Despite having taken flak from certain vocal quarters of conservative and traditionalist Catholicism over the past decade, Pope Francis is on a roll when it comes to breaking Death Cult taboos.
Following widely circulated stories of the Holy Father reaffirming Church laws banning homosexuals and women from the priesthood, recent reports have Francis warning priests against gossip as a vice unbecoming men.

Gossip is a “woman’s thing”, Pope Francis is alleged to have told a group of priests at a recent meeting in Rome.
Realted: Pope Francis Bans Gay Priests in No Uncertain Terms
The head of the Catholic Church, 87, is said to have advised the priests, ordained within the past 10 years, of “badmouthing” in parishes and congregations
“Gossip is a women’s thing,” he allegedly said. “We wear the trousers, we have to say things.”
Those hyperentilating online about His Holiness “disrespecting women” are well-advised to read the Bible, and subsequent commentaries by fathers and doctors of the Church, before jumping to rash judgments againt the current successor of Peter.
Here are just a few highlights:
Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in [through the] child-bearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
1 Timothy 2:11-15
The woman taught once, and ruined all. On this account therefore he says, let her not teach. But what is it to other women, that she suffered this? It certainly concerns them; for the sex is weak and fickle, and he is speaking of the sex collectively. For he says not Eve, but the woman, which is the common name of the whole sex, not her proper name.
St. John Chrysostom, Homily 9 on First Timothy
Subjection is twofold. One is servile, by virtue of which a superior makes use of a subject for his own benefit; and this kind of subjection began after sin. There is another kind of subjection which is called economic or civil, whereby the superior makes use of his subjects for their own benefit and good; and this kind of subjection existed even before sin. For good order would have been wanting in the human family if some were not governed by others wiser than themselves. So by such a kind of subjection woman is naturally subject to man, because in man the discretion of reason predominates. Nor is inequality among men excluded by the state of innocence, as we shall prove (I:96:3.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Vol. I, Q. 92, Art. 1, Reply to Objection 2

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Lost amid the feminist freakout over the Holy Father’s sage advice is the whole point of his admonition: Gossip is an effeminate vice. No one, much less men—even less so priests—should engage in it.
The additional reminder that the Church is not, and has never been, egalitarian is icing on the cake.
Pope Francis is on a roll demolishing Death Cult gender theory, and we should hope it continues.
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No, stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
When the Holy Father says there are too many faggots in the Church, This Is Not How Good Fathers Behave. A father does not go out and bad-mouth his wayward sons in public. All things are possible with God, and He will ultimately bring good from evil acts, but winking at homosexual unions one day (no priest needs the pope’s permission to bless honestly repentant sinners) and then calling names another time is the action of an abusive father. This is a man who is not just incompetent but deliberately abusive of those to whom he is supposed to be a holy father. Likewise insulting women by saying gossip is effeminate is abusive and a lie. God did NOT make women to gossip, that is NOT an element of true femininity. The job of a father is to correct with love and call his children to greater holiness, not to drag the sinner through the mire of their sin and act like it is part of their nature.
Furthermore WHENEVER Pope Francis speaks about “gossip”, he is ALWAYS responding to good faith criticism of his failures as Pope. Gossip is very obviously not a problem in the Church, the problem is that nobody in the Church is allowed to talk. Laws are being passed which could technically make it illegal to say “Christ is King” in a university classroom but the only Catholics calling this out are on the fringe. The reason that people talk about the obvious problems in the Church privately is that they aren’t allowed to voice their concerns in public, because almost no ecclesial authority will listen to them and when they do try to bring up their concerns the abusive CIA muppet at the Vatican calls it “gossip”.
Pope Francis is a prime example of the failing of the post-Vatican church, which is that the vast majority of American and European Catholics, including this pope, are really just Calvinists. Calvinism sans Christ is the religion of the modern West, and this is why the Pope so often speaks and behaves as if there are some people who are Bad People who are On the Wrong Side rather than, as a Catholic, that we are all slaves to concupiscience who must be called and led with love to holiness. It is not the job of any human, including the Pope, to separate the sheep from the goats, and the fact that he pretends to be able to do so so often is a mark of his severe moral failing. It’s a failure common to almost all of us because this “us vs them” mentality has been fed to us and our parents and our grandparents and our great grandparents. That doesn’t make it true.
Do not be bamboozled into cheering for this thug who so often speaks hatred of others instead of love and understanding. The way to be a good Catholic is simple. Pray, go to confession, go to the Mass, go forth and spread the Gospel in word and deed. That’s it. Stop worrying about what this weird Argentinian vampire says. The reason he doesn’t explicitly subvert Church doctrine is that he can’t, because Christ is the head of His church. It is past time Catholics stop looking for the Pope or the Cardinals or the Bishops or even their priests to solve their problems. There is 2000 years of very careful thought deliberation about Catholic doctrine and theology. Modern Popes are just figureheads, there is very little of real importance for them to do. Your priest’s job is to “Do the black and say the red.” If he has other gifts to offer that’s great, but Catholics need to stop avoiding the work of fixing our OWN lives and focusing so much on hoping that some priest or bishop or pope is going to “pwn the libs” or whatever nonsense which will then magically immanentize the eschaton.
