Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

1 Timothy 2:14 Vindicated

The Woman Seduced

Hat tip to Ryan Burge on X and Devon Stack.

A picture speaks a thousand words, so I’m just gonna drop this here:


And Adam was not seduced; but the woman being seduced, was in the transgression.

1 Timothy 2:14

Related: Synodal Witches Mad

Should gender transition for minors be illegal?

Men are always always more willing to say yes than women.

White Catholic: 78% vs 70%
LDS: 87% vs 68%
Muslim: 76% vs 64%
Atheist: 38% vs 29%
Agnostic: 49% vs 36%

Related: Synod Witches Madder

This is not to dunk on women. The Cooperative Election Study shows majorities of atheist, agnostic, and Hindu men opposing the outlawing of medical child mutilation.

It is to say that, as even the pro-medical child mutilation cult must admit, the sexes are different.

Where the Death Cult fails is in taking that correc t observation to its logical conclusion, which is that in general both sexes have their own proper aptitudes, dispositions, and roles.

For whatever reason, it’s plain as day that the fairer sex does not have exercising religious leadership among its natural faculties.

Following from that fact, it’s safe to say that if you are seeking the one true faith, then religions that bar women from roles with doctrinal authority is a good place to start.

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