Sanderson’s Law

Sanderson’s Law

Authors are just as prone to cognitive dissonance when received wisdom about the publishing industry is challenged, as this series of tweets demonstrates. That tweet is not a statement of personal preference or opinion. It is based on objective market data. As of this writing, the top three books in…
The Perfect Publisher

The Perfect Publisher

Ebooks are here to stay. Amazon enjoys overwhelming dominance among book retailers. Indie has matured into the preferred publishing model for authors. These developments, among many that have turned the book industry upside down in recent years, are widely known. Yet publishers, and even most indie authors, continue to employ…
Never Go Full SJW

Never Go Full SJW

A friend and reader writes: Haha, it's official -- Tor newsletter just went full retard.And with that, I'm going to unsubscribe. He ain't kidding! Here are some highlights. kicks off with a bit of garden variety historical revisionist boilerplate. Sure to be the talk of the junior college faculty…
Comics Need Professionalism

Comics Need Professionalism

Emery Calame's comment on my previous Marvel-related post merited a guest post of its own. This is not a popular sentiment but I think what is needed is professionalism oriented around maintaining the brand and IP. A fan who feels like they know Spider-Man probably should not be writing Spider-Man…
Customers Matter

Customers Matter

Presented for your education and enrichment: the story of Marvel Comics' implosion in two pictures. First, a Twitter exchange in which a weeb comedian rushes to the defense of Moon Knight scribe Max Bemis. And now, a Marvel sales graph. According to the chart, in February 2017 45% of Marvel's titles…
Ophian Rising eARCs

Ophian Rising eARCs

I sent out eARCs to advance reviewers of The Ophian Rising last night. Finishing a series that's spanned sixteen years from conception to completion is a singular experience to say the least. It hasn't fully sunken in yet. I expect that the final book's release later this month will drive the…
Hired Gun vs. Auteur

Hired Gun vs. Auteur

Are IP-based movie productions better served by engaging auteur directors who will control every aspect of the film, or do such projects reap greater benefits from a more mercenary approach? Bradford Walker offers a definite answer and compares DC Comics' movies to Marvel's as an example. Following on from a…
December Update

December Update

This will be a short post since I'm up to my elbows in last-minute manuscript cleanup work. As the prior sentence probably tipped you off, The Ophian Rising, Soul Cycle Book IV, is now complete and will be sent off to Polgarus Studio shortly for final formatting. Thanks to everyone…


I predicted that Goodreads would follow Twitter down the way of the social media dodo almost two years ago. Back then I thought that their admins' lack of integrity would drive away all but a remnant of hardcore SJW readers. Now it looks like base greed might lead to an…
Put Up or Shut Up

Put Up or Shut Up

As Advent approaches, the Injustice Gamer notes the increasing commercialization and concurrently decreasing observance of religious holidays. But the celebration of religious holy days and festivals is largely a foreign concept, especially when one looks at the family problems of the day. When kids start seeing all the problems of…