Big News: A New Site for the New Year

Kairos Books

Happy Christmas Eve to all our faithful readers. We’ve been blessed with major growth over the past few years, and now we’ve outgrown our second web site.

So, to keep up with the needs of our booming business and growing readership, we’re moving to a whole new site. The new home of Kairos is already up and 80 percent ready. And we’re confident you’ll find it an even more user-friendly experience.

In the new year, you’ll be able to get insightful social commentary, new project news, and our full range of professional services at our brand-new online location. And most exciting of all, we’re launching an in-house store to bypass Big Tech and pass the savings on to you.

Kairos Store

We’re still in the process of assigning a payment processor, but all features of the Kairos store are up and running except for checkout. All four volumes of the award-winning Soul Cycle and the first Arkwright Cycle novel are now stocked in print and digital. And all Brian Niemeier titles will soon follow–along with special merch you won’t be able to get anywhere else.

And heads up: Service at the old site will undergo interruptions as we make the move. But take heart, your regular Kairos blog will return at its new home for the new year.

For now, feel free to take a tour of our new online HQ. Like what you see? Got feedback or suggestions to make the new site even better? Get in touch via the all-new Contact page.

Meanwhile, Merry Christmas, and see you for the New Year’s housewarming.

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  1. Man of the Atom

    Merry Christmas, Brian!

    The new site looks great!

  2. MacDhughaill

    Belated Merry Christmas!

    New site looks good! Obviously, the independent store for picking up DRM free ebooks is much anticipated, but I’m also very happy to see a clear link for the blog RSS feed! The fact that the site is usable and readable on a mobile device is another nice improvement.

    I noticed that some (years-)old articles in the blog have had their published date erroneously set to Dec 21 this year. Probably some silly import issue, thought I’d mention that if you want to double check and fix.

    I am somewhat surprised that you are using a bigger, corporate service like Squarespace. I would have thought that would have placed you at greater risk for disruption by attempts at “canceling”, considering your active role in ongoing culture wars. Or maybe I’m just a paranoid computer nerd who knows how to go the extra mile in making it difficult for anyone to remove me from the internet, and am willing to do so.

    • Merry Christmas. I’m glad you’re liking the new site. Store checkout should be available any time now, and more items will be added soon.

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