City of Corpses

City of Corpses

City of Corpses, the latest fantasy title from multiple Hugo nominee and Dragon Award winner John C. Wright, is now available. Yumiko Moth has discovered her name, but she still does not know who, or what, she is. What she has learned is that her mother is dead, her master…
How to Find a Cover Artist

How to Find a Cover Artist

Your book's cover is its front line marketing tool. A cover that conveys your book's genre, tone, and general story from a glance at the thumbnail will drive sales. None of this is possible without a skilled cover artist. How do you find the right artist for your book's cover?…
Analog Mindset

Analog Mindset

Reader JD Cowan passed along a blog post by an author who attempts to give reasons for his decision to never self-publish. I say attempts because there are no reasons involved; only pre-rational biases. Normally I'd shrug and get back to earning a living in the publishing industry, but Steve is spreading…

Bushi Boys

This past Saturday, Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal sat down for a wide-ranging discussion with the Bushi Boys. I wasn't able to make it for this episode of Geek Gab, but I'm sure you'll enjoy this geektastic conversation between our two remaining hosts and their special guests. Give it a listen!…
Thoughts on Crime Pulp

Thoughts on Crime Pulp

Inspired by his recent appearance on Geek Gab: On the Books, the Injustice Gamer offers some additional thoughts on the crime genre in the pulps: Let's start with a definition of the Crime genre(yes, I know genres are mostly marketing tools). It's not inherently a mystery story, though it might…

Crime/Suspense Stories

Are crime and suspense stories pulp? How about true crime? Westerns? Stage magic and train stories? Alfred Genesson and Nathan Housley answer these and other pressing Pulp Revolution questions on the latest very special episode of Geek Gab: On the Books. Check it out! Action packed, complex, and gargantuan. It's…
Elementary Storytelling

Elementary Storytelling

Over on the Castalia House blog, Appendix N author Jeffro Johnson lays out a few vital criteria for masterful writing: The truth is that effective writing is striking. It stands out. It’s so obvious that children can identify it with confidence. In fact, the classics I list above are ones that…
This Is Not Fine

This Is Not Fine

Author JD Cowan delivers a stinging rebuke to proselytes for the Cult of the New: It is a fascinating mentality to have. Imagine being so dismissive and scared of the past that one can't admit there were aspects of it better than where we live in the present. Now there…
The Dark Universe

The Dark Universe

On the latest episode of Geek Gab, Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal review Universal's third second first attempt at creating their own cinematic universe based on the classic Universal monsters. First up is The Mummy starring Tom Cruise. No, it's not a reboot of the fun action-comedy Mummy with Brendan Fraser.…
More Praise for Nethereal

More Praise for Nethereal

Daytime Renegade offers a thorough and thoughtful review of my first novel, Nethereal. Take the good parts of Dune and Star Wars, mix them together with a heaping dollop of Dante, a dash of high fantasy, and a whole lot of horror, and you’re beginning to almost approach Brian Niemeier‘s…