Public reaction to animated web series The New Norm has ranged from cringing to sad head shaking since the show’s first promos dropped.
It turns out we weren’t cynical enough. Not only is it worse than we thought, The New Norm is a scam at best. And in all likelihood, something more insidious.
Niche Gamer has the story:
Describing itself as “The South Park of X,” the pilot is the only thing so far available for the public to watch. It clocks in at exactly three minutes and forty seconds.
The show is being advertised as the first animated “sit-com” on the social media platform. If there ever is a second animated “sit-com” on X, let’s hope it’s much better than The New Norm, because, spoiler warnings, this is trash.
Now, before we get to the actual plot, I am going to bring your attention to something much funnier than anything that happens within the episode itself. Visit the website for The New Norm, and the first thing you’ll see is a big message pleading with you to give money to the show, with a big blue button with the word GIVE underlined beneath it.
Quick aside: For any creative endeavor, just asking people to support your work is a rookie marketing mistake. While I can appreciate overtures to potential patrons, you’ve got to offer substantive benefits and showcase those benefits up front. Not only is unvarnished begging not enough, it’s tacky.
Scroll past the paragraph which simultaneously describes The New Norm as “an edgy yet family-friendly comedy” and “a safe space to come together and laugh,” scroll past all that junk and you’ll arrive at the real gold mine of funny. You get to see this:
There is a picture of anti-woke leftist comedian Bill Maher, smiling and accompanied by the word “Brilliant!” I was stunned at first when I saw this. The New Norm was being ratioed by the left, right, and center for being unfunny and cringe all over X. Yet here Bill Maher was calling this thing brilliant.
Except, no, that’s not what’s happening. If you look at the much smaller letters beneath Bill Maher’s name, you’ll notice these words: “Speaking of show creator’s previous work, featured on HBO.”
Sketchy to be sure. But keep looking, and you’ll come across this dubious endorsement:
Any Conservative who thinks that a comparison to Rural Purge flag ship series All in the Family bodes well for The New Norm deserves to get fleeced.
But it gets even more criminally awful–perhaps even at the federal level.
You might be wondering just who this show is for. From the plot summary, one could assume that The New Norm is a show created by leftists to make fun of conservatives. The woke daughter is the chill one, while the conservative father is deranged, obese, and old, after all.
But no, this show is targeted towards conservatives and is supposed to be anti-woke. Some digging by journalist Ben Sixsmith found that Matthew Faraci, who worked on The Sound of Freedom, and the Israeli Likud party with Akiva were involved with the creation of The New Norm.
Read that last part again.
No, your eyes don’t deceive you. But The New Norm‘s creators might be, since they could be cut-outs working on behalf of a foreign political party.
Now, the “Wow, imagine if the roles were reversed!” meme is deader than Dillinger. But it serves a useful purpose here.
Because seriously, just imagine if the GOP was exposed as secretly backing a British sitcom aimed at Tory voters.
Or if the CCP was revealed to have funded Hazbin Hotel.
Anyway, agents of foreign interests have to declare themselves and register with the US government. It’s federal law.
Related: The Best Propaganda
If The New Norm‘s creators did register as foreign agents, it got pretty glossed over. Because their business arrangement with a foreign power’s ruling party took “some digging” to uncover.
Indeed, it’s a bad sign when The New Norm is a scam at best and, in all likelihood, foreign influence peddling.
The good news is, it’s also a hamfisted effort. So people are catching on.
Keep vigilant wach over your minds, folks.
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