The increase in high-profile attacks on churches isn’t the own that Satanic Death Cultists think it is, if history is any indication.
A gunman learned that lesson firsthand In Louisiana on Saturday when he was apprehended by parishoners before he could open fire on a first communion Mass.

ABBEVILLE, La. (KADN) – A tragedy may have narrowly been avoided at a Louisiana church, where police say a teen armed with a rifle was stopped by parishioners from getting inside as dozens of children were making their First Communion.
The chaos and panic Saturday at Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church in Abbeville was captured on a livestream of the service during which 60 children were making their First Holy Communion.
The video shows that 48 minutes into the service, a man approached Nicholas Dupre, the church’s associate pastor who was leading the service, and whispered something in his ear. Dupre stopped what he was doing then told everyone to sit and started praying the Hail Mary.
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But the nature of the disturbance didn’t stay secret for long.
Attention soon turned to the back of the church. Witnesses say a teenager, dressed in black and armed with a rifle, opened the building’s back door. He was confronted by parishioners and escorted outside, where police later arrested him.
Related: They’re Still Coming for Christians
Abbeville Police Chief Mike Hardy says the 16-year-old suspect was interviewed by officers then taken to the hospital for a medical evaluation. He is charged with terrorizing and two counts of possession of a firearm by a juvenile.
Authorities say the parishioners who stopped the teen from entering the church likely saved lives.
The foiled shooting wasn’t the first attack on a church by a teen assailant in recent weeks. Just last month in Sidney, a fifteen-year old attacked Assyrian bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel with a knife.

Related: They’re Coming for Christians Again
Miraculously, no one was killed in either incident.
In sharp contrast to the hatred hurled at Christ through His Church in recent days, tens of thousands assembled in Fatima, Portugal on May 13 to celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary’s appearance to three shepherd children in 1917.
Related: Exploding the ‘Religion Is Dying’ Psyop
A quote often misattrubuted to Gandhi tells us that “First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Current events would suggest that Christians are now in the “Then they fight us” phase.
Based on past cycles of that same process, what comes next if the Death Cult keeps this up is the US fulfilling its destinay as a confessional Catholic state.
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I don’t remember who I learned this quote from but there’s a saying that “If Satan is not attacking you, you are either of no threat to him or already allied with him.”
This is why the Catholic church (and its congregation) are constantly attacked. If the church was 100% scandal free and left alone by the rest of the world, there would be a serious problem.
There’s a related saying, from the Second World War: “If you’re taking flak, you’re over the target” with the corollary: “If you’re not taking flak, you’re not over the target.”
The Death Cult fights pro-life prayer vigils tooth and nail, but the harder they fight, the harder they loose.
“This is why the Catholic church (and its congregation) are constantly attacked.”
It’s also under constant attack from the inside. That’s why much of the US based traditionalist movement has all the marks, oddly, of the wrong side.
Not any individual person of course. Most are well meaning and sincere in their love of the faith and tradition.
However, that constant drum beat to reject Peter and valid councils, using some odd well, untruths and it’s connection to US based politics, is about the inside attack. It is another way to prevent the US from becoming a confessional Catholic state. It lets people be Protestants/Donatists with Catholic trappings.
The gunman can only can get people to Heaven faster.
Rad trads are one problem, but far from the only one or even the heaviest one. I was inferring more along the lines of abuse scandals, liberal Catholicism, and the like.
The rad trads are a reactionary movement fed and validated by boomer Catholicism which is on its way out. The two are married to each other and as one dies out, so will the other. As the orthodox youth fills the pews and seminaries, rad trads will have no excuses to hold their beliefs. They can either rejoin the church in full communion or just be no more than pesky gnats. Annoyances with no real power.
Though sexual scandal and the welcoming of grooming sodomites into our churches needs to be constantly fought off and the rest of liberal/boomer Catholicism be swept out into the dustbin of history where it belongs.
“Rad trads are one problem, but far from the only one or even the heaviest one.”
I have some sympathy with traditionalist concerns. After enough personal encounters, I would say it’s the heaviest one spiritually even if it’s the least widespread. Most of the liberals at least a have sense that maybe something is incorrect about their beliefs, at least compared to the teaching.
“The rad trads are a reactionary movement fed and validated by boomer Catholicism which is on its way out. The two are married to each other and as one dies out, so will the other. As the orthodox youth fills the pews and seminaries, rad trads will have no excuses to hold their beliefs. They can either rejoin the church in full communion or just be no more than pesky gnats. Annoyances with no real power.”
