RBG Icon

Moral IP

Anyone who works in publishing for any length of time necessarily becomes well-acquainted with the concept of intellectual property. If you come up with a new idea that solves a problem in a unique way, you own that idea. Fair use allows wiggle room for third parties to make transformative…
Secular Religion

Heretical Secular Religion

While a majority of Americans practice Christianity at home, our rulers submit to a heretical secular religion. And they've taken pains to make sure Christians' beliefs have zero impact on public life. You can safely call for an innocent child to spend the rest of his life behind bars, but…
VA Governor Race

VA Governor Race

It's possible to win some battles even while retreating. The GOP demonstrated that fact last night when they won the VA governor race for the first time in twelve years. For beleaguered Conservatives who'd been taking body blows since this time last year, the victory finally gave them something to…
Kabuki Theater

Kabuki Theater

Those who've made their way into the counterculture must admit that seeing the Left-Right dichotomy unmasked as kabuki theater was one of the hardest pills to swallow. With the exception of the Zoomers, every living generation of Americans was conditioned to support the Red Team against the Blue Team or…
Archbishop Broglio

Archbishop Upholds Catholic Doctrine

That headline shouldn't be newsworthy, but here in Clown World, it's a bombshell. Archbishop of the U.S. military services Timothy Broglio has issued a statement against forcing American service members to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, saying that “no one should be forced to receive a COVID-19 vaccine if it would…

Cozy TV

Conservatives rightly take a lot of flak for endlessly whining about the culture war while persistently failing to fight on the cultural level. At best, the Death Cult's notional opponents fund movies no one but National Review subscribers will see or launch alt tech platforms that are either garbage, fed…
Optimate Yankees

The Optimate Response

The fatal flaw of Liberalism--aside from its failure to secure long-term material prosperity, never mind maintain the West's social cohesion--is that it's based on the false notion that freedom is an absolute good to be pursued for its own sake. What gives the game away is that any appeal to…
Anti-CRT Protester

Raise Your Own Kids

If you want to know how highly the enemy values a specific asset, watch his response to even the mildest action directed against it. School board meetings are some of the last places where citizens can openly and publicly interact with officials. The secrecy of elections, for instance, makes the…
Catholic Giving Stats

To Purify the Church, Cut off the Money

Folks I interact with IRL and online increasingly ask me what they can do about the American Catholic hierarchy's deafness to their concerns. Whether it's complicity in the canon law-violating restriction of access to the sacraments, covering up abuse of adolescent boys by gay priests, or facilitating the invasion of…
Death Cult Sacrament

Death Cult Sacraments

The paradox of tolerance was a favorite canard of the Left back when they were still pretending to be moral relativists. You still hear it sometimes from Gen Xers who didn't get the updated Woke Cult rubrics. According to philosopher Karl Popper, the paradox goes that a total commitment to…