Every day, more people are waking up to the true nature of the culture war. The ranks of self-styled moderates are thinning as the Left has made clear that the only options are total submission to their psychotic demands or being branded a Nazi. Even your Boomer aunt on Facebook is starting to realize that SJWs want war to the knife and the knife to the hilt.
Most discussions of the current cold Civil War focus on the stakes. That focus makes sense, because what’s at stake is our survival. Fear is a great way to motivate people.
What often goes unremarked upon in these discussions is the matter of who deserves to win. It’s also not surprising that people avoid this topic. Both sides like to think of themselves as the forces of light locked in mortal struggle against the servants of darkness. It’s just assumed that our side is inherently worthy to inherit the earth while the other side is irredeemably reprobate.
Some might say that calling our side’s worthiness into question is counterproductive. Raising doubts is bad for morale. They have a point. Just look at any of the accounts that subsist on peddling black pills. You won’t have to look hard. Some people get a kick out of spreading misery around. Nobody likes those guys.
I’m not talking about blackpilling, though. Blackpillers make a show of explaining why a proposed plan won’t work, announcing for the Nth time that Trump is finished, or lamenting that the Left’s final victory is assured. I’m suggesting that we engage in a healthy activity that the Left is notorious for avoiding: self-examination.
If you rush headlong into no-man’s land without giving a thought to your situation or the enemy’s, you might win, but it will mean you got lucky. Knowing your enemy and yourself is a prescription for victory. It’s Sun Tzu 101.
We already know the other side pretty well. The contemporary Left have revealed themselves as bloodthirsty death cultists operating in a state of unreality. They want us banished to the wilderness to lick slime of rocks and be hunted for sport while they brainwash our children to hate us. Historical fact and their ever-changing Narrative are mutually exclusive, so we know that the Left’s victory would mean the death or history. Every achievement of Western civilization for two thousand years would be erased. Future generations would know us only as vanquished enemies of Progress, if they learned of us at all.
The Left is full of hysterical liars and would-be (for now) murderers. They don’t deserve to win.
But now we must face an uncomfortable truth. The Left did win. Their hundred-year march through the West’s institutions succeeded. They control every cultural organ from the academy to Hollywood. The Left are the Establishment, and we are the counter-revolutionaries fighting to take back their ill-gotten gains.
Yet the fact remains: For generations, we let these subversives and antichrists get the better of us. Our elders–and some of us reading this–were there when the Left came to converge the financial sector and big tech. They saw the takeover happening and did nothing. Or worse, they actively sold out. They inherited the richest cultural and material legacy in human history, and they gave it away to a horde of evil fucks.
What does that say about our side?
What does it say that we, the embattled descendants of those who sold our birthright for false promises of not being called racist, cannot muster effective cooperation? Cannot produce leaders who don’t turn out to be fame whores and grifters on the make for a fast buck?
The truth is, we are not worthy heirs of Jefferson, of Marcus Aurelius, of Christ.
Western civilization and all its fruits was a priceless gift that was never dreamed of before and, once it fades, will never be seen again. We don’t deserve it.
On the other hand, being undeserved is the essence of what it means to be a gift. We don’t have to be worthy, because no one ever could be. Perpetually flagellating ourselves for past sins real and imagined is a behavior the Left tricked us into performing.
Deserving to win is neither here nor there. All have fallen short of the glory of God. The question is whether or not we will allow His great gift to vanish forever from the earth.
It’s not a matter of being worthy. It’s a matter of winning or losing. Now let’s get out there and win.
Christ Jesus is the lord of history. We have already won, and we’ll drag these degenerate heathen fucks back into His glory whether they want to or not
Also relevant, a maxim I live by: Always kill a traitor before an enemy
But there'll be a lot of wandering around, blood, recokoning, defeat but hope in the meantime.
We still need to be humble but tough compassionate but agressive; virtuous but wise as well.
And a lot are recalcitrant heretics who'll reject the glory.well that's on them.
For my part, i'm regressing. I'm learning about the Sacred Heart and trying to tie it to Christ the King so I can tell Caesar that he's not the ultimate arbitrator. TL;DR it's ultimately a spiritual war and i'm getting additional training
Harrison, the commies are so hard of heart, that they are antiChrist. There is no dragging them back with us. We need to do the Biblical ban on them and start over with what is left of the faithful remnant.
Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.
Does grace not compel us to at least try?
We've made the offer plenty of times. Now it's time to drive them into the sea. We can leave the door open for repentance, but if accepted, we must keep careful watch over them lest it turn out to be false.
The problem with Modern Christians is they think there is no limit to how many times you offer the enemies of God a chance to repent. It's simple, give them a chance, and when they reject it, send them to judgement. Otherwise you allow such people to further harm and commit crimes against God and the souls and bodies of his people.
