With the MAGA movement going the way of the Tea Party and the Death Cult’s hatchet men in Big Tech increasingly flexing their muscles, we’re now able to view the heady days of 2016 in historical context.
One of the most tragic yet edifying spectacles of the last presidential election cycle was the motley gang of misfits who popped up to stump for Orange Man. Some of them might have made careers on Fox News in an alternate timeline. Most missed their calling guessing people’s weight at Carnivals. All of them bet their fortunes and sacred honor on the President, and all of them crapped out.
The archetypal example is Milo Yiannopoulos. His Breitbart editorship and Twitter accounts–while he had them–and his ill-fated college tour arguably moved the needle for Trump more than any other MAGA roustabout.
By his own admission, MILO also fell the farthest. The Death Cult even used him as an object lesson in their witch burning manual.
There’s no lack of other examples. Gavin McInnes went from an edgy ex-punk turned Catholic rabble-rouser to a guy streaming from a closet–or perhaps partly out of one. Laura Loomer started out crashing productions of Shakespeare in the Park and actually fell from there. Like many female celebs after their fifteen minutes are up, no longer getting attention has driven her nuts.
Which is a more honorable fate than the cucky groveling chosen by Loomer’s old partner in crime Jack Posobiec and Canadian actor Stefan Molyneux.
And that’s nothing compared to lunatics like Scott Adams, who’d have trundled off to Mexico to start a UFO religion had be been born a generation earlier.
But even that disgrace pales before outright cons run on hopeful voters by the likes of Lauren Southern.
Now, most of these MAGA camp followers weren’t malicious. By and large they were niche figures kicking around social media in 2015 wondering why they weren’t famous yet. A handful were talented enough to have gone mainstream in another world.
What they couldn’t have known was how gravely mistaken their conception of the world was. Back in 2015 everybody still thought we were operating under the old terms of a functioning democratic republic. Under the old rules, the majority wins but makes concessions to the losers so they’ll be disposed to cut a deal when control of the government flips again.
Operating under those assumptions, which are drilled into all of us in grade school, it made sense to think that betting big on Trump would yield proportionally big rewards. To the sorrow of the MAGA coattail riders–and his voter base–Blormpf has proven scandalously bad at rewarding his supporters.
That’s not entirely the President’s fault. He, too, almost certainly bought the rosy fiction of how the system is supposed to work. The truth is we’re ruled by a spiteful, insular elite that rigs every election like a Globetrotters vs Generals game.
Flukes do happen. The story of 2016 is the story of Trump buying the Washington Generals and hiring new players and coaches to break their losing streak. Only after he’s taken his team to the championship is he informed that there’s no trophy, no endorsement deals, and in fact, no game. His players aren’t even interested in winning, since they’ve always been paid to lose.
No analogy is perfect, and the Washington Generals fail as stand-ins for the GOP because only an idiot takes Globetrotters games for serious athletic contests. The MAGA sacrificial lambs fall is more like the sad tale of suckers who gambled their life savings on Butch Coolidge from Pulp Fiction. The fix was in, and their boy won anyway. But because the mob aren’t the most gracious losers, the champ had to cut a deal with the legbreakers running the racket that stripped him of his privileges.
The most salient lessons of 2016 are these: The political system is fully in the Death Cult’s hands. The Death Cult will not suffer current or former heretics in their midst.
We can’t expect to overturn the Cult-enforced moral anti-order at the ballot box. Nor will accepting their premises and arguing on their terms avail us. Our rulers long ago abandoned Christianity, and so they hate us. The only remedy is new rulers guided by the light of Christian morality and dedicated to a Christian moral order.
So how do we effectively enforce the witch test so even regular people get it? And provide the necessary numbers to unravel the death cult's hold?
A timely ana propos post by Fr Z
I saw that study. Paul VI proves prophetic again.
The Witch Test is effective precisely because it packs the content of a 20 minute moral philosophy debate into a single rhetorical flourish.
A follow up; here's tweet from Adrian Vermeule on a role of institutional state power in the culture and conservatives finally getting a ticket on the clue train
Thanks for calling Adams a lunatic. The dude made an account where he pretended to be a random commenter in order to defend himself in his comments section, and then got caught and tried to explain it away. He's a con man who has said point blank he hopes folks like me die a slow painful death because we oppose euthanasia – and doubled down on that view in an interview.
The man is a dishonest huckster who guessed right about Trump, and even backed out of his prediction fot a week or two then tried to memory hole it.
You're welcome. I consider exposing Adams' hucksterism and outright evil a public service.
And to paraphrase Vox, Adams got Trump's win right after he got it wrong after getting it right.
And thank you for calling out Posobiac and Molyneux. Really disappointed by them as they had the most promise.