Very much agreed that rad trad is Boomer Catholicism again. The two trends do feed off of each other. That said, pride is a heck of a drug. The EO didn’t rejoin. The Dontatists were a surprisingly long standing problem. Their complaints seem almost legit in the light of what modern rad trads complain about.
In any event, the dogs bark and the caravan moves on. The future is orthodox.
In the meantime though: make sure your church has a security team! Assuming it’ll never happen at your parish is a mistake.
Any time I visit an unfamiliar church while traveling, I play “spot the security”– try to see who is keeping an eye on things, how many, and guess which ones are armed. I’m no expert so I’ve probably missed a few cool cucumbers, but some parishes are sitting ducks, and some seemed to have really well-coordinated groups of ushers, guys-in-the-back, guys-up-front, and even some security choreography around transitional times like communion. That’s very encouraging.
You don’t see it in that LA video, and nobody says it (good for them), but IMO that’s a parish that had a plan and some coordination in place already, and it worked well. Make sure your church has that too.
One thing I find fascinating is comparing video from church attacks in the US to that Assyrian congregation: in the US, everybody squeaks, ducks, panics. The Assyrians rushed, immediately, toward the attacker. I don’t think we’re going to change US violence-naive culture overnight (we see an attack, freeze, and waste precious time not-mentally-processing what’s going on)(and we’re trained from childhood in risk-avoidance), but I think populations of war-refugees do that mental calculation a *lot* faster: the threat of violence is more immediately real to them, they know what they’re seeing, and they don’t hesitate.
Mary Magdalen Catholic Church has confirmed that they’ll be tightening security for subsequent Masses.
If you look at the unedited video, you see several different not-elderly men respond well before panic sets in (i.e. when the rest of the congregation realized what was going on). Maybe just because it was a first communion event and there were a lot of parents there.
There’s a teaching in customer service to never fight back in the event of an armed robbery. The only time to resist is if the person is trying to get you to leave with them. That passive herd mentality is passed on to general aspects of every day life. To your credit, most Americans live in relative security, their survival instincts are undeveloped.
More than just a teaching– most big retail organizations warn their hapless employees that fighting back against robbers (or shoplifters, even) will lead to termination, even for the loss support teams.
We are blessed to have grown up in such a safe environment.
But it’s a mistake to assume it’ll stay that way, and dudes who show up at mass brandishing weapons are not there for robbery– cooperation is the wrong response.
Consider, also, the unholy success of the Death Cult’s decades long campaign of ‘Violence never solves anything.’ Media and education have been preaching this for a very, very long time and we see the fruits of it all the time.
And yet the Abbeville Police Chief said that he didn’t think the teen’s goal was to shoot anybody. Hmmm.
As someone who attends an SSPX chapel in my part of the country, I have to ask what is meant by “rad trad”. Is the Society being talked about here? Or are we talking about the Sedevacantists like the SSPV or the CMRI?
I’d appreciate an answer so as to avoid any confusion here.
The Family Research Council has been tracking acts of violence and hostility against churches and releasing reports on their findings.
Here’s a recent quote from them:
“Between January 2018 and November 2023, at least 915 acts of hostility occurred. The types of acts include vandalism, arson, gun-related incidents, bomb threats, and more.
In 2023, Family Research Council identified 436 incidents—more than double the number identified in 2022 and more than eight times the number identified in 2018. These findings suggest that hostility against U.S. churches is not only on the rise but also accelerating.”
Here’s the page where their reports can be found:
And here’s a PDF of their latest report (February 2024):
Doing a cursory word search through the PDF (not paying attention to the years of the attacks, which range from 2018-2023), I was able to find at least 284 attacks on Catholic churches (it was hard to tell the exact number because some had “Catholic” in their name but others didn’t), at least 304 attacks on churches of various Protestant denominations (it is again hard to tell the exact number, as I mostly just counted the ones with a Protestant denomination in their name and a few I came across with no denomination in the name but Protestant-sounding names), with Baptist churches taking the largest number of these attacks – 124 from what I could count; 11 attacks on Orthodox churches, and 1 attack on a Mormon church.
Hmm. By that metric, the church in France is doing great! Forget where I saw it, but I believe there’s an attack on a church (ranging from vandalism through arson and sacrilege to Akbar) once a *week* in France!