The ongoing GameStop stock squeeze saga has taken another potentially earthshaking turn. Yesterday, a whistleblower claiming knowledge of happenings inside the offices of trading app firm Robin Hood dropped a huge yet unsurprising bomb on Reddit.
I work for Robinhood. Don’t kill me.Low-level, technical shit, comp sciences major, not finance side.Guess what we overhead today?Vladimir, yes founder Vladimir, and the C-Suite, received calls from Sequoia Capital and the White House that pressured into closing trading on GME etc. I guarantee you the same took place at E-Trade and the others who closed trading.File reports on the SEC page. If I wasn’t scared to be out of work in a pandemic I’d quit. I’m disgusted. We all need to rise up, this is as bad as it gets when we talk about how the rich get one set of rules, and the rest of us get screwed 🪛 over, and over, and over again left to bail them out and pick up the tab for their trillion dollar tax breaks. We need to pile pressure on every government and financial institution involved in this travesty of justice.
To bring you up to speed, small-time online investors, most famously from the Wallstreetbets subreddit, have been pumping the value of GameStop stock. Wall Street billionaires who’d shorted the stock stand to lose their shirts if the stock price stays high today, so multiple trading services, including Robinhood, colluded to block their customers from buying certain stocks.
The shameless white-knighting for hedge fund managers didn’t stop there. Robinhood is confirmed to have sold users’ shares of GameStop and other stocks without their permission.
On top of that, newly installed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been found to have a conflict of interest in the Robinhood debacle.
Taken together, those breadcrumbs form a trail leading to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The GameStop squeeze threatens big donors and the Treasury Secretary, so Biden Intervened.
Forget four years. At the rate his crooked administration is imploding, Puppet Pal Joe may not last four months.
Don’t get stuck playing a rigged game. Learn to build your home business now!
For a geriatric Alzheimer’s patient Biden sure can sprint when he needs to
I'd say Biden was Harris' dopey old puppet, but I'm not sure Harris is smart enough for that, either. Someone is pulling the strings, but it isn't anyone the Death Cult was fan-girling over the other day.
Obama already said he had Harris on a leash. Just assume it's the Hillary etc. cabal who have been running things. Behind them, China.
They are making it so clear, even normies can't fail to notice. For that, we can be thankful.
This is where we are at after just over a week.
At this rate I won't be surprised if by July we get president Biden, or his successor, saying in a press conference "Listen you peons, you're only here to serve us."
He's already come awfully close with his, "I don't work for you" snap.
May God speed the day he lets the mask fall off, or better yet repents of his hypocrisy and begins to serve this nation in truth rather than name only.
On an unrelated note, I'm starting to see the term "Generation Alpha" thrown around as the generation after the Zoomers. No matter how I slice it Millenials/Zoomers/Alphas fit into a period of about 30 years, meaning that (for now at least) the "generation is 20 years" has been abandoned.
Does this mean that one of these generations is going to be erased like Gen Y (hell, even Gen X is almost erased at this point)? If so, which is the most likely to be scrubbed from history?
Gen Y was memory holed because their primary use was as toy and junk food consumers. Once they hit their teens, Madison Ave had no more use for them.
That whole paradigm is gone And besides, they never did figure out how to market to Zoomers. Their generational identity is safe.
RIP 20th century.
Thank video game for this. Christ has His ways.
St. Terry, pray for us!
The last time I was this shocked was when I went outside in the North in January and it was cold. The time before that was when the Democrats won the GA runoffs thanks to stacks of mail-in ballots counted at 3am.
Democrats won the GA runoffs because the GOP candidates were insultingly bad, and Republicans rightly stayed home.
You can both be right. There absolutely was fraud again. The vote margins were razor-thin.
Democrats cheat in every election. That's why the onus is on GOP candidates to drive up Republican turnout to compensate for the fraudulent votes. The GA runoff shenanigans wouldn't have mattered if Trump voters hadn't stayed home in droves.
Why not?
Seriously. We JUST had an election where the candidate that won by a landslide had the votes stolen from him in full view of the public and awarded to the current President. Why wouldn't they just do it again if they obviously could?
The answer is, they did do it again. "If more people had come out, the fraud wouldn't have mattered" is old hat now. There is no such thing anymore. If democrats really want an election, it's their election…which is why the GOP was correct to stay home. It didn't matter anyway. That they lost due to fraud is proof.