Adams was always clearly nuts and s conman to me. Milo I enjoyed but it bothered me that he recognized the truth of Christ and his Church and her teachings, but still lived contrary to it.
Gavin surprised me. I did not see that coming.
Loomer was a grifter from the beginning.
These guys all enjoyed a degree of protection from criticism under the aegis of "Don't shoot right," but anyone who thinks any of the people you mentioned are on the Right has a screw loose.
I have hope for Milo. He seems to be honestly struggling. We should pray for him.
Will do.
What did Posobeic do that disappointed you?
Molyneux always rubbed me the wrong way; Nassim Nicholas Taleb exposed his IQ nonsense. American Dan correctly observed that Molyneux is an insecure beta/gamma.
I enjoy Dilbert. However, I started getting strange vibes or whatever you called it whenever he discussed persuasion and rhetoric. Smething was very off now I know that he's a conman; very gifted
I disagree on the Taleb episode regarding IQ. If anything, that episode exposed a weak spot for Taleb, as he reasoned very poorly regarding IQ and population outcomes…and normally Taleb is very good at reasoning. It reminded me of Wright when it comes to discussions on demographics (he has a mixed family) and Pope Francis.
I don’t know if Stefan is a gamma, but Stefan is just another showman. I won’t say conman, but I would not be adverse to using that description…he’s just a different class than Adams. He brands ha show as the biggest philosophy show on the internet…yet never discusses philosophy. That always told me it was about branding, as Westerns are illiterate regarding philosophy (Phil 101 only teaches the history of development…that’s as far as most go. Throw in that the Phil departments in academia are converged and have gone oroborus on themselves, and you have the result that very few in the West know what Philosophy is, let alone recognize it being discussed).
Molyneux always rubbed me the wrong way; Nassim Nicholas Taleb exposed his IQ nonsense.
So tell me, please, if you don't believe in racial IQ disparities, how do you account for the fact that blacks, as a group, are doing quite poorly wherever we find them in the world? Is it all evil white racists?
I don't really see an issue with Mr. Wright and Pope Francis. He just basically doesn't talk about him. And points out quite correctly that the media constantly lies about him. But it's not like he tried to shut doen the criticisms commenters made about him.
I am sympathetic, and annoyed at excuses made for blacks. But that said, as to your question, we can start by poining out that isn't true. Ethiopia is trending rapidly upward economically and is currently quite stable governmentally. Compare where thet're trendimg to Europe and it looks pretty good. Nigeria is actually doing quite well.
It isn't as simple as "blacks are dumber" – not that there isn't a large subset of blacks in the central parts of Africa that aren't as smart. But how smart are some of the white nations proving to be, really?
Zak log
Nope. But what Taleb is exposing is the attempt to rehabilitate despicable 19th century theories that remain odious.
I live in a country where the political elites indulge with some of those theories and the prime minister of the post independent period was particularly odious and pernicious about intelligence.
Like John c Wright, my kids are métis so yeah I take offense at you've polluted the bloodline and decreased the intelligence of the race mindset.
There are other factors that always get overlooked willfully in the iQ debate: consanguious marriages, malnutrition etc.
But what Taleb is exposing is the attempt to rehabilitate despicable 19th century theories that remain odious.
All I see here is an emotional outburst from someone unable to formulate an actual argument. The simple and obvious fact is that the various racial groups behave very differently and have wildly different outcomes. Ultimately, we must choose one of two explanations for this: internal causes or external causes. Internal causes primarily relate to genetic factors including IQ and propensity towards antisocial violence. External factors ultimately end up with “rayciss wypipo bad”.
Now, if you want to talk about odious and offensive, I find that last quite odious and offensive and all too likely to contribute to real violence today, as opposed to 100 years ago. So if “odious” is your standard of argument, we’re at an impasse. I find your position odious as well.
Taleb's reasoning has really degraded into incoherence lately (the unfortunate fate of all who subscribe to the incoherent enlightenment ideology of liberalism). It's not just his unconvincing attack on the concept of IQ, it's that he's more or less converged with mainstream progressives, despite the fact that progressivism is antithetical to his overall political vision.
He believes in localism where most of the power is shifted back toward local authorities, and is thus more suited to meet the needs of the local people. But, he's just recently set out to outline a "rigorous" definition of racism and xenophobia and why they're not acceptable. Right, so the locals should be in control of their own society and decide how it works, but also they can't actually make (anything other than empty) distinctions between themselves and other peoples or have rules of thumb that guide relations with foreigners because… well that would be illiberal and Taleb is a liberal. So "localism" within the strict confines of internationalist liberalism.
Likewise, his "defense" of Christianity is little more than a gutting of the faith to make it palatable to atheists. He says religion has nothing to do with statements about actual reality, but are just subtext surrounding rules of behaviour which are beneficial. Even if that's his position, it's heinously stupid to project that onto most believers, even more so to ahistorically project it onto the Christendom of the past.
