Christians in the West must be doing something right. Or God has decided, in His infinite mercy, to give us a break. Because it seems like each new day brings fresh signs of renewal in the Church.
Case in point: the Eucharistic pilgrimage taking the West by storm.
The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage is an unprecedented Catholic effort to walk with the Eucharist thousands of miles across the United States, inviting thousands of people to join along the way as a public witness to the Church’s teaching that the Eucharist is truly the body of Jesus Christ.
Collectively, the pilgrims will walk over 6,500 miles and will traverse four different routes, beginning on opposite sides of the country and meeting in Indianapolis for the National Eucharistic Congress July 17–21.
Related: Eucharistic Revival
Beginning on Pentecost weekend, the four blockbuster pilgrimages began simultaneously with large, enthusiastic crowds present at each starting point. Now, nearly two weeks in, the nearly two dozen young people dedicated to walking with the Eucharist say they’ve experienced amazing enthusiasm, hospitality, and reverence among the crowds of people who have met them so far.

Kai Weiss, a native of Germany now doing graduate studies in Washington, D.C., is traversing the northern Marian Route, which began at the headwaters of the Mississippi in northern Minnesota. He mentioned as a major highlight the four-and-a-half-mile Eucharistic procession from St. Paul Seminary to the Cathedral of St. Paul in St. Paul, Minnesota, which attracted a massive crowd of 7,000 people.
That’s not even the largest crowd drawn by a Eucharistic procession in America.
Not even the world.
In Sydney, Australia, a country many point to as a case study in secularized Christian nations, 15,000 Catholics turned out to march with Our Lord.
Related: A Eucharistic Miracle
And in a wondrous development that many would have thought impossible in even more secular England, thousands processed with the Real Presence in London.
Again, the Eucharistic pilgrimage is taking the West by storm.
It’s looking more and more like the prediction made by Pope Benedict XVI has been expedited.
Related: The Catholic Church Is Going Back
A confessional integralist state is coming to at least a part of the territory of the former United States.
Within our lifetime.
And there’s nothing the Death Cult can do about it.
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Thanks for writing about this. I do remember seeing this in passing on social media but never paid too much mind to it. Giving it a second look, I’m on the Juan Diego route and they will be in my home town on Friday. Praise be to God I don’t work on Fridays during the summer so I’m going to set a reminder to go be there. I’ve never been a part of a pilgrimage before so this will be a first. I’m excited.
That is exciting. Let us know how it goes!
The annual Chartes pilgrimage had a Eucharitic procession this year as well. The number was 150 000 pilgrims attended the pilgrimage partocipated in he procession.
I made a trip down to NYC to be part of the St. Seton route through Manhattan. I did have a faulty expectation of the procession shutting down the Brooklyn Bridge to cross, because I didn’t realize there was a dedicated walking path on the bridge, but that aside, it was a great experience to be walking with a great number of people from all over, following Christ through one of the most fallen cities in America, and seeing the regular passersby become startled and ask questions about the pilgrimage and what it was for as we passed through on what for them was just the day before going back to work. Highly recommended if a path is going by your area!
Now that’s compelling witness!
What kinds of stuff did you hear folks along the route asking?
Do you have any advice before I start a KDP account to put up my ebook? Any stupid mistakes to avoid?
Go ahead and send me an email.
The funny thing is, I wrote one of these into The Perils of Sasha Reed Vol. 1 (in the story “Bloody-Handed Warlord”) without even realizing it. I just wrote it as Sasha’s boyfriend wanting to do a pilgrimage to a nearby monastery on foot as part of a Lenten observance, then the non-religious Sasha follows along because she wanted to spend more time with him. Later on in the story, she has to LARP as a pious Christian to deceive the titular warlord, who is a demon.