Chesterton famously said that an idea that’s attacked from both sides for opposing reasons is probably true.
Even the most historically illiterate of our guys have to acknowlege that the ruling cult’s rise to dominance tracked with Christendom’s abandonment of Christ. After all, you can’t spell “culture” without “cult”.
Another great philosopher, Bruce Lee, observed that when you understand the problem, you have the solution. Since forsaking Christianity plunged us into Clown World, the obvious solution is returning to Christ.
Yet a small but vocal contingent of dissidents remain psyoped by the same evil forces they rail against. Some will even admit that the Death Cult won by seizing the moral high ground. Nevertheless, those same self-styled rightists reject the Right’s original throne-and-altar platform to worship Mammon, Moloch, or Narcissus.
Related: New Atheist, Cultural Christian
Peel back the surface layer of race idolatry, and these guys are pretty much Libertarians. They just want to move away from the ghetto and next door to white Christians.
What they won’t do is follow the one moral vision that’s proven equal to the task of waging spiritual warfare for the West and winning.
Because at the end of the day, the nupagan and wignat crowds want pre-1965 demographics with post-1968 morality. Their vices blind them to the fact that those circumstances are mutually exclusive.
“Every man who doubts God’s existence does so because he has some reason for wanting to,” wrote a Church Father.
The addictive nature of sin, its tendency to dim the intellect, and the tragedy of the commons together make an invincible argument against liberal democracy.
In a democracy where individual preference is the measure of the good, the overwhelming majority end up voting for and with their own wallets, stomachs, or crotches.
And because democracy’s only solution to every problem is more democracy, it inevitably ends up in the same kind of death spiral we’re stuck in right now.
Again, understanding the problem gives you the solution. The answer that’s attacked by Wokists and wignats for opposite reasons is most likely the right one.
Related: The Ethic of the Death Cult
“But Christianity is so cucked!” Millennials on X complain. “Show me a based church, and I’ll sign up. Till then, I’ll stay consumed with self-worship at the gym and crotch worship on Pronhub.”
But that superficial, consoomerist worldview fuels BoomerLib and nupagan attacks against the Church. Because both camps commit the same category error of conflating religion and politics, when politics is downstream from religion.
Ironically, most of these types will parrot Andrew Breitbart’s meme “Politics is downstream from culture.”
But again, you can’t spell “culture” without “cult”.
That fact escapes Modernists on the Left and supposed Right alike. Because when personal preference is the sole measure of worth, even religion is seen as just another product.
Consider that other normieCon meme “the marketplace of ideas.” It assumes from the start that ideas are just another commodity.
That is the poisoned soil in which the Death Cult grew. Authentic dissent against Wokism can’t survive there.
Here’s an idea: Approach religion with intellectual ingrity.
If you’re serious about finding truth, first acknowledge that it’s not up for a vote.
Truth binds in conscience, and breaking it is moral treachery.
The defining standard of Western morality is Christianity, regardless of whether or not it’s popular to say so.
Politics is downstream from culture, and culture is the concrete expression of religion. That’s why political wonks have no standing to pass judgment on the Church.
That’s why nupagans and wignats commit folly by viewing religion as a tool for political ends. It’s also why they’ve never gotten anywhere and never will.
Because trying to subordinate faith, which is concerned with eternal ends, to politics, which is concerned with temporal ends, is a nonstarter.
What they miss is that no created goods, including philosophies, nations, and races, exist as ends in and of themselves. Instead, they are ordered toward higher ends, that being the glory of God their creator.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.”
That’s good advice. And no political movement will achieve its goals unless and until it gets those priorities straight
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Also consider this: all attempts to replace God are attempts to solve the Problem of Evil. To quote Edelgard from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, “When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other…there’s no need for gods.”
But in doing so, you replace God with people — that is, you give godlike authority to fallible human beings. And as the history of the 20th century shows, vesting that level of authority in mere human beings always ends in tragedy, as morality becomes whatever the most powerful faction wants it to be. Being good becomes impossible, because “good” gets rewritten on a whim.
Free speech was good…until it wasn’t.
Civil liberties were good…until they weren’t.
Fighting crime was good…until it wasn’t.
Dissent was patriotic…until it wasn’t.
The list goes on for miles, and I’m talking about the 21st century US of A, not some distant time in the past.
I used to clown on religion as a teen. Then I grew up.
Edelgard is shown to be wrong in 3 different storylines of Three Houses, and is either the main threat or one of the main threats in all of them. Also, she only succeeds if she is aided by Byleth… The reincarnated creator god of Fodlan. Not sure she is a good example of the humanist character that is rampant in Japanese media. Especially since she was tortured by the true villains of the game into her Crest hating self. Shin Megami Tensai is a good game series to mock though, as it is basically Gnosticism the series.
