American Flag Blindfold

Renfield Americans

An enduring meme phrase used to describe out-of-touch and out-of-control Western elites is "the Vampire Castle." This term gained traction because it's easy to picture people like Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, or Klaus Schwab dangling upside down from the rafters of some crumbling fortress overlooking the Rhine.  They may as…
Institutional Confidence

Institutional Confidence

As confidence in American institutions drops, support for secession rises. This shift is not exclusive to conservatives. Even liberals, who voted for a higher minimum wage, student debt forgiveness, and a clean withdrawal from Afghanistan, are disillusioned with our rulers. But dissidents aren't immune to cognitive dissonance. Members of Gen…
China Future

Showing up for the Future

The old proverb "The purpose of your life may be to serve as a warning to others" scales up to the national level, if China's swift and decisive reaction to the American Woke Cult is any indication. Over the last few weeks, China has shown that it isn’t just charting…

The White Pill-Black Pill Rollercoaster

A vicious cycle that tends to afflict dissidents is the white pill-black pill rollercoaster. You see this phenomenon when some news story seems to signal a reversal of--or at least a pause in--the West's long cultural decline. The white-piller gets a dopamine rush that puts him on cloud nine. When…

A Culture Rout

One of the first lessons folks in dissident circles learn is to hide their power levels around Left-leaning family and friends. It's not so much that they fear being disowned or ostracized, though both do happen. In many cases, having fewer cultists to interact with comes as a blessing. The…

Locus of Control

If you've read a self-help book, been to therapy, or attended a motivational seminar, you may be familiar with the locus of control concept. Someone with an internal locus of control is self-directed, whereas someone with an external locus of control sees himself as being at the mercy of outside…
Weaponize Art

Weaponizing Art

The return of #BrandZero has dissident creatives asking how they can use their art to counter the prevailing narrative. Taking the Death Cult-profaned entertainment industry back looks like a nonstarter since Hollywood is quickly falling to China. Starting a parallel cinema scene might be a more feasible idea for dissidents.…

We Need a New Paradigm

For most of the people reading this post, the only political paradigm they've known is the Left-Right dichotomy. In the United States, citizen participation in that dialectic has long meant supporting either democrats or republicans--both at the ballot box and in the public square. Libertarianism existed as a compromise position…
Shapiro Page

Conservative NPCs

It's easy to forget in the constant churn of internet culture, but the NPC meme as originally conceived and popularized had no political content. The channers who came up with the meme used it to describe the majority of people who follow the crowd without reflection. Like the video game…
Get off Facebook

Delete Facebook

As I pointed out in the comments on yesterday's post, a hallmark of authoritarian regimes is their need to make everybody inform on everyone else. Facebook, the online marketing firm to which the state has long outsourced its censorship work, has now dropped any pretext of being an open forum…