Audiobooks with JimFear138

Audiobooks with JimFear138

The audiobook market is experiencing astronomical growth. On the latest episode of Geek Gab: On the Books, I talk audiobooks with narrator, audiobook producer, and podcaster JimFear138: In other book-related news, the eBook version of my Dragon Award-winning SF/horror novel Souldancer is now on sale for only $2.99: Speaking of #FakeBooks,…
PulpRev Interview

PulpRev Interview

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Jesse Abraham Lucas of He asked me about the Pulp Revolution, writing in general, and certain projects of my own. The following is an excerpt. Is there anything you can tell us about your WIP with Castalia House? Anything we…
Ape-ocalypse Now

Ape-ocalypse Now

This week on Geek Gab, Daddy Warpig reports on the Planet of the Apes prequel marathon he attended, culminating with the series' latest installment War for the Planet of the Apes. Do the CG effects hold up? Are the Vietnam War allegories still as fresh as they were in the…
The Last Starfighter

The Last Starfighter

Bradford Walker reviews a classic film from Hollywood's last pulp era: We return once more to that period between the late ’70s and mid ’80s when that last flourish of old-school pulp sensibility arose in the form of feature films out of Hollywood done by then-rising names in the business.…
The Mountain that Writes at Pulp Speed

The Mountain that Writes at Pulp Speed

In which Larry Correia indisputably proves himself not just to be The Mountain That Writes, but The Mountain That Writes at pulp speed: Original thread here. I'll save you the time of counting. Larry is outproducing George R. R. Martin thirteen books to one. The days of authors being picked…
Black Tide Rising TV

Black Tide Rising TV

TV producers Miker Lermon and Richard Rosenthal recently joined Daddy Warpig and myself to discuss their upcoming adaptation of Black Tide Rising by John Ringo. How can writers get their novels adapted for TV? Does Hollywood still have a monopoly on movie and television production? What sets Ringo's work apart…
Hazeroth Was Right

Hazeroth Was Right

Over at Amatopia, the Daytime Renegade reviews Souldancer. Recently, I read and really enjoyed Part I of Brian Niemeier‘s three-part Soul Cycle series, Nethereal. Having read Part II, Souldancer, I can say that Brian improves upon nearly every aspect of the already impressive Nethereal, creating one of the most memorable…
Spider-Man and Castlevania

Spider-Man and Castlevania

After years of negotiations and one too many lamentable movies from SONY, Marvel has (temporarily) regained the rights to Spider-Man. Has Marvel redeemed their most beloved character's troubled franchise? Listen in to the latest episode of Geek Gab and find out! Bonus: I review the first episode of Netflix's original…
Jeffro on The Last Kingdom

Jeffro on The Last Kingdom

Appendix N author Jeffro Johnson tries his hand at what he calls a Brian Niemeier style post. I’ve heard good things about The Last Kingdom, so I decided to check it out. Judging from the first episode, it’s basically Vikings meets Game of Thrones… but without the most aggressively awful elements…
Praise for Hymn of the Pearl

Praise for Hymn of the Pearl

Author and publisher Russell Newquist reviews my new novella, They Hymn of the Pearl: Last Friday, an unexpected gift appeared in my e-mail inbox: Brian Niemeier’s new novella, Hymn of the Pearl. Full disclosure: in case you didn’t guess from the previous sentence, I received a free copy of this…