Christian hero Michael Cassidy, who took Christ’s universal kingship seriously enough to purge the Iowa state capitol of a demonic idol, has been sentenced by that state’s temporal rulers.
A Mississippi man who damaged a statue of a pagan idol at Iowa’s state Capitol pleaded guilty Friday to a reduced charge in return for prosecutors dropping a felony hate crime count.

Related: Cassidy Cleanses the Capitol
Michael Cassidy, a former congressional and legislative candidate, was set for trial June 3, but his attorney filed a guilty plea on his behalf to an aggravated misdemeanor count of third-degree criminal mischief, the Des Moines Register reported.
So in short, they found Cassidy guilty of being Christian.
That story has two main errors:
- The statue that Cassidy destroyed was an image of the demon Baphomet, not a “pagan idol.”
- He is guilty of nothing, except a willingness to exercise heroic virtue that too many men lack.
Related: Cassidy Faces Felony for Hating Evil
Note: The above is just a general comment on the anemic virtue of most Christian men in what used to be the West. It’s not a call to action. For one thing, so openly defying our diabolical rulers comes with risks and costs that few family men can afford.
“I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged,” Cassidy told the conservative website The Sentinel in December. “My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted.”
Cassidy raised more than $134,000 for his defense via the Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo, where supporters said he acted with “bravery and conviction. He was not willing to see God reviled, especially in a building where lawmakers are supposed to honor Jesus Christ as King and look to his law for wisdom as they legislate with justice and righteousness.”
Related: Then They Fight Us, Then We Win
Cassidy received a deferred judgment with two years probation for the criminal mischief and must pay an $855 civil penalty and restitution to the Satanic Temple.
Again, the state of Iowa found Cassidy guilty of being Christian.
The fact that everybody is celebrating him getting a fine and probation as a win shows just how far America has fallen.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s amazing that Cassidy didn’t get the book thrown at him, and he raised far more than he had to pay the Satanists.
It’s that in a rightly ordered society, i.e., a confessional integralist state, Cassidy wouldn’t just get off without a fine, he’d be rewarded by the state.
The spiteful mutant Luciferians would be the ones whose guilt would be correctly discerned and punished.
But even a partial victory is the best we can hope for at this point, so praise God!
And there’s still much more work to be done.
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I was more taken aback by the fact we was going to be charged with a hate crime. To me, that is more of a sign of how far our moral system has fallen.
There needs to come a time soon that people start rethinking their attitude towards power. It’s a zombie meme to fear power citing the corruption of the One Ring from LotR. People see every man as Boromir not anyone to be a potential Aragon who proved resistance to the ring and also as a king with absolute power, be a virtuous ruler. It’s a great dichotomy in power that people easily overlook. In practice, if people don’t want to be ruled by tyrants, then good people need to be on the throne making the rules and preserving the liberty of the realm.
It’s no longer an excuse to say that normal people are too busy working to be politically active in some capacity. We are at a point where no amount of money can insulate an individual from the moral crumbling of our society.
People believe Lord Acton rather than Frank Herbert in matters of “power.”.
That is one of the critical errors we must overcome.
Funny, when I was young I thought the Legion of Super-Heroes’ Matter-Eater Lad’s planet of Bismoll “drafting” candidates for political office was lunacy. Second place to “women in lakes handing out swords” for me now.
Tenzil Kem 2024.
This world bites, he’ll bite back!
Please note that Peter Jackson’s LOTR was a extremely emasculated version of the original source material from Tolkien. Bilbo was not a babbling old fool in the books, and Boromir was not a stubborn bully.
Even the initial lines in the Peter Jackson’s movie are different from the books in order to portray humans as greedy bastards.
Only Conservatives could read a fantasy story written by a monarchist and conclude that the main MacGuffin is an allegory for political power.