The Conservative movement’s total failure to conserve anything has rightly become the stuff of memes. One reason why Conservatives have proven utterly ineffective at stopping the Left is that Conservatism is really just slow motion Liberalism. It accepts the basic Liberal premise enshrining freedom detached from the good as an absolute.
Compounding this handicap is that the Left’s power brokers long ago learned that the best way to win was to pick their opposition. The most flagrant example was William F. Buckley’s reign at National Review. His job was to serve as the gatekeeper of official Conservatism and make sure that nobody who might challenge the Left got a hearing in mainstream society.
Here’s Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boering amplifying BowtieCon huckster Benny Johnson and illustrating both of the above points at once:

It must be said that William F. Buckley, these clowns are not. Buckley could at least tell the Republican Party’s constituents to go to hell in a way that made them look forward to the trip. The shabby network of grifters jockeying to fill his loafers come off as parodies. Their professional accomplishments consist of debating feral children on college campuses and composing tweets that read like a thirtysomething’s conception of a Boomer’s image of himself at 20.
If you want the Platonic ideal of a Conservative Inc grifter, look no further than Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. His biography reads like the articles of incorporation for a dummy company set up to siphon resources away from the authentic Right. The son of a Trump Tower project manager, Kirk parlayed his connections into a sinecure heading a campus org that grooms Zoomers into future NRO cruise passengers.
The joke’s on Charlie. Thanks to the waves of H1Bs he supports, no members of Generation Z will be able to afford NRO cruises.
Get a load of this poser:

I’m old enough to remember the 1994 Republican takeover of Congress and the Tea Party. Every time, establishment stooges would jump in front of the parade and march it off a cliff. Charlie Kirk spends every waking moment grasping for the MAGA grand marshal’s baton.
Thankfully, someone decided to stop him.
The pushback began when TPUSA fired their former associate Ashley St. Clair for simply having her picture taken with America First host Nicholas J. Fuentes.
Fuentes, whose early promise Conservative Inc. tried to co-opt, only to see him turn renegade, has run afoul of pretty much every controlled opposition group. They’re so afraid of him that Charlie Kirk hid behind a wall of police officers to avoid debating Fuentes at Politicon.
In response to these waves of purges and gatekeeping, Fuentes asked his viewers to attend Charlie Kirk’s ongoing series of college speaking events. He urged them to present themselves professionally and respectfully, to calmly wait for the Q&A, and to ply Kirk with pointed questions aimed at exposing his grift.
The results have been a disaster for Charlie Kirk and TPUSA. The ranks of questioners at his tour stops have rapidly come to be dominated by Christian traditionalists and American patriots now known collectively as groypers.
In response to being exposed as frauds, Conservative Inc fell back on their Leftist DNA and called for Nick’s deplatforming. Battle lines were soon drawn, with controlled opposition shills like Kirk, Johnson, and Sebastian Gorka, joined by the usual Leftist hall monitors, clamoring for Nick to be hurled into the outer darkness. On the other side, Stefan Molyneux, Michelle Malkin, Jesse Lee Peterson, and Paul Joseph Watson, among others, rallied to Fuentes’ defense.
The Groyper War has sent shock waves through the fake Right. TPUSA suffered a major casualty with the loss of their Kansas State University chapter.
How will this battle for the soul of the American Right end? The outcome remains unclear, but the groypers’ frog march from victory to victory shows no signs of slowing down.
Do your part.
All of this is very white-pilling. Feels like there's actually a chance now.
We have the initiative.
Michelle Malkin? Well shoot, you never can tell, can you?
The Groyper War has helped to separate the sheep from the wolves in sheep's clothing. Some surprising folks have turned up on both sides. I wouldn't have expected Andrew Klavan or Styx Hexenhammer to support Nick, for instance.
I've seen a video of Klavan where he briefly but quite openly acknowledges the biases of the outfit he mostly works with now, including noting, with a tone of dismissal, who won't get much play there because whoever-it-was and that really short jewish guy who talks too fast hate each other. A few other things like that. I think Klavan is trying not to offend people he feels he owes or needs to work with, and is encultured in Conservative Inc's consensus reality, but is basically honest. And that means he's also basically on-side, to an extent, due to not being a conscious liar.
Fair enough.
There are certain moments where the mask doesn't so much as slip but is torn right off. The first was the reaction to Covington, and the second is this.
Throwing kids, normal people, and dissidents, under the bus in a society that already hates them will only create more dissidents. Limpwristed, effeminate, emotional outbursts over having slogans and talking points being criticized is why people hate gammas.
