Pope Francis’ comparison of the societal threat posed by gender ideology to the danger of nuclear weapons has proven prophetic again.
The Catholic parents of a mentally troubled teenage boy taken by the State of Indiana are appealing to the Supreme Court.
In M.C. and J.C. v. Indiana Department of Child Services, Mary and Jeremy Cox are appealing to the Supreme Court after they were investigated by Indiana officials for refusing to refer to their son using pronouns and a name inconsistent with his biological sex.
Becket is pursuing the case on behalf of the Coxes, arguing state courts allowed Indiana to keep the child from living in his parents’ home due to their disagreement with the child’s gender identity because of their religious beliefs.
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Notably, upon completing the investigation, the state determined the allegations of abuse against Mary and Jeremy were unsubstantiated, but still argued that the disagreement over gender identity was distressing to their child.
Lori Windham, vice president and senior counsel at Becket, told Fox News Digital that no parent should ever have to endure what Mary and Jeremy have been forced to go through.

In 2019, Mary and Jeremy’s son told them that he identified as a girl, but in line with their Catholic religious beliefs that God created human beings with an immutable sex, male or female, they did not believe in referring to him using pronouns and a name inconsistent with his biology.
In addition, the Coxes believed their son was struggling with underlying mental health conditions, including an eating disorder, so they sought therapeutic care for both.
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But, in 2021, Indiana officials began investigating the Coxes after a report found they were not referring to their child by his preferred gender identity, removing the teen from their custody and placing him in a “gender-affirming” home. Despite the unsubstantiated claims of abuse, they claimed the Coxes made the child’s eating disorder worse even though it worsened after he was removed and placed in a transition-affirming home.
The Indiana Department of Child Services declined a Fox News Digital request for comment, saying, “DCS does not comment on ongoing litigation.”
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“This is what every parent is afraid of,” Mary and Jeremy Cox said in a press release. “We love our son and wanted to care for him, but the state of Indiana robbed us of that opportunity by taking him from our home and banning us from speaking to him about gender.”
“We are hopeful that the Justices will take our case and protect other parents from having to endure the nightmare we did,” they added.
The State of Indiana has fallen a long way since passing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in 2015.
However the Supreme Court rules in the Coxes’ case, Christian parents are well-advised to check their own states’ laws.
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Any legally protected class (not a straight white Christian male) has been a tyrant to the rest of us. “We just want to be accepted and treated as equals!” was a mask for “If you don’t we’ll send the government after you. Your life will be ruined.”
In practice, the “right” to not be discriminated against trumps any other right, especially religious freedom.
It’s a matter of time before this boils over and normally reasonable people become unreasonable and dangerous. At that point, there will be no “You can’t do that, it goes against your faith.” No. It went against the faith to let evil fester to where the only real solution to fight against it was something extreme.
I hope these parents get their kid back and he is cured of his ailments. Then they need to get the heck out of Dodge.
Illinois is deliberating a “Mutilate and sterilize your kids or go to prison” bill, so some getting the heck out may be in order around here soon.
I wont pretend to know the right answer in this situation, but God will find a way to make use of our collective choices whether people choose to run away from persecution or stand to fight against this evil agenda.
Both have their merits, but a major point still stands, normal and good natured people can’t run away from these problems forever.
No, we can’t run forever, but even the life of Jesus himself suggests that God generally encourages temporary flight rather than direct confrontation with evil.
Us post Protestant moderns are always gunning for a fight. And there is something to be said for the badger approach at times. However, lawlessness doesn’t end well. Meanwhile tyrants come…and they go, including in recent history like in the USSR. Even if we do nothing but are patient and trust in God, this too shall pass.
That’s why prudence is the first cardinal virtue. In the moment, you don’t have the benefit of hindsight. Hence my comment about “collective choices”, people will consider the prudent choice differently and God works those choices as he sees fit.
We eventually run out of places to run.
When does it stop being murder punish evil?
Get “trans” kids off of social media, give them old-fashioned flip phones, and it’s amazing how quickly they return to normalcy.
It also helps to keep them out of public school.
Not to go all sourcewhore, but I’m interested to know if you’ve got personal anecdotes or data on that.
I’m inclined to believe it, btw since I still use a flip phone.
It’s based on long lost retweets that I’ve seen on Twitter. The trans cult shrieked at a mother who posted “before” and “after” pics of her daughter after doing exactly that, and the cult complained that trans kids can be trans “without knowing it.” I’ve also seen a trans person brag about grooming a young man in his town into trying estrogen.
You get the kids off of social media, because Discord servers and Twitter mutuals create echo chambers that expose them to porn. Removing the smartphone merely removes on-demand Internet access.
The “you just don’t know it” crowd is a cancer on society. Maybe people are normal and just don’t know it.
I’ll give credit, the mental gymnastics it takes to justify otherwise is quite a spectacle.
I think the ‘you don’t know it’ is their attempt to reconcile two of their articles of anti-faith:
1. Sexual identity/desire is inborn, innate, fixed, and of Divine authority (sort of a mockery of conscience);
2. Everyone (or at least as many people as possible) should be LGBTQetc.