Old Pulp Magazines

Old Pulp Magazines

Author Rawle Nyanzi went digging through some old pulp magazines from the 1930s. Now he's come to share what he learned about the golden age of sci-fi publishing with the listeners of Geek Gab: On the Books Rawle also shares his strong opinions on recent attempts to revive the once-dominant…
Writing Fiction vs. Selling Fiction

Writing Fiction vs. Selling Fiction

In his comment on my previous marketing post, reader Misha Burnett draws an important delineation between writing fiction and selling fiction: And this is exactly why I gave up trying to write for money. It's a sales job, and I don't like sales. Having a fairly decent product line helps,…
Marketing Is Everything

Marketing Is Everything

Author Russell Newquist helpfully informs us of the difference between marketing and advertising while explaining why marketing is essential for authors. First of all, you have to understand that marketing and advertising are two separate but related things. Any business you run (and remember, selling your own books is a…

Wonder Woman

This week on Geek Gab, Daddy Warpig, Dorrinal, and I discuss DC's new movie Wonder Woman. You can listen in here. UPDATE: Since recording this episode, I have gone to see the movie. I'm in agreement with DW that this is the best DC movie since The Dark Knight Rises.…
I’m Bullish on Amazon, and So Can You!

I’m Bullish on Amazon, and So Can You!

There have been rumblings in the small and indie publishing scene of late foretelling Amazon's imminent lapse into tyranny. "They're just too big!" goes the lament. "With no moral or economic checks on their operation, Amazon is sure to screw authors...somehow!" I've been publishing with Amazon for two years. I…
TANSTAAFL: Marketing Edition

TANSTAAFL: Marketing Edition

Author Russell Newquist highlights two vital principles that all authors must embrace: marketing is not optional, and you have to spend money to make money. But going into business for yourself means that you want to make money. And if you want to make money – real money – in…
On the Books: Characterization

On the Books: Characterization

Which qualities define a strong character? How can writers make their characters well-rounded? Join me and author Justin Knight as we discuss characterization on the latest episode of Geek Gab: On the Books. Ethics disclosure: Justin has hired me to edit his upcoming novel. @BrianNiemeier
The Last Jedi Will Ruin Luke Skywalker

The Last Jedi Will Ruin Luke Skywalker

Mark Hamill's nerd bona fides need no elaboration. He might be the only one left who's competent to write a Star Wars movie. You doubt me? Check out what he said about the debacle that was Episode VII's climax: Hamill has a lot of thoughts on how Luke might have…
Dead Men Tell No Tales

Dead Men Tell No Tales

For our 100th episode, Geek Gab reviews the latest entry in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. The verdict may surprise you. Take a listen! And don't miss the next episode of Geek Gab: On the Books. I'll be discussing characterization with author Justin Knight. Be there this Wednesday, May…
Amazon Terrifies the Big 5

Amazon Terrifies the Big 5

A friend alerted me to an article published by Vox.com which purports to show that Amazon is an evil monopoly bent on destroying the publishing industry. I greatly enjoyed this story, and not just because it's rife with the usual Amazon zombie memes. Here, Vox.com take their butthurt over the fact…