Along with this is his appropriation of greco-roman philosophy and society for "meds", the re-envisioned term for the "architects" of the great civilizations of antiquity which paradoxically groups together Persians, Greeks, Italians, and assorted MENA Arab rape babies, while excluding "Nords" who had nothing to do with things like the Roman empire (unlike the lebanese, whose contributions to civilization have been incommensurate! Lol). All of this has attracted a healthy following of sycophantic ME pseuds who alternatively cry about racism and congratulate themselves for the achievements of civilizations a thousand times better than their own using "slaves built America" logic. So basically he repelled or blocked anyone with anything of any value to say and is left with pretty standard anti-white reddit atheists [MENA edition].
This one really stings because Taleb has brains, but he's becoming just another IYI. He coined the term lindy and is choosing as his hill to die on two of the most anti-lindy concepts conceivable: anti-racist progressive xenophilia, and religion as self-help. There's literally no surer way to kill your nation and religion respectively than those two; won't stand the test of time, double not lindy.
Xavier, those effects are always dealt with, you just know nothing about the subject and get your information about it from a willfully ignorant crypto-conservative.
"My kids are metis."
I know you're discussing macrosocial phenomena and their effects on society, but what about MMMEEEEEEEEEE?
I find the burden of hugely disproportionate indian criminality on my community odious, so what? I get it, your personal preconceptions and family situation leads you to not be open to certain conclusions, that has no bearing on their truth.
MILO surfaced recently to appear on the Killstream and again to interview Nick Fuentes. In both instances he showed glimmers of hope. I join you in praying for him.
If Africa is doing so great, why are a billion Africans going to emigrate to Europe this century?
Did anyone say "Africa is so great"? I pointed out two countries doing decently well. And they exist. If you all really think this subject is so important, EVERYONE needs to talk about it honestly.
Here's the argument. There are racial disparities in IQ. So what?
What is the prescription
Sterilize? Put them in camps like the Ughurs? Bring back the mission civilsatrice?
In the end, it always comes down to a war on the vulnerable.
Because corruption, tyranny and NGO neocolonialiam with transnational elite encouragement to destroy local countries at home and abroad are main factors prompting the mass exodus.
Looking at the biology issue honestly is precisely the desired outcome.
Being honest doesn't mean comparing African countries to other African countries. It means comparing them to the West.
Liberia was founded with a nearly identical copy of the US Constitution. Would you want to live there?
As for Nigeria and Ethiopia, their adult literacy levels are both under 50%. Nigeria has a big GDP because of an influx of foreign money due to the oil trade, but now their economy is in recession. Their legislature just passed a bunch of draconian hate speech laws. It's not clear what their example is supposed to prove.
What is the prescription
Sterilize? Put them in camps like the Ughurs?
It means telling the truth. And not acting like anyone who speaks the truth is a damned Nazi itching to commit genocide. The lie that everyone is exactly equal in capability is the foundation for the further lie that everything wrong with the lives of black people is white people's fault. And that is an excellent incitement for racial hatred.
If much of this is due to inherent differences in IQ, and we can talk about that, no one has to hate anyone. And no one is murderously inclined to genocide.
And for God's sake, stop talking like everyone who disagrees with you is plotting genocide. Do you have any idea how childish and noxious that is?
Then sure, compare them to the west. Some western countries are doing better; some are doing worse. I'm not going to pretend all of Africa is full of people who all do exactly the same things and make exactly the same mistakes because that helps foster a counter-narrative. This is not an issue with pat answers, as if "Blacks are dumb" is the answer to the puzzle.
I'm not saying you're all loony or as a whole Africa isn't full of people who aren't as intelligent as ehites. I'm saying it isn't that simple either way.
And pretending anyone here said "Africa is so great!" Is dishonest. You're better than that.
Bellomy, if you were going to be sent, for the rest of your life, to a random country, but you got to choose based on this one bit of information, would you choose a randomly selected African country or a randomly selected European country?
@Bellomy: Do you love black people?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Why do you keep acting like I'm saying something I didn't?
Here is my question: Is all of Africa exactly identical?
Deleted my response because I suspect I was falling into a trap, where if I didn't give a direct answer you were going to claim dishonesty.
I love black people insofar as I love anybody else – no differently than that. Not being ignorant of statistics I know that black heavy areas are fsr more likely to be dangerous and crime ridden and avoid them accordingly. I also know they're less likely to be intelligent.
@Zaklog: "So tell me, please, if you don't believe in racial IQ disparities, how do you account for the fact that blacks, as a group, are doing quite poorly wherever we find them in the world? Is it all evil white racists?"