Say whatever you want about Donald Trump, but kicking over the rocks has revealed a lot of roaches scurrying about that need exposure to the sunlight.
Excellent point. Let us never forget that Charlie Kirk, Will Chamberlain, and other TPUSA quislings came out against the Covington kids.
This has been an eye opening experience. I don't like Trump, but I don't like burning down the system to try to get to him either. Whenever he goes, the system won't just regenerate on its own and too much distrust will have been created to allow the kind of unity needed to bring it back.
Let us never forget that Charlie Kirk, Will Chamberlain, and other TPUSA quislings came out against the Covington kids.
Little Bennie is on that list as well. Did he ever publicly apologize for that?
Smashing the system to replace it with something new is the enemy's S.O.P. "Resisting Trump" is an pretext. Revolution was always the goal. This becomes obvious now because the Commies and the RevSocs (but I repeat myself) are leading the Democrat Party around by the nose. They will consolidate power by any means, at any cost, on any pretext.
"Little Bennie is on that list as well. Did he ever publicly apologize for that?"
I don't pay enough attention to him to know, nor would I trust him if he did.
@a reader
That may be the case for some, but a lot of them really believe everything will go back to normal once the Bad Orange Man is gone. That's wishful thinking as the people who voted for Trump have been given no reason to trust the elites any more than they did in 2016. These idiots are heading towards a shooting war and they are completely blind to it.
See Taleb's "Antifragile" for what happens when you keep putting more and more energy into the illusion of stability. A return to normality after Trump would just make the next adjustment more violent.
@Chris Lopes:
The useful idiots are sincere in their "resistance," though the historical illiteracy that misinforms it is breath-taking. They have a bad habit of mistaking everyone who disagrees with them for the next Adolf Hitler. That is one of the things that suggests to me that all of this "resistance" is in fundamentally bad faith, or perhaps that while the grass roots of the "Trump Resistance" are sincere about "resisting," they may also be lying to themselves about whether they would ever do anything else. I've noticed that Republicans and conservatives who are routinely denounced as the worst people ever suddenly become "Great American Statesmen" when they die. This in turn suggests to me that the minds of many on the American Left, the only good dissenter is a dead one.
The revolutionary vanguard – the Inner party as it were – will deploy the useful idiots as rhetorical shock troops, apologists, and moral validators to the undecided middle, just as happily as they will deploy the Black Bloc/Antifa as literal shock troops, but if the Inner Party didn't have millions of Trump-deranged Democrats to use as rhetorical cannon-fodder, they would find a different pretext for deranging the Proles.
@a reader
To bolster you insincerity argument remember that at one time both Mitt Romney and John Macain were the evilist of evil for running against Obama. Then they both transformed into men of principle when they went against Trump. So yeah, some of them don't mean it.
Agreed. The posthumous lionization of John McCain and President HW Bush are key examples of that pattern. I doubt they'll do the same for President GW Bush, but they might plumb new depths of hypocrisy if they can rehabilitate him as a foil to Trump, or whoever they're sanctimoniously dehumanizing, when Bush 43 passes away.
Reagan-as-the-ultimate-American-conservative is, at this point, the same thing but from the liberal Right. He said some great things against abortion, but he DID nothing, and Trump shows that it would have been extremely easy to do.
Excellent point about Reagan. He also signed the 1986 Amnesty whose second-generation effects are turning Texas blue.
TPUSA was recently denied a chapter at Iowa's Drake University by the student senate. I have no love for either Drake or TPUSA and call it a wash.
While Drake's senate won't give the reasons for their vote, it's clear that they didn't want another conservative group on campus. The administration claims that with the ones they have, students to the right have plenty of choices. So one more will be too many?
For context, Drake pretty much closed campus the day after Trump's 2016 win. It was just too painful for the kids. What kind of world did the adults foist on them? They had puppy rooms, too.
If we've learned one thing since 2016, it's that hysterical Leftist reactions to some individual or group is not a reliable indicator of whose side the target is on. The Left only reacts hysterically to everything.
These Boomers are just pathetic. They whined to the mommy-state against someone who barely needs to shave every day yet.
Meanwhile, Millennials like Kirk demonstrate why they're the Boomers' handpicked successors.
Fuentes actually IS a Holocaust denier, though? I was eager to see a word that clearly demarcates the new Christian traditionalists from the secular neo-Nazis but it's not here yet.
No, he's not.