The dark fantasy reconquista enters its final 5 days! Unlock the audiobook and get other sweet rewards. Back my epic adventure novel Lord of Fate
You’ve waited in rapt anticipation for months. Now the suspense is over …
It is my sincere pleasure to unveil the alternate hardcover for my new dark fantasy novel Lord of Fate drawn by artist supreme Marcelo Orsi Blanco!
But first, a memory refresher for my readers.
Many of you will remember this concept sketch by Marcelo:

Readers loved this magnificent sketch. And even though it wasn’t ultimately selected to be Lord of Fate‘s original cover, this eye-grabbing work found new life via Kickstarter when we smashed our third epic stretch goal.
Now, without further ado, here is the full-color painted cover for Arkwright Cycle Book II: Lord of Fate – Special Hardcover Edition …

Big thanks to Marcelo and all the generous backers who made this achivement possible! Don’t forget, the special Lord of Fate hardcover is now available as a signed or regular standalone perk or as an add-on to an existing tier on our Kickstarter page. And we’ve got a cornucopeia of other sweet rewards for your enjoyment as well.
We’re closing in on The Burned Book audio version with just 5 days left to fund. So don’t wait till it’s too late for backers to claim the audiobook. Back it on Kickstarter now!

Upgraded my original pledge to the hardcover version. Can’t wait to receive it!
Thank you, and enjoy!
I will have to go for the hardcover, then, since this is the cover I voted for. It’s not every day an author says, “A bunch of you liked it so much we’ll do that, too.”
I’m a few chapters into Ophian Rising and already the best kind of baffled.
It’s my pleasure! Thanks for reading.
Btw, we’re running a sale on the Kickstarter page: 3 limited reward tiers that all include the new hardcover for bargain prices. The sale ends today, so get your hardcover deal before it’s gone: