Going to agree with all the points, and chip in my two cents.
>1. Stop Giving Money to People Who Hate You
You have to commit to this one. No you can’t just ignore them and they’ll go away. They want to ignore them, it makes it easier to put their boot on your neck if you ignore them. No, complaining on an image board or forum isn’t going to make up for it if you pay them. Don’t give them money. Bitching about loot boxes isn’t going to fix EA. STOP PAYING THEM. I don’t care if played all the other games and don’t want to break the streak. STOP PAYING THEM. “I can separate the creator from the content.” No, not right now you can’t. Most of them suck anyway, but even if they don’t, you can’t reward them for their hatred. You think Scalzi gives a crap? Are you going to keep giving him money to make condescending *pats head* comments? Make it hurt. STOP PAYING THEM. (And just torrent the damn things if you can’t bring yourself turn away, I’d still suggest cold turkey.)
Don’t buy their stuff, unsubscribe from their channels, don’t like their stuff etc.
>2. Take creative political action
Signed to all that, but also don’t forget about local politics. It means more than you think. Especially if you can start de-funding public schools.
>3. Push back in your own sphere
Do it no matter how frivolous the sphere. Even if it’s just a gaming thing, or a forum. Study the warning signs, and pushback and mock hard. Some one suggesting a code of conduct? Laugh them down hard, and get others laughing at them. “We need to change ____ so it’s more inclusive to _____”. The only response to that should be ‘no’. And ribald jokes. If the code of conduct has already been enforced, like Brian says, use it against them.
>4. Get off the bench and in the game
I can’t emphasize this one enough. And pay close attention to what is needed. It is one of the great ironies that the Late Andrew Breitbart noticed that ‘Politics is Downstream from culture’ and proceeded to combat the left… by making a political website that didn’t really do anything with culture. Right now western civilization needs more creators than it does pundits. In my opinion we don’t need any more political blogs, podcasts, radio shows, etc. It’s frustrating to see so many smart, funny people taking their comedic talents… and doing yet another political podcast. Write a funny book, make a funny comic book strip, make some skits, tell jokes. Create! Use your talents. Write books, tell stories, draw neat things. Etc. Take back the culture. If Rupert Murdoch was who he pretends to be he would have sold fox news, and held on to the movie studios. (He’s not).
This isn’t just limited to entertainment creators. If you have skills or connections, the world needs you as well. It should be pretty obvious by now, but no the free market is NOT going to sort itself out. The “free market” has a vested interest in keeping this going. We are going to need some alternatives. And very least try to spread around information, get friends to use DuckDuckGo instead of google, Infogalactic instead of Wikipedia, etc.
>5. Get your ass to church
Since I’m not a catholic theologian, I’m going to be less picky, though I will specify that yes, it has to be a christian church. One of the three pillars of western civilization is Christianity. Look at how much the globalists and SJWs hate Christianity, and act accordingly. Their is a reason why their ‘religious tolerance’ makes no allowances for crosses, but does allow for genital mutilation, or why they are pissed about Chick-Filet in newyork, but not Chobani. Yes many churches are cucked right now, so you’ll have to do your research. Women in the clergy, or leadership is usually a red flag, as is any support for marriage beyond what is defined in the bible.
The world does not need more political pundits, nor does it need yet another podcast dedicated to sifting the minutiae of the latest drek from Hollywood, AAA game studios, or the Big Two comics publishers. If you wonder what kind of show I’m talking about, Red Letter Media deftly skewered that brand of empty pop culture advertisement-disguised-as-entertainment with The Nerd Crew.
If you have creative talent, the West needs you to do one of only two things right now: 1) Produce new and entertaining works that reject deconstructionism, subversion, and nihilism, or 2) Offer informed, constructive criticism on 1 to help creators improve their craft.
Don’t know where to start? I could use some more honest feedback on my new short story collection Strange Matter. Get it, read it, and let me know what you think.
Great advice from both you and anome.
Let me also reiterate that content creation isn't limited to books movies and comics. Content needs to expand to furniture,toys,fashion and so on where people will admire beauty in all realms and appreciate quality craftmanship. Something people can pass on to the generations
Absolutely. Those who can ply a trade are definitely sorely needed.
If you don't have the talent or drive for creating then you can promote and push good material. We need more podcasts centered around boosting the overlooked and little known and less about the Hollywood/Trad Pub machine.
My favorite channels and podcasts used to be those that centered on such things, but they always end up dying due to lack of interest. That's why I started Cannon Cruisers as an attempt at discussion of material no one was talking about. If no one's making it then you can make it yourself.
Just do something, even if it's something small.
Great point. With the old marketing channels collapsing, we'll need new ways to increase visibility.
Booyah, anonme!
Pencils, pens, and graphics program at the ready!
I'm in!
Man of the Atom –
Are you an artist? Letterer? Colorist? If so, I'd like to discuss a comics project with you.
Drop a comment at https://novacentum.wordpress.com/ if you're interested.
You tend to save a lot of money in the long run by not buying their products either.
Tons, in fact.
Sweet! I made another guest post.
The monogrammed crushed velour smoking jacket is in the mail.
Speaking of the big two comic pubs. Bendis is now officially in control of the entire superman line at DC. Apparently, some popular and decent selling books were cancelled to accommodate him. From what I have seen regarding his guest story in Action Comics 1000, there are concerns from fans.
The comic conaisseurs like Jon del Arroz wrote a post about Bendis. He worked at Marvel and cratered it and he either was fired or was hired away. In any case, diversity and comic has a comic book coming out as well as Arkhaven comics.
Bendis's comics have been flatlining in sales and have been laughed at by fans and critics. The man is burned out and everyone knows it. The only (formerly good) comic writer currently more of a laughing stock is Mark Waid.
That DC not only hired him, but advertised him so heavily, and gave him whatever he wanted including canceling fan favorite books, should be very alarming to customers. This was a bad move, and his story in Action Comics #1000 was every bit as bad as his recent crap. It's like DC doesn't care about losing sales. And they probably don't if they're as heavy into the kool-aid as Marvel.
If there's an industry that needs new talent outside the tiny and cultish New York scene, it is the comic industry. They need it badly.
JD Cowan [April 21, 2018 at 11:30 AM]
If there's an industry that needs new talent outside the tiny and cultish New York scene, it is the comic industry. They need it badly.
Yes, but never give it to the Big 2 Sharks, or the Lamprey 3 (or 4). They need to die.
Give that talent over to a company with values you support, or self-publish. If you are successful, then block the SJWs with an adamantine barrier. Cull and defend your ground without mercy for the anti-civilizational hordes.
It's a lot harder, but worth the effort.
xavier [April 21, 2018 at 9:38 AM]
The comic conaisseurs like Jon del Arroz wrote a post about Bendis. He worked at Marvel and cratered it and he either was fired or was hired away.
Xavier, remember that Bendis, Waid, Larsen, and the rest of the SJW civilization haters are hardwired to destroy. They can't create — even Bendis and Waid — weak sauce compared to the writers and artists whose efforts brought comics to prominence. These 3rd-rate posers managed to destroy all that. Certainly, they have money, but that taint of barbarism will follow them forever.
Good points. It certainly 3xplaons why the European comics have been spared. Thete's no way the public would tolerate a Bendis et al.