The 7 x 70 offer is to our brothers in the Body of Christ who sin against us, not enemies of God. We only turn the other check to our brothers in the faith not to enemies of Christ.
Are we Christians so prideful that we would offer forgiveness to Satan when God himself won't?
Also, the only people who can offer mercy are those who can deliver judgement, punishment and death. If we are not willing to do the latter, then we are never really granting the former…we are just being cowards and covering our sin with the mantle of mercy.
You know what? That’s fair
Look at it this way: Christianity is an essential pillar of Western civilization. Anyone who would tear down that pillar has excommunicated himself from our civilization. His errors should be pointed out, and he should be given a chance to repent. If he casts aside the olive branch, he should be duly banished.
A corollary to "Don't give money to people who hate you," is "Don't tolerate people who want to destroy you."
I guess any virtue in excess is a vice, including grace and mercy
A bracing call to arms! I couldn’t agree more.
Compromise and a pose of “reasonableness” and “respectability” just lets you be the most principled guy on the gallows. Refusing to engage or “fight by their rules” is essentially pacifism, what I call “letting others do the heavy lifting so you can feel good about yourself.”
You win nothing (save your own status), you gain nothing (save your own wealth), and you just get eaten last (if I may mix metaphors).
A new generation of fighters—non-shooting figures, for now and God willing, for a long time—is emerging. I couldn’t be happier to see it.
A pernicious strain of fatalism came to dominate Christian intellectual circles in the 20th century. Instead of the Church Militant marching from victory to victory, the men of letters began sighing resignedly about the Long Defeat.
Today those guys' intellectual heirs are wringing their hands in the face of 40% apostasy rates and muttering about the Benedict Option.
Hunkering down and counting on the blood of martyrs being the blood of the Church is risky when you're dealing with utterly depraved sub-pagans instead of civilized Romans.
English language Catholics are really blessed with many excellent publishing houses.
First on the list is Ignatius press.then there's Sophia Institute press. Catholic Answers press. For video and audio:wordonfire.org which has the well regarded Catholicism series. Formed.org is another one. Ignatius and Catholic Answers press again.
And other commentators will share their links no doubt. So lots of material for the non shooter warriors to pour over
@ Brian, I love that the guy who recommends the Benedict Option is the guy who ran from the Church to go join the Orthodox Church of America. At even the slightest indication of Commie-atheist antagonism, Dreher will likely leave the Orthodox to be the leader of a reeducation camp.
That’s good to know. I’m not catholic (I’m an orthobro) but I’ve got a lot of respect for the fighters in your church.
No worries. In the end we're still brothers in Christ 🙂 for the Orthodox, Kalistos Ware is the first person i'd start with.
We might be able to get a good boost from the most recent generation too. They dont seem to care too much for political correctness.
Gen Z hunger for tradition, attend church more regularly than any prior generation until you get to the Silents. That's not a sure thing. It's an opportunity.
The wife and I keep approaching young married couples who also have kids at our parish, and so far, every single couple that is aware of the Church and loves their faith, is not a big fan of the Priest Show! Starring the Legion of Extraordinary Ministers! that passes for Mass. Even the least clued in have a sense, on some level, that Vatican II was an error and the Mass of Paul VI is not good, just and proper worship that is worthy God/Christ.
The problem for many of them is they don't know what to do or where to go. They just focus on home schooling the kids and teaching their kids the faith as best as they know it…which after four generations or more of bad catechesis and deliberate confusion, is lacking. And if we can find the Latin Mass, it's rough to transition to it because we have no point of reference for it, so it is foreign. We try to attend when we can so we can get more familiar with it.
The Mass is the Mass. Our separated brethren are wont to accuse Catholics of Pelagianism, and we must take care not to prove them right. As long as the Eucharist is being celebrated validly, just and spiritual worship is being rendered to God.
Now, since Catholic theology also militates against false binaries, I wholeheartedly agree with you that the Novus Ordo as celebrated currently in the vernacular often impedes the full power of the Mass as Mystery par excellence from reaching the congregation.
As for the Latin Mass, that sense of alienness you're experiencing is a big part of the point. Rituals exist to bring people into contact with Mysteries. Symbols don't have fine print. Stained glass windows don't have subtitles.
Another common complaint in Protestant circles is that we Catholics have been cribbing from their liturgies since Vatican II. They have a point. As your comment alluded to, the focus of the Mass has subtly shifted in the popular consciousness from the Mystery of the Eucharist to the Liturgy of the Word. Scripture readings and sermons are the heart of Protestant worship, where the vibe I get is more like attending a lecture. Don't get me wrong. I dig theology lectures. But they're correct that Catholic worship should be Catholic.
Actionable advice time, re: the Latin Mass – Embrace the Mystery. It's perfectly fine to not know what's going on at all times. Unlike the Novus Ordo, the Tridentine Mass isn't congregation-oriented. It's Ordered toward worship of the Father through Christ Jesus. Grab your missal in the vestibule, sit back, and enjoy the ride.
