Quite out of the blue, China suddenly revealed to the world that it now enjoys global hegemony over all entertainment.
On Sunday, Blizzard, the company behind Diablo and World of Warcraft, stripped a Hearthstone champion of his title and prize money for making a pro-Hong Kong statement.
The AAA game publisher would go on to double, triple, and quadruple down–what number are they on now? It’s hard to keep up–on their slavish devotion to Chinese money.
Here’s Blizzard apologizing to China for the incident:

This, despite a walk-out staged by Blizzard employees at their Irvine campus.
It’s worth noting that Tencent Limited, a Chinese holding company, owns a 5% stake in Blizzard. 12% of Blizzard’s revenues come from East Asia.
Let’s not forget that China is a communist country. A Chinese company is the Chinese government. More on the implications of that fact in a moment.
Video game companies aren’t the only ones tripping over themselves to pay homage to the Reds. The NBA dismayed sportsball fans nationwide with a series of obsequious displays meant to protect their share of the Chinese market.
Meanwhile, it’s hardly a secret that China is buying up Hollywood.
Looking at the big picture, it’s not hard to see the recent spate of American entertainment companies kowtowing to China as the result of purposeful Chinese flexing. They want us to know who owns our entertainment industry.
While the venal boot-licking of outfits like Blizzard and the NBA rightly heaps shame on their heads, I don’t find Chinese control of the US entertainment sector particularly troubling.
We already know that our home-grown entertainment industry hates us. Yes, the Chinese are censoring people over politics. That’s actually refreshing compared to the current paradigm of being censored over moral issues.
If China taking over games, movies, and professional sports means swapping Death Cult propaganda, which targets the moral level, for Commie propaganda, which targets the political level, I’ll call it an improvement.
The lesson of 2016 is that politics doesn’t matter. It’s the culture, stupid!
And the biggest potential silver lining regarding China’s entertainment industry dominance is the fact that they probably won’t be Commies for long.
As I’ve written here before, China is on track to become the world’s most Christian nation by 2030 and majority Christian by 2050.
Think of it. Chinese communists take over Hollywood. A few years later, China is still in charge, only the Commies are now Christians.
We might actually have a shot at getting a Combat Frame XSeed movie made at that point. Read it now so you’re ready for the premiere!
"If China taking over games, movies, and professional sports means swapping Death Cult propaganda, which targets the moral level, for Commie propaganda, which targets the political level, I'll call it an improvement."
Communist China is also a moral death cult. Christ is life and communism is officially athiest. They seek to bind the church to their own ideology.
The point is that the Commies are a dumber death cult than the neoliberal globalists.
Chicoms censor people for having the wrong politics. SJWs censor people for having the wrong morals. The latter is far more dangerous.
The chicoms censor people for having the wrong morals as well. They just don't do it in the West yet.
I'd rather be banned for tweeting "Free Tibet!" than for mocking demon-possessed drag queens.
This, Razorfist's newest rant, and the South Park event all happening in the same week is some strange Providence.
This is why you're seeing less supernatural and paranormal movies, by the way. They're not allowed in China and Hollywood will do anything to get that Chinese blood money.
I'm awaiting that Chinese conversion to Christianity. It's going to throw a lot of wrenches into a lot of gears.
My cousin just married a Chinese woman from a Christian family. You'd never have heard of that ten years ago.
Let Them Fight.
The Death Cult and the Han Chicoms are two low-trust cultures fighting a proxy war the way such cultures do; get out of their way and make them fight openly.
ChiCom nationalism is totally confounding the globalist bug men. "We do not consider comments that undermine national sovereignty to be free speech."
The Chinese are going to win this fight, and the best part is, they never did figure out that you can't beat the Church by persecuting her.
"Let Them Fight" — Absolutely! Let the Death Cult and Chinese Gov have a slapfest. That may just create some additional cover for making more entertainment that is supportive of Christendom!
That's why the Blizzard/NBA fracas is so salutary. There's a lot of behind the scenes redpilling. Many countries have finally had enough and sufficiently alarmed to push back.
Read @baldingsworls. I concour with his general thrust as I live in that part of the world.
Bottom line China's not as hegemonic as it thinks it is but the U.S. is similarly. The situation: who falls first? Or do they both go down at the same time?
The emergence of Cruci-Fiction at this juncture is eerily Providential.
Concour. I see a reset coming.
The flotsam and jetsam will be jettisoned and back to the true, good and beautiful.
TL;DR Culture is very much worth preserving.
or as the Catalans say Cada terra sa guerra (Every land; its war. i.e. everyone has their own way of doing things)
At the very least, we have the virtue signalers exposing themselves. Even normals have to see that all the bending knee, speaking truth to power b.s. is just an act. When there is real money on the line, and "the man" doesn't give a rat's butt what Stephen Colbert says, these "rebels" surrender faster than France facing the Wehrmacht.
The latter part is the most telling.
Woke capital caves to real opposition with some resources behind it.
Our problem in the West is that all the non-converged money is with the fake opposition.
There's no reason for that to continue though. Crowdfunding substantially changes the financial landscape. Throw in newpub and I think we're looking at more disruption to the old power relationships than people have yet realized.
Look for Big Cuckerment moves to outlaw crowdfunding, probably as part of the War on Drugs, if they ever figure out just how disruptive.
That's why neo-patronage is the future of the arts.
The Chinese takeover of out entertainment and by extension our very culture is just the inevitable failure of neo-liberalism/libertarianism
I'd say it worked OK-ish while it retained national sovereignty and a healthy cultural chauvinism. Throw it in with a globalism or a genuine hatred for Western culture – let alone both – and you've got a disaster.
It did, but it had a built-in expiration date.
I expected to be depressed by this, but that turned around fast by the Church growth takeover! Yay!
If you look close, you can see God's hand in it.