Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Best Proof of the Paranormal?

Heidel House Paranormal

Just in time for the Spooky Season, renowned high strangeness YouTuber Bob Gymlan returns with what may be the best proof of the paranormal yet.

And this time, it’s personal.

Initial response: I don’t see how any of the anomalies in the video could have been illusions resulting from tricks of light and shadow or phone glitches.

The only two explanations for what we’re seeing are fakery or genuine paranormal activity.

And since Mr. Gymlan shot those videos and photos himself, and he so far has a sterling reputation, charlatanry seems no less far-fetched than the genuine article.

Related: Bob Gymlan on The Joe Rogan Experience

Look at this picture of the shadow in the hallway window:

Photo: Bob Gymlan

Since the cameraman is obviously where the flash is, that shadowy figure just right of center frame, facing a different direction, must be someone–or something–else.

Who or what else is an open question.

But, the footage immediately preceding and following the above clearly shows Bob alone in the hallway. The individual stills seem to indicate that the shadow figure is moving down an intersecting hall. But we don’t hear it. And Bob maintains he was the only one in the building. So once again, we’re left with either fakery or impressive proof of ghostly phenomena.

Not bad for a guy who usually sticks to cryptids.

Related: It Was Burying Something

Let’s take a look at the figure in the chair from the YouTube thumbnail.

Photo: Bob Gymlan

To be honest, this image doesn’t impress me as much. The ghostly figure could be some combination of shadows, reflections, and items left in the scene. I’d want to see a better shot of the same chair when it’s empty.

That said, whatever we’re seeing there, it’s not the cameraman. That spot of glare in the window lines up with where Bob would’ve been standing, so I think he’s right that it’s the camera flash. So that places him  in front of the bar, like twenty feet away from the chair.

What’s super interesting to me is Bob’s tentative identification of the two bright spots on the figure’s face as eyeshine.

Because that’s the conclusion a cryptozoologist more used to poring over trail cam snapshots than indoor ghost photos would jump to. So it makes sense why he’d engage in that speculation.

But given a) that eyeshine is caused by light reflecting off tissues behind living animals’ retinas, b) Bob didn’t spot the glow at the time, and c) the setting, I think it’s more likely those two points of light are the flash reflecting off a pair of glasses.

Photo: Bob Gymlan

This could just be my bias, but it looks an awful lot like the seated shape is holding an open book and wearing old-timey reading glasses.

For added context, the establishment featured in Mr. Gymlan’s video began its existence in 1890 as the Kelly Estate, a private residence built by a wealthy family of Green Lake, Wi.

Right after WWII, restaurateurs Herb and Lucille Heidel bought the property and expanded it into a resort. In the 1980s, the couple sold the renamed Heidel House to a property management company, who ran it until the location closed in 2019. It was remodeled in 2020 and reopened by Choice Hotels in 2021.

1890 to 2017 … That’s time enough for any number of tragedies, foul play, and sudden deaths.

Did Bob Gymlan just turn up ironclad proof of the paranormal? The answer remains to be seen. To be frank with you, I wouldn’t be surprised if Bob released a follow up on All Saints’ Day revealing this video as a Halloween trick riffing on his Rogan interview and meant only as good fun.

Which would be fine. Because as researchers like Jimmy Akin and Dr. Peter Kreeft have documented, we’ve already got truckloads of solid evidence of the preternatural. And all of that’s just gravy, since we already know for a fact that it’s real based on divine revelation.

So in case Mr. Gymlam really did capture the images of lingering human souls, consider saying a prayer for their eternal rest.

And have a delightful Spooky Season.

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