Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Generation Y: A Warning to Others

Warning to Others

A valued reader writes in with a generation Y cautionary tale:

I wanted to share with you a tale of a real life classmate of mine. We’ll call him Pat.

Photo: Clem Onojeghuo

Pat was a member of Gen Y. We met in the early 2010s during our time in law school. We bonded over the popular entertainment at the time like South Park, Game of Thrones and the Colbert Report. Pat always had a Simpsons, Star Wars or Trek meme up his sleeve for any given occasion.

Pat, like his Gen Y contemporaries was an atheist. He happened to share the same leftward political leanings of his girlfriend, a regular reader of the Jezebel dot com. Pat would let his political side come out around me during the 2012 presidential election and whenever gay “marriage” was on the state ballot. Other than that, he was a perfectly solid bro. Remember this was still during the Obama administration when we could maintain a facade of unity before the Orange Man came in.

Photo: AP/Cliff Owen

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I graduated in 2014 and didn’t ever see Pat again. After Pat passed the bar, he took a job working for state legal aid, effectively making him one of the lowest paid attorneys dedicated to serving illegal aliens and repeat criminals.

Through Facebook I could see that he married his liberal girlfriend who took a turn for the radical after Trump took office. The once mousy looking girl had cropped off her hair, got her septum pierced, started wearing a crystal around her neck and “bash the fash” shirts.

Nipissing University

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Last year, I saw a friend suggestion on social media of a very ugly woman with 5 o clock shadow on a familiar face. It turns out that Pat is actually “Patricia” now and has taken to wearing French braids and skirt suits. Luckily for Pat, he has all the validation he needs from our law school classmates who let him know how much a beautiful woman he is.

A white atheist male member of the Pop Cult who ended up marrying a literal witch. Starved of any real meaning working in a profession which denigrates white men, he sought his own salvation through the Death Cult.

Related: The Ethic of the Death Cult

May God have mercy on this man. A man who in many ways, wasn’t all that different from me when I knew him.

Members of Generation Y face a choice between two fates:

  1. Find true meaning and purpose through Jesus Christ
  2. Reject meaning as a thrall of the Death Cult

Option 1 is the only path to salvation.

Option 2 ends in becoming a byword and a warning to others.

Choose this day whom you will serve.

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