Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Nietzsche Bros Fail the Nietzsche Test


A vocal online contingent Christians have had to contend with in recent years are the Big-brained Nietzsche Bros.

In general, this group can be defined as wanting to enjoy all the benefits of living in Christendom while also living unfettered by Christian morals.

Tfw your beliefs are indistinguishable from the Death Cult’s, only the racial animus is reversed.

This related item from X was brought to my attention in a discussion between my valued neopatrons:

One of the strongest arguments against Nietzsche and for Christianity is Tech Futurism.

The Romans never had an Industrial Revolution because it was “unmanly” to tinker with labour when you could just have slaves.

Slaves and the Will to dominate kept them primitive despite their majesty.

The Muslims are the same, an incredible conquering people who never industrialised.

Only the Christian Europeans became technological

Related: Dark Ages

They couldn’t enslave, so they had to innovate.

This transformed them into the first masters of the world – beyond anything Rome or Arabia could have dreamed.

“Nietzscheans” are too seduced by master morality to see this and so fail Nietzsche’s test.

The ancient Greeks developed the steam engine. The Mayans discovered the number zero. The Chinese developed gunpowder. Yet the historical fact is that applied natural philosophy was stuck spinning its wheels until the advent of Christendom.

And while Christian morality is a necessary pillar of Western civilization, it was the unique cosmology those morals are derived from that got the West out of the rut nobody else had managed to escape.

Because with slight regional variations, the ancients were locked into cosmological models that didn’t extend much beyond solid state or cyclical views of history. The rules were either subject to the gods’ whims, or at best were accessible only to them, so there was no point in trying to discover constant physical laws.

It took the revelation of a God who is Himself reason to give men the idea that the underlying principles of nature accessible to reason.

And nobody wants to admit it, but the West’s apostasy from Christ the Logos lies at the root of the scientific replication crisis, the slowing and even regress of software innovation, and ultimately boats and planes crashing.

Never forget that the dominant state cult takes it as de fide doctrine that they can rules lawyer the laws of nature with enough magic thinking.

Thinking that such reality-optional cosmology can sustain first-world Western civilizational standards is delusional.

So is thinking that you can reassert Christian cosmology while denying the morals that necessarily follow from it.

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