One big disadvantage that dissidents labor under is a strong individualist streak. This affinity for rugged self-reliance is often bandied about as a virtue, but in a social climate where the dominant opposition’s M.O. is to isolate, polarize, and freeze targets, that virtue becomes a vice.
A few of the more adaptable figures in the counterculture have figured out that banding together to pool talents, customer bases, and information will be essential to making a cultural impact. The Geek Gab show, hosted by the esteemed Daddy Warpig and the redoubtable Dorrinal has consistently embraced that approach.
It’s always a joy to drop in for a chat with my colleagues. I made one such return this past Saturday. Listen to the stream, where DW, Dorrinal, and I talk gaming and my latest mecha thriller Combat Frame XSeed: S.
In related news, my incredible backers have met our second stretch goal. Series 5 Combat Frame XSeed trading cards are now available on the campaign page.
That also means our third stretch goal is now funding, and XSeed fans should get a kick out of this one. Readers of the novels often ask me where they can find the CFXS short stories I’ve published through past campaigns and in scattered anthologies. The answer will be “All in one handy volume” when we fund the Combat Frame XSeed short story collection.

This highly requested compilation will include a collection shorts previously available only through Indiegogo or sundry anthologies, some of which are now hard to track down. All of them will be made available through the XSeed: SS campaign in one print and digital volume when we reach $4,000.
Here’s the planned list:
- “CY 2 Gaiden”
- “CY 20 Interlude
- “CY 60 Coda”
- “Anacyclosis”
- “F-cell Overture”
- An all-new XSeed short story!

Suggestion for the title:
Combat Frame XSeed: New Combat Reports.
It's an allusion to New Mobile Report: Gundam Wing.
Xseed: Coordinated Action
Xseed: Archival Footage
Xseed Histories 1
Xseed Blacklist Archive 1