Perhaps I'm recalling incorrectly, but I recall Taleb arguing that racial IQ was not a big determinate of racial outcomes. If I'm recalling incorrectly, then my bad, as I agree, there is a reason why Africans do poorly in general wherever they are, and where they do okay tends to be in locations with quite a bit of euro admixture.
A) What did I falsely attribute to you? Be specific please.
B) Why should I answer your direct question when you refuse to answer mine?
@Xavier/Buscaroons – I never answered your Posibiec question. Jack isn't really a major dissappoint, only a minor one in that once he became a hired mouthpiece for the Trump movement he lost his personal voice. I'm all for not attacking our side against an implacable enemy, but people close to Trump who could direct him in a better direction need to maintain their principles, otherwise who they represent gets lost in compromise for the sake of maintaining a united front.
@ Zaklog – here is the episode I was thinking of. I recall VoxDay discussing it. I guess I mixed up the discussions and Molyneux vs Taleb focused on other aspects of IQ?
Yes, there are intelligent disparities within races and with different races. Again so what?
What are the prescriptions for an ordinas tranquillitas where the vulnerable, here the less intelligent, are both protected and thrive?
Ultimately, the common good is to ensure that the less intelligent are valued so that everyone glorifies the kingship of our Lord, the most Holy Trinity the ultimate common good as well as under the protective mantle of our Lady.
And this
Seems Taleb thinks country/national IQ and outcomes are detached. Did I miss something?
Yes, there are intelligent disparities within races and with different races. Again so what?
If you acknowledge this, then please clarify what you mean by Molyneux’s “IQ nonsense”. What has he said on the subject that you’d call nonsense?
You just did it again. I did not say you falsely attributed anything to me. What I said was you were acring like I said something I didn't.
Your question is an example of that. When did I say or imply that I think Africa is in just as good a state as Europe? And since I don't think that and didn't say that, why does the answer of your question matter to me, and wht do you think it matters to me? Because it looks awfully like you think I'm making an equivalency *I never made*.
My question was actually directed at Brian…but you have a problem with the question, don't you?
Because despite it not accusing you of anything directly it obviously implies it. Not really fair right?
I'm not an enemy and not a guy you and brian need to play rhetorical games with. What'a next? The witch test?
You two both said that the reason we need to talk about this stuff is because we need to be truthful. You're exactly right. The truth is, you *actually said* something that wasn't really correct. Should we just not bring that up because it's not directly supportive of your point?
@Bellomy: Yet you did not give a direct answer. "Insofar as I love anybody else," is a content-free evasion.
But I don't ask of others what I'm unwilling to do myself.
I love black people.
I love Jews.
I love Asians.
I love white people.
I love Hispanics.
I aspire, and often fail, to love all men as Our Lord commanded.
Because contrary to your earlier judgment of my moral character, I am not better than that. I am a wretched sinner, as are you and everyone else here.
Refusing to directly answer others while demanding direct answers from them is hypocritical and effeminate. We all agree on the substance of the argument. Drop it.
I do not apologize and regret nothing but I will stop commenting on this thread.
The answer to what people want is to stop foisting black failures on the white community. Don't raise taxes on white communities to pay for failing black schools. Don't bus black students from failing inner city schools to the suburbs to inflict their violence and crime on others. Don't mandate racial quotas for jobs and education.
Blacksynth's comment last week applies just as much to the MAGA camp followers as it does to the MGTOW crowd.
Once you see the battle as Death Cult vs Truth, it's hard to go back to wearing a tricorne hat and whining about "liberal hypocrisy."
That was me who replied to him, btw. I was commenting from a remote PC that was having account conflict issues.
The Tea Party failed. That's hard to admit, because I supported it. The Republicans are actually on the other side, with the Democrats. The Libertarians are there, too. I've spent the last few years unable to decide whether I was a conservative or a libertarian, but it seems pretty clear that distinction is irrelevant, because neither Reaganism nor Rothbardism is worth a dixie cup of warm spit on a spiritual battlefield.
It's a hard pill to swallow. But normal people in this country are waking up to the fact that they've been betrayed.
And they're getting righteously pissed off.
and we see the results. Barcelona, Chile, Paris, Bolivia, Lebanon. The ordinary people have taken to the streets and have caused govts to fall and tthe political landscape to realign due to the truth, very ugly truth, revealed
Is there anyone who didn't turn out to be a conman?
It's hard to imagine how much has changed in half a decade. But if there's one thing I learned it is to be wary of people who push themselves to the head of the line in order to lead it.
No more "gate" movements, and no more "owning the libs", just solutions. I want nothing else.
Perhaps the unholy hissy-fit the Left has been pitching these last few years has been a blessing in disguise in this regard. Their masks have come off, causing a lot of other folks and institutions to reveal their emptiness and perfidy as well.
Movements like the Groypers have drawn a sharp line between those who want to rationalize losing on principle and those who want results.