Shin Megami Tensei: What Evangelical Moms *thought* Pokémon was.
I do get what you are saying though. Any attempt to replace God is doomed to failure. Edelgard is just not the video game character to use as an example.
I’m fully aware of all of that; I only chose that quote because it summed up the typical JRPG approach to religion pretty well. It’s to Three Houses’ credit that it avoided that “Evil Church” trope in the other routes.
It is worth mentioning, though, that this quote makes a lot more sense in a Japanese context. The Japanese State has thus far succeeded in subverting or controlling every religion that threatened its grip on power, becoming “godlike” in a way itself. I’ve heard arguments that this is the real root of all the god-slaying that goes on in JRPGs; a kind of expression of resentment towards the inability to question or fight the unjust social order. If you replace “gods” with “the state” in Edelgard’s speech, then it doesn’t look as wrong.
It should really be reminded that a lot of Japanese religious commentary is about Shintoism and its past relationship to the Japanese government. It’s not a 1:1 match with the West and Christianity.
Yes, Japanese representations of Christianity or quasi-Christianity tend to be about as accurate as Marvel or D&D representations of paganism or quasi-paganism. 🙂
(Although based on my own video game experience, I think an approach to Christianity that emphasized the divine kenosis and sympathy of the Incarnation might have some traction with the Japanese.)
And Persona 5 makes this analogy direct, though I wonder why Japanese people’s desire for a powerful authority figure would be represented by an Abrahamic god, since from what I understand the country is pretty atheistic.
I saw Moon Channel’s video too, so I do get why the Japanese write god-slaying into their games. Still, I think it lines up too neatly with modernity’s militant hatred of religion in general.
In hindsight, I think it’s hilarious how you have so many people who claim to seek truth who know truth, but reject Christ’s church and her teachings.
People will come up with ideas thinking they are novel and a ‘gotcha’ against the Church, but in reality, someone already came up with that centuries prior and lost against the truth of the Church.
You took two comments right out of my head:
1) the solution to our problems is not more democracy
2) the marketplace of ideas was a trap to allow anything
More freedom only allows more leeway to pursue our base desires because they don’t require any effort. A rational decision at least takes some effort on the side of mind, body, and spirit. When someone gives into their carnal desires, they just do it, no effort lost.
I used to think the marketplace of ideas was a ‘smart’ way to think until I realized the truth in the paragraph above. In the marketplace of ideas, the majority of people (aka the average consumer) will choose the cocaine of lies/sin over the bitterness of truth/morality. Freedom bros who champion the marketplace of ideas have the audacity to complain about the degenerate behavior running rampant today but they helped create the means for it to happen. Peel back that mentality and it’s the liberal attitude that man’s logic and reason can bring about morality, emphasis on man being the center of everything and knowing better than God.
Another fun note, relevant to today’s political climate, when right wingers say “I disagree with you and I will die defending your right to do so.” what they don’t realize is that person who they disagree with will happily shoot them in the back of the head so they can enact their demonic will.
These low INT people just don’t realize that freedom is not an end, but a means for good, and good doesn’t tolerate evil. Not everything is a right. Saying no to something isn’t oppression. If people can’t wrap their heads around that, they can leave the country along with the commies who hate this country.
Good thing Christ already won and his people are making a cultural comeback. The bafoons on either side will be separated from the wheat and tossed into the fire.
A couple years ago, I spent an unhealthy amount of time (that is to say, more than zero seconds) trying to debate wignats on Gab. Inevitably, the claims about being intellectually courageous and willing to break taboos in search of knowledge proved to be only skin-deep. When I actually dug into their claims at all, they were simply full of a different flavour of insane bullshit than the Death Cult. I also noted that they tended to be intellectually lazy – their claims were usually just rationalisations for what they wanted to believe, and if you didn’t unquestioningly accept what they were selling you, they would quickly turn to mockery and/or racial slurs instead of trying to support what they were saying. The most egregious example of both that I can think of is the guy who got angry with me for quoting Galatians 3:28-29. He claimed that “the original Greek” did not in fact say that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek – he claimed that the original text had been altered. When I asked him what the “original” version supposedly said, he replied with something along the lines of “I’m not doing your homework for you, learn Koine Greek yourself! What are you, scared of learning or something?” Oh, and then there was the guy who claimed that a recent Pope (Paul VI, I think) had “imposed the Noahide Laws on Catholics”. I asked where the official declaration of that was, since it would be rather pointless to impose laws on people if you didn’t actually tell anyone about them. Instantly jumped to calling me names.
A classic tactic of the Alt Retard is to dunk on someone who refuses to search for “easily verifiable” information. This tactic was never updated after Big Tech sanitized the search indexes.
