Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Presidential Alien Debate?

Presidential Alien Debate

Screencap: Fox

Some people want the major parties’ presidential candidates to debate aliens now.

It’s par for the course here on Planet Clown.

Image: Vulture

The next president of the United States should be asked if he will release UFO-related documents, the New Paradigm Institute says.

A once-taboo subject that essentially forced whistleblowers like Bob Lazar into exile is the topic of a social media campaign applying heat to debate moderators to question each 2024 candidate about his willingness to declassify the files.

“The next president of the United States will make critical decisions about UAP disclosure and government transparency,” New Paradigm Institute Chief Counsel Daniel Sheehan said in a June 12 statement.

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Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., told Fox News Digital in a previous interview that documents relating to UFOs, or UAPs (unidentified anomalous phenomena), are “so compartmentalized that we’ll never get to the bottom of it.”

It will take a “commander-in-chief who says enough is enough,” to declassify everything.

That’s why the New Paradigm Institute, an organization dedicated to securing the public release of UFO-related files, started a social media campaign to convince the next presidential debate moderators to include a question about UFOs.

“Candidates for president should be asked whether they will commit to UAP disclosure and government transparency,” said Sheehan, adding the June 27 debate would be the “perfect forum” for the public to learn the candidates’ stances.

The UFO topic has been an ongoing subject of interest in Congress, as a bipartisan effort has been pushing for government agencies to release files.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was asked about UFOs during last April’s presidential primary debate, which he scoffed at and mocked.

“I get the UFO questions? C’mon, man!” Christie said during the debate before joking with the moderator.

You won’t often hear me say this, but Christie is right.

If you’ve been reading this site for a while, you know me; I’m as big into high strangeness as anybody. And as a kid i used to be fascinated by the UFO (as it was then called before they changed it to UAP) phenomenon. Maybe you can tell because I wrote two sci fi book series about aliens.


But that was back in the 90s before all the mistakes of the three preceding decades came home to roost. Now, in Current Year +X, we have Venezuelan gangs taking over New York state, drug zombies shambling around Philadelphia, and homeless camps overrunning the West Coast.

All of which are adjeacent to all the, you know, theft and murder.

The Killer is a dude in a wig, btw.

Yet some supposed adults want debate moderators to ask presidential candidates questions about aliens?

Here’s a serious question: What’s the point?

After wracking my brain to think of practical reasons why anyone would care about Trump’s or Biden’s stance on aliens, the only ones I could come up with are these:

  1. Folks concerned with national defense want to know the government’s plan for dealing with a hypothetical alien invasion
  2. Sovereign citizen types who still think the bureaucracy answers to them are asserting the right to see “their” classified documents on the subject
  3. Boomers raised on shlock TV sci fi want the government to make flying saucer B movies real.
Screencap: Sam Katzman Productions

In case you needed help, the right answer is 3.

Because UFOs as a cultural phenomenon are a relic of the Cold War, if you think about it.

If you ask most people who’re convinced aliens are visiting Earth why extraterrestrials are here, you’re bound to get the following answers:

What do all of those possibilities have in common? You can find hack sci fi shows with plots based on all of the above.

Let’s take a step back from the TV and movie tropes to get a broader perspective on the alien issue. First, we don’t even know if these things are space aliens. The extraterrestrial theory is just one of many explanations that have been proposed—also mostly by TV-addicted Boomers.

For every claim someone can make asserting the UAPs are controlled by space aliens, you can make an at least equally valid argument that these are cyrptoterrestrials, extradimensional beings, time travelers, or demons.

But supposing for the sake of argument that we’re seeing UFOs piloted by extraterrestrials. Having politicians address the national security concerns associated with such a phenomenon is a nonstarter. The government can’t even stop an ongoing invasion of illegal aliens from the third world on our southern border. Does anyone really think the malicious incompetents in charge could even present a speed bump to invading aliens from another world with even Kardashev type 1 tech?

And if you haven’t figured it out by now, the same ruling class corruption and stupidity that makes them useless against a spacefaring culture with its act together also makes the “muh goberment of the people!” case for disclosure ridiculous. It’s not gonna happen unless the powers that be want it to.

Which has other implications that some have noted, but I digress …

The same hamfisted tyranny we live under makes pretty much all the Campbellian SF-ish points above moot. The ruling Death Cult is doing its best to start World War III. That means you can forget any kind of effective interstellar diplomacy. Menawhile, they’ve fostered social conditions so degraded that men in dresses can murder normal people in broad daylight, and even the Conservative press’ main concern is using the killer’s preferred pronouns. So no chance of lifting any quarantine while the Cult’s in power.

Resource extraction runs into the same hard wall as the invasion scenario (if only). If space aliens are here to mine some cosmically rare commodity, the window-licking sociopaths in the halls of power have no chance of stopping it, let alone negotiating a deal for a cut of the action.

And all of the above assumes a kind of solipsistic anthropomorphism that proiects human logic and motives onto supposed space aliens. In all likelihood, we’re incapable of grasping what these things want and why. Imagine trying to explain laying fiber optic cable for high-speed internet to a neolithic hunter-gatherer.

If many accounts are to be believed, the UAP beings’ work here involves menacing ranchers with peeping Tom and poltergeist activity.

See video:

That leaves us with the final option, which is that aliens have been secretly running our civilization and may even have started it.

If that’s the case, the aliens are the government, which would make petitions to address disclosure in a presidential debate asking the aliens to inform on themselves. Which means it’s not your government, and your demands carry zero weight anyway, so the whole exercize is meaningless.

Even if a conjectural alien-run government did decide to release some details about its secret controllers’ activities, their motives for doing so would be self-interested and probably incomprehensible. So any information they divulged would be ipso facto untrustworthy, useless, or both.

This is a rare exception to the rule about the truth mattering. Even if aliens are here, there’s nothing we can do about it, and odds are it’s already having whatever effects on our daily lives it was gonna have. The whole UFO business is just another shell game to distract the plebs while the ruling class—who or whatever they are—keeps stepping on their necks.

Just ignore the shadow puppets on the cave wall and get right with Jesus.

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