wrote a handy guide for how to do just that.

Just as important is supporting creators who will spearhead the new arts that will replace corpo Propagandist agitprop.

Here’s how you can do that, too:

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