Appreciate you clarifying my words for the sake of those who may read them and misunderstand my take.
And yeah, we try when we can. Unfortunately the closest parish that provides the Tridentine is too far for the kids to handle the drive there are back. Hopefully when we move we can move to a location much closer to such a parish.
You're welcome. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
Amen Brian, great call to arms. We are supposed to be the Church Militant, not the Church Tolerant or the Church Fearful.
Good people need to realize that our ancestors were not harsh, but rather fought stridently against evil and it was the wicked who propagandized us into believing our predecessors were unforgiving and authoritarian. We need to get over our passifisim, need to get tough and accept that we may have to shed the blood of the wicked. Love what is good, HATE what is evil. Time to sell the cloak and go buy a sword and learn how to use it and then do so.
Well said. The command the Christ gives us in Scripture more than any other is "Be not afraid."
We've been marinating in false narratives about the Inquisition and the Crusades since the late 18th century, and those lies have yielded rotten fruit. "Muh Crusades" is the "rayciss" accusation for Christians.
It bears mentioning that the black legends of Spanish Inquisition and spook stories about blood running knee-high in the streets of Jerusalem were started by Protestant British colonizers to propagandize the natives against Catholics. They failed to anticipate that post-Enlightenment Moderns would turn the same bludgeon against them. Cynical opportunists tempted to run the same play with the gay priest scandal should keep that history in mind.
What would help is the destruction of trust in the media and education institutions, which is growing and ongoing. Once enough doubt the narrative that has been fed to them, they might be willing to hear a more truthful telling of their ancestors/predecessors history, faith, cultures, values and norms. What needs to be made in preparation for that is such resources that can offer that to them and is readily available.
The Boomers will have to get out the way first. Even the more traditional Boomers I know will give a sympathetic ear to anything the media tells them. They're the ones that still give them any credibility. Without them the mainstream media will crumple like paper dolls.
The question is, can we afford to wait for the Boomers to die or will our defeat be secured before then?
That's rather up to us, isn't it?
It was rhetorical. If you accept that we must wait, then it undercuts doing anything now. Things will get better once the Boomers die off…but we need to everything we can in the meantime.
This article is apropos
"The same people who ceded control of public education, the federal bureaucracy, the media, movies, and music to the left have once again found another hill not worth dying on. “It’s only social media,” they say. Yeah, fear not. Around 2.5 billion people use Facebook and Twitter. What’s the worst that can happen if we just let the left have them?
While this denial of the slippery slope is frustrating, it is also understandable if you understand the nature of man. Very few people in this world actually enjoy fighting. It is much easier on the mind to just avoid a fight. That is why so many on the right ignore the obvious truths staring them in the face."
The only people who don't believe in the slippery slope are the ones who benefit from the decay.
Maybe ten years ago you could find an honest person dismissing it, but not today. Even a cornered SJW will tell you things are worse than ever (their reasons aside) and they would be right on that.
"Maybe ten years ago you could find an honest person dismissing it, but not today."
That alone is a huge victory not to be ignored.
Most people are idiots.
Most people have high time preference.
Most people prefer the path of least resistance.
Most people are NPCs.
The slippery slope non-fallacy is one of the most obvious cons and I can’t believe how many supposedly smart people fall for it time and time again.
Pointing out the logical, clearly observable and easily predictable consequences of a thing is not a “fallacy.” It is called such to get YOU to shut up and not notice things.
Speaking of slippery slopes i give it about 20 minutes until they start putting pedophiles in second grade classrooms to teach kids that pedophiles are just misunderstood. Fallacy my aching ass
@Brian – I’ve heard the first 3, but I’ve never heard the NPC one. That is hilarious, and sadly true like the previous 3.
The other common fallacies you hear are:
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
False. Malice is more likely, and stupidity and malice can easily exist in one person, as they are not orthogonal or inverse.
The other is:
“Don’t presume a conspiracy when circumstance can suffice.”
Or something along the lines of conspiracies are rare, coincidence is common. Also false, as the wicked are very good at conspiring. Just look at Trump’s enemies.
I cribbed it from Nicholas Fuentes. Don't think he coined the phrase, though. Anyway, it follows from the first three.
Seconding what everybody else said re: non-fallacies.
Harrison: Agreed. How anyone CAN’T foresee this is astounding. But again, MPAI.
Durandel: The “malice/stupidity” like is from St. Peterson, and he was using it to defend against a pedophile “conspiracy” in Canada. Makes a fellow think.
How about this truism that actually pans out quite often: “The more vociferously a thing is denounced as a ‘conspiracy,’ the likelier it is to be true.”
Speaking of slippery slopes i gove it about 20 minutes until they start putting pedophiles in second grade classrooms to teach kids that pedophiles are just misunderstood. Fallacy my aching ass