It may very well be that this is God’s plan: maybe Francis is Pope so that Catholics will stop looking to the Pope for answers that are already clearly spelled out in the doctrine and theology of the Church and in many cases are written on our hearts as well.
Profess now that the Christ is Jesus of Nazareth and that God has Risen Him from the dead. Do this, and we will know that you correct us in good faith.
If he cannot acknowledge Peter as a Catholic, there are problems even if he can profess Christ is Lord. Peter is not an optional part of the faith.
Wiffle, that’s beside the point! You don’t waste your energy sperging about the office of St. Peter if the subject is too proud of Himself to share his Christology!
*Please ignore the capitalized “Himself.” The current year is causing me to mix up my pronouns.
True enough. 🙂
“It may very well be that this is God’s plan: maybe Francis is Pope so that Catholics will stop looking to the Pope for answers that are already clearly spelled out in the doctrine and theology of the Church and in many cases are written on our hearts as well.”
Christ established a Church, built on Peter. Peter was not educated. He had no pedigree and no formal learning. While intelligent, it’s quite obvious in the Gospels that even well into middle age, Peter was prone to a sort of rough impulsive behavior. While always willing to learn, he seems first to stick his foot in his mouth in almost every conceivable situation.
I can imagine that Peter would have been a real turn off for many of the Jews of the era. He would have been a dubious leader in any culture. Even to this day, Paul is either held up as the “real” apostle in charge of the Church or probably a fake one, given his obvious superiority in intellectual matters and family tree. Peter stands as a foil to both Jesus and Paul. (Post-Pentacost Peter, however, sounds much more like Christ.)
Pope Francis is our Peter in whom Christ has invested the keys. Fisherman are rough people, who say true things without a polish. Pope Francis is not exactly a rough fisherman, given his Jesuit background. However, he’s clearly an Italian who says Italian* things, a world I am tangentially familiar with thanks to my French Canadian relatives.
I can say from personal experience that the objections I see coming from the Anglosphere about this Pope are rooted firmly in an English Calvinistic culture. The arguments offered about this Pope are not from a relaxed European Catholic peasant view on a fallen leadership. They are from the Catholics soaked in a Calvinistic culture demanding purity from leaders. Leadership must conform to their outward social ideas of pure. That ideal will usually involve sounding something like an English old maid at all times, practically perfect in every situation.
“There is 2000 years of very careful thought deliberation about Catholic doctrine and theology. Modern Popes are just figureheads, there is very little of real importance for them to do. ”
2000 years of careful thought and deliberation all guided by Popes. Peter is a necessity. Any other view of the Church structure is a Protestant one. The Eastern Orthodox believe that the pope is just a figurehead too. Serious Calvinists willingly demonize the pope.
The modern debate about Pope Francis I’m sorry to say is the resurrected spirit ghost of the Donatist movement. Hopefully at some point it will move on.
*Pope Francis had first generation Italian parent immigrants to Argentina. Italian appears to be his mother tongue.
” Pray, go to confession, go to the Mass, go forth and spread the Gospel in word and deed.”
My first post was more serious. This is kind of a troll, but not really. More food for thought. 🙂
How about us Catholics stop committing mortal sins, instead of going to Confession?
The American Catholic attitude around Confession is also a Calvinistic holdover, which sees venial sins as mortal. Confession is the sacrament that reconciles us to the Church and absolves mortal sin. Because it absolves mortal sin, it can absolve venial sin as well.
However, there is a real difference between those sins that kill the life of God in our lives and breaks us with the Church and our every day fallen state. It does matter and we can trust the Church there too.
If someone is moved to go to Confession, by all means go. If it’s helping, by all means go. Don’t let idiots on the internet like me stop anyone. However, if it’s a laundry list of venial sins at every session, then it’s running to the ER for the equivalent of spiritual boo-boos. Let’s not judge the Church or others on a sacrament that ideally people should not need very often as one of the faithful.
It is true our current Pope has been surrounded in a swirl of controversy and vague confirmation of his own word.
In light of what you or anyone else may feel about the Pope, there is opportunity to rejoice that the catholic laity has survived almost 2000 years without knowing what the papacy was up to. So if you think there is too much uncertainty sitting on the throne of St. Peter, then yes, focus on what you know catholic should – living a holy life. Your life isn’t between you and Francis, but between you and God.
If Francis is the bad pope people say he is, then the church as a whole will weather this storm. Nothing new to see here. Christ will preserve his church and his faithful.
I can sympathize with you because I used to be staunchly anti-Francis, but wiser and trustworthy friends convinced me otherwise. Now, I just don’t care who occupies the papacy. I can be holy independent of how pious or impious the sitting pope is. Caring about it like I would a candidate in political office only robs me of my peace. If anything, given the gray surrounding him, I’d rather pray for him that he and the situation improves. Hating on him profits no one.
“I’d rather pray for him that he and the situation improves. Hating on him profits no one.”
Time’s up, Natureboi. You’re banned for witchery.
A very strange thing to my eyes: I saw “Natureboi’s” comment, and the interaction with him in this thread. I recognized his pseudonym as one I’d encountered in the Orthosphere blog comments here:
That comment was from back in 2022. What is strange is that *he* is in that comment employing the witch test himself to the author of the main post he is commenting on.
It could be a different commenter. He does spell boy/boi differently in his handle in these two places. But the writing style is similar, including the tendency to emphasize in all caps.