The modern web absolutely needs bookmark lists, webrings, links traded by word of mouth, etc. just like in the days of the 90’s web. People don’t do this today because they have a sort of Gell-Mann amnesia towards search engines where they assume new searches will work despite all of their recent searches being horrible, and because they often only post on social media where information won’t stick around anyway.
It is your responsibility to make sure that others can find the cool sites that you stumbled upon.
Of course this also means that the wignats aren’t being serious or responsible.
Notably, he didn’t tell me to “look it up”, he told me to “learn Greek”, as if learning 1st century Greek just to win an argument were a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
“their claims were usually just rationalisations for what they wanted to believe”
This is a perfect summary of what it’s like arguing with anyone on the Right now adays on any topic involving their ideology.
Without fail, 100% of the time. This is what I’d consider a “de facto” truth. Something is what it is no matter how much people think it’s different. We’ve come full circle where RWers are now the meme of “they weren’t real communists” or “that’s not real communism”.
“Our forefathers were pagan, bro!”
Until a thousand years ago when they ditched paganism for Christianity because they liked it better, yes.
I’ve never seen one of them give a good answer for why they arbitrarily cut out the last thousand or so years of their own culture in the name of preserving their culture. Bonus points if they complain about the Mean Old Christians forcing them to convert at swordpoint (anywhere outside of the Northern Crusades and occasionally Scandinavia this is a complete lie), then go right back to bashing us for being weak and insufficiently bloodthirsty. Most of the time it’s just “Jesus wasn’t White, so I won’t worship Him!”
Philippians 3:18-20 (RSV-CE)
For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our commonwealth is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
A modern person’s church is either their job or the porn folder on their computer, sometimes both. It’s funny as I look back and remember all the supposedly hoary and hokey advice from back in the day. I think of the ever popular “masturbation will make you go blind” scary story that everyone used to make fun of. Now we have swaths of people called “coomers” and “gooners” who are blind to the world around them as they dig their heels in on their obsession and lose all sense and perspective. No one one even remembers that warning existed in the first place. That’s only one of those stories that ended up being true but the lack of self-reflection and stubbornness at maintaining failed late 20th century attitudes remains.
You can’t just roll it back to the 1990s, because we’ve never actually left it–we’re still living in its aftermath.
“You can’t just roll it back to the 1990s, because we’ve never actually left it–we’re still living in its aftermath.”
The 1990’s was just the last pleasant stop on the express to a hellish society we’re all on right now. The modern decay had set in by the late 19th century. Certain generations tried to reverse course a little bit. However, by the 1960’s it was pretty obvious it was full steam ahead.
By the 00’s the “you’ll go blind” meme had turned into the “if you don’t masturbate several times a week, you’ll get prostate cancer” meme. Every November you see people yelling about how if you abstain for a month you are risking death.
“Because at the end of the day, the nupagan and wignat crowds want pre-1965 demographics with post-1968 morality. Their vices blind them to the fact that those circumstances are mutually exclusive.”
Absolutely. Reading enough Chesterton, Belloc, and Lewis, it’s quite clear that modernity had already struck well before WWII. Lewis’ account of his boarding school experience at the turn of the century is about a society already running razor thin virtue and mostly for appearances.
Seeing the collective Great World War as the result of trying to replace God with nationalism creates the conclusion we’ve already tried what the groups think they want before. We can try to sort everyone out into who is the bestest nations again ever without revisiting God. It only takes 2-3 generations of decay before we get the same ending, which is Clown World. Even Franco’s son abandoned perhaps the most successful attempt to resist modernity.
Anyway, the observation that until we find God again we should expect current conditions to continue to worsen is of course met with howls. However, I don’t see how what nupagans and wignats want is even practical. They just want to try to do communism again, but this time it will be “real”.
Sadly, they do have a point about today’s church being cucked. Far too many “Christians” are clearly far more concerned with the Death Cult’s morality than with genuine Christianity.
Doesn’t mean they’re right overall, but we should be honest about where we stand, and it’s not good right now.
Yes. It’s a real fact that has to be dealt with. It can be, but it takes some work. The only good news (kinda) is that nupagan organizations are easily as cucked. The idealized nupagan religion mostly exists in the minds of a few online dissidents. IRL, nupagans are ground zero for the Death Cult/alphabet people.
@Zaklog: Do me a favor. Go back and re-read the post. Don’t just skim; make sure you understand and internalize it. Then, with the help of a little grace, you will escape the category errors that the nupagans and wignats labor under.
Missed this post when it first came out. It’s very timely given the debate on whatever the side of “not progs” is called.
Many of the non-Christian people are just not Christian but aren’t openly hostile. Others are, and they entirely miss the point. Many want Christian culture without the faith. Well, as I always say, enjoy the beautiful cathedrals while you can until some Muslim burns them down, because they ain’t getting rebuilt without Christianity as a going concern.