Better late than never. It’s encouraging to see Star Wars fans recognizing those who warned them of their beloved franchise’s imminent fall. Here’s @Dataracer117 reacting to my post from May of last year.

Dubious praise, considering Yoda’s Postmodernist turn in TLJ. The backlash wasn’t hard to see coming, either, in light of Mark Hamill’s public statement disagreeing with every choice Rian Johnson made in the Episode VIII script.

I’m glad people seem to like this blog. Providing accurate forecasts of pop culture’s ongoing decline is just one of the many services I offer my beloved readers. Stay tuned!

Since I’m not always right, and the penalty for prophesying falsely is stoning, no. I’m not.
Then again, it doesn’t take divine inspiration to predict where an IP helmed by people who hate their audience is headed.
Eeeeeugh. I used to feel sad but now I just feel apathetic
Good. That's normal.
At least it allows others like us to supplant them eh?
It is funny how subversion has become so predictable and sterile.
This is a good thing.
The sooner more people wake up, the sooner it loses its luster and fades away. Bonus points since Hollywood is trapped in its own purity spiral that it cannot afford to admit wrong and change direction. More opportunities for outsides to fill the void.
How much longer do you figure Hollywood has, at this rate?
About 3 years. Fans are livid that Gunn was hired to helm Suicide squad 2 many over at bounding to comics. com have already stated they won'the watch ir
Liked Guardians of the Galaxy but until Gunn bends down and kisses Roseanne’s ass in public after celebrating her being fired he can bend down and kiss mine
Not even. He's a rather creepy pedophile enabler at the very least. The photos and some of the tweets leave me aghast. He should never work again in entertainment or be anywhere near kids
Hollywood went all-in on the overseas market and went so far as to burn bridges with their domestic audience. But the new market never materialized.
Another crowning irony is the myopic provincialism of globalism. The rootless world citizen types who run Hollywood assumed everyone was the same. Turns out the Chinese don't care about Star Wars, and the third world isn't interested in cape flicks.
Also, they falsely assumed fellow satanic communist overseers would share Hollywood's values and perversions. Unfortunately for Hollywood, they no longer have the capacity to understand perspectives outside of their own. They won't be able to pivot once they get pressure from their new Chinese owners.
Speaking of your predictive abilities, Justice Kavanaugh while hearing arguments about immigration is taking a line that is to the right of Gorsuch, despite being to the left of Gorsuch during most of his career.
It really didn't take long.
The losers on the Right who dismissed Coach K during the hearings as a Bush-appointed swamp creature are even more pathetic than the screeching harpies who called him a rapist.
Who would they have preferred his appointment to have come from–Obama? Even Reagan's legacy is undergoing revision now, and his judges are getting a bit long in the tooth.
You don't get on SCOTUS without serving on a lower federal court first, so our options are limited to judges appointed by Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama. It's a testament to Trump's wholesale transformation of the GOP that the three Republicans on that list don't pass muster anymore.
The Left created their own enemy here. They will reap what they have sown