Looking at the following charts in light of salvation history, it’s hard not to see a divine hand in the West’s onrushing demographic winter.

Not only are atheists already a tiny minority, their ranks overwhelmingly consist of white men, whose numbers are steadily dwindling relative to the overall population.
Meanwhile, the Catholic Church remains the world’s largest and enjoys continued global growth. A century ago, Catholics were 17% of the world’s population and represented 48% of all Christians. Despite explosive global population growth, by 2010 the percentage of Catholics relative to the world population had only slipped by 1 percentage point, and they’d increased their share of global Christendom to 50%.
Fedora tippers’ and pagan LARPers’ reports of the Church’s demise are greatly exaggerated. They’re also Death Cult-tier projection.
If there’s any consolation to be found in the browning of America, it’s that it’s also the de-atheisting of America. And our smrt atheist friends have no one but themselves to blame:

It’s an old story. A people turn their backs on God, and He raises up their enemies to chastise them. The solution is simple, but sin makes you stupid.
Europeans conquered Aztecs who performed industrial-scale human sacrifice; now the tables have turned as Europeans who perform industrial-scale human sacrifice are conquered by Aztecs.
I’m sure the fedora tippers will have great success plying the new majority with flying spaghetti monster memes.
Then again, they wouldn’t have to if Christians weren’t the better Darwinists.
Possibly related:

John Milton, Thomas Aquinas, Tom Clancy, and mecha walk into a bar …
With memes alone? Perhaps not. But when given the choice between watching ray-traced spaghetti monsters at 360 Hz on a gaming PC with 192 kHz – quality audio and rainbow puke RGB lights or worshipping God in an ugly, leaky modern church building with stagnant holy water, an indifferent pastor, an out-of-tune choir and–Ugh!–other human beings, materialism will usually win. All that it will take is a lazy parish, and Satan will handle the rest.
Say what you will about Vatican II, it warned the Church to embrace new communication technology to spread the Gospel. 50 years later, EWTN is the best they’ve done. All the hierarchy could muster was a hideous Vatican web site.
Even if the Vatican’s website is hideous, I’m actually OK with the Church’s slow embrace. Jesus spreads best between human beings when they’re face to face; mass media is better suited to popular culture.
That isn’t to say that you can’t make a Christ-themed webcomic like JDA’s DEUS VULT, but encouraging the clergy to take to social media or involve itself in pop culture is cringe waiting to happen.
This isn’t new, either. The Church had the chance to use Marshall McLuhan’s talents to help them understand the new media landscape years ago. He offered. They never responded.
This is just par for the course.
There are certain “men of God” who have mastered the communication tools of the 21st century. Interestingly enough though, they still come off as little more than spiritual used car salesmen. The technology can help, but you need to really be a person of faith.
Yeah, because the little fact that the kids of the hordes that pour in turn into apostating degenerates doesn’t factor in. Realistically, we’d be much further along into death cult degeneracy, or the shooting war if immigration were stopped for 30 years, but the Death Cult’s hardon for fucking whitey over just constantly rots their brain.
I’ve posted before about the disgraceful apostasy rate and the hierarchy’s blameworthy sloth in opting to import new flocks instead of catechizing the ones they have. Mass immigration is obviously a disaster.
That said, the invaders are indisputably more socially conservative and religious than the anti-white Lefties who import them.
>That said, the invaders are indisputably more socially conservative and religious than the anti-white Lefties who import them.
If the Iranian answer to homosexuals is any indication, I’m not inclined to agree. Then again, it’s not about some type of ideological consistency with these collection of degenerates.
My guess is the death cult thinks it can “educate” minorities out of their belief in a “sky daddy.” Of course those minorities have had centuries of history to develop this belief, so in the meantime they will pretend to respect that part of the minority’s culture. The death cult is not beyond lying.
That assumes they actually recognize the minorities in question as people with opinions of their own. Their default position seems to be that minorities should think a certain way, so they assume that they do. I don’t suppose it occurs to them that importing lots of South Americans means importing lots of Catholics, or the Subsaharan Africans (Christian, Muslim, or otherwise) are unlikely to care about the Death Cult’s anti-pieties. The Marxists had give up on fomenting class warfare because it didn’t work. They never really learned that they didn’t actually understand the working or middle classes, not even after Lenin and Mao had to rethink Marx just to make a revolution possible. They tried racial and ethnic tension instead, but of course Marxists treat people like pawns on a chessboard, so it seems unsurprising that their race-baiting schtick would also fail. They never learn.
I don’t find this particularly reassuring. These people may be theists, but they simply do not believe as we do. Nancy Pelosi calls herself a Catholic, for heaven’s sake. Look at polling data about issues like abortion or self-defense. I fear you are being wildly optimistic.
And I fear you’re making the same mistake as the wignats in thinking that Christianity’s purpose is to maintain Western civilization.
That’s exactly backwards. The purpose of every civilization is to render worship to God.
The West has made it clear that it will no longer render God His due, so the Kingdom is being removed from it and given to those who will.
Zaklog is trying to say that we’re doomed no matter what–unless he unironically believes that IQ protects whaipipo from overdosing on dopamine.
Then he agrees with me. The USA as we knew it is over. And honestly, it deserves to be.
Let’s ask the next question: what kind of theists? That graph doesn’t address that, so we’d had to stick to hypotheticals.
There are only three options, as the world counts theists:
Jews, Christians, and Mahometans. If we assume option 3, then yes, they’re importing death cultists. If option 1, Jews from the global south are moving someplace where the Church may have a better chance to evangelize them.
Option 2 strikes me as beautifully ironic, because if the death cultists are importing Christians from the global south because their skin is a certain color – particularly devout believers from Africa who’ve got no time for death cult neuroses – they are inadvertantly importing folks who might well re-evangelize the West.
Ad majoram Dei gloriam.
Ratio globally is probably 3:2:<0.5 Christian, Mahometan, Jew. Largely, the imports are Christian.