Every generation since the dawn of man has passed hard-won knowledge down to their posterity. That may seem like stating the obvious—and in any other age it would be—but something unprecedented happened to the West in the 1960s.
Wht happened was the parents of gens X and Y decided not to hand down the traditions they’d inherited from their ancestors.
It’s not that the generations born after the 60s weren’t interested. A fellow Y once told me that his accountant dad never taught him about investing. Whenever he’d ask for financial advice, his dad would just say, “You don’t need to worry about investing until you’ve got ten grand saved up.”
That’s just one example of many. But why beat a dead horse when we can see the effects of this treason to tradition everywhere? Baby Boomers love to browbeat Millennials over not knowing how to change a tire. They seldom stop to ask why that is.
Related: Lost Generations
The following goes for members of every generation from the Greats to Gen Y: If it comes to your attention that a younger member of your family lacks a basic skill that you possess, you are obliged to teach him.
Perhaps parents of the generations since the Silents have been so conditioned to let the state raise their kids, they figure the schools are teaching this stuff. That possibility itself speaks to a woeful ignorance of what goes on in schools these days.
Then again, the abandonment of parental instruction started decades before the schools started mandating devil worship. This widespread neglect has run up a bill that is now coming due.
- Many Zoomers do not know how to address an envelope
- The skilled trades workers who maintain our infrastructure are retiring, and no one is replacing them
- Much of the web’s digital architecture was created by men who are soon retiring, already retired, or dead. When the last of them goes, there will be no one who understands the code and processes needed to keep the digital age running
- Most young men cannot find young women who know how to microwave mac and cheese without burning it
- Large numbers of Millennials and Zoomers practical heathens whose only knowledge of Christianity comes from Reddit and Netflix.
The question hanging over the West is, what could have come over a whole generation to make them deny their children centuries of cultural heritage? It’s popular to blame the Boomers’ hands-off approach to parenting, whereby they let minors with still-dewveloping brains figure out “their own truth.”
Looking at outcomes offers us another hint. In America today, most kids can expect seven hours of Death Cult indoctrination five days a week for twelve years. And that’s before college. Judges can now order their chemical castration at the bidding of demoniac mothers. Both parents, along with every institution, pressure them into usury in the hope of landing jobs long since destroyed by imported slave labor. The only comforts they have left are free porn and legalized weed.
Related: A Tale of Two Cults
The only motive that could cause elder generations to spiritually and materially abuse their own posterity is hatred–diabolical hatred with no earthly rationale.
At the end of the day, the forces that made Boomers traitors to tradition are—as usual—sin and Satan.
And the only way to recover the Western tradition is returning to the Tradition preserved in the Church founded by Jesus Christ.
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