The next time some Fox News viewer tries to tell you that the current chaos is a result of conflicting 19th century economic theories, show him this video:
Republican candidate for local office and professed Catholic Conor Martin documented the attack on Twitter.
Yesterday, while praying for peace and unity in our city and the protection of the Saint Louis statue, Black Lives Matter protesters started to harass, berate, and assault the Catholics that were peacefully praying. We did nothing in retaliation
We allowed them to spit on us, call us names, put their fingers in our faces, push us, and antagonize, but we did not retaliate. We continued to peacefully pray.
At that moment someone in the crowd poured an unidentified liquid on the older man, pictured below protecting his head, and was then attacked by a violent individual, also pictured below attacking the elderly man.
We got the elderly man out of there, and I was about to leave to retrieve my lunch as a friend of mine had just come over to tell me my food had arrived. The mob then approached him. They asked if he was with me, and when he said yes they began to berate him.
They took his walking stick from him and when he didn’t react they knocked his hat off of his head, called him a skin head, and attacked him. At this point I intervened to pull the attacker off of my friend, and I was attacked by the mob and the attacker.
Yet another reminder that the Death Cult’s primary enmity is reserved for Jesus Christ and His Church. Christians are now in direct competition with a hostile, diabolical religion on a campaign to supplant Christianity as the moral and spiritual foundation of the West.
I will be pressing charges against the attackers. If you can identify anyone in these videos or pictures, please let me know. This can not stand. The police were called 6 times by others on the sidelines and never showed up.
The Death Cult is coming for you, but the state is not coming to help you. Look for the authorities to aid and abet the Cult–if only by omission–a majority of the time.
Just some theological spitballing here, but it could be that so many people are frozen in grave sin that God is calling on certain individuals among His flock to serve as victim souls. The Cross atoned for sin once and for all, but America has clearly and repeatedly turned its back on Christ. Some Americans may be called to take up their own crosses and share in Our Lord’s sufferings to convert the ingrates who pierce His heart daily.
Whatever the case, all signs point to a new age of martyrdom befalling the US. Remember that giving one’s life for the faith is a matter of divine election that is not to be rashly sought out. Make sure you and your family have lawful means of defense, pray always, and avail yourselves of the sacraments while they are readily available.
Living humbly for the truth is just as heroic as dying nobly for it. Learn how to peacefully fight the Death Cult and have fun while you’re at it with my best selling book.

Wow justwiw. I'm seeing a repetition of every persecution starting Nero's and ending at the commies.
So print out both prayer cards and 3D weapons;pray and repel the invaders.
They should have come prepared. Many of the Church’s martyrs became so because they had no opportunity or no capacity to self defend/counter attack, so they embraced the Cross knowing that redemptive suffering is one of the ultimate counter punches against the Enemy.
See too many Christians these days seeking and embracing martyrdom because they are too afraid to fight or falsely think it is wrong to actionably resist and fight against evil. It’s the twisted virtue signaling of a domesticated animal rather than the “defiant to the end” attitude towards evil.
That's the thing. Martyrdom is a grace bestowed exclusively by God. Seeking it on purpose is rashness.
Worse, too many "churches" are rushing to follow the Judas goats. The need to relate better to our brethren and sisters of different backgrounds, or to oppose seemingly blatant miscarriages of justice, seems plausible enough, but anti-racism is a poison pill. BLM/ Anitfa are the shock troops of a Jacobin revolution.
The iconoclasts siding with the statue topplers and the Tim Keller groupies who are calling racism an unabsolvable corporate sin are especially cringeworthy.
The thing that really boggles me is that I, a layman who's never so much as picked up a systematic theology book, and who was out of church and the Word for a very long time, can see through this nonsense while trained clergy left, right, and center seem to be hopping on the anti-racism bandwagon. Can't they see that Critical Theory is an anti-gospel? I can, so what's their problem? Are our seminaries as badly compromised as everything else?
If not worse.
There's also the fact that the USCCB gets 40% of its funding from the feds. It's hard to convince a man of something when his salary depends on him thinking otherwise, and all that.
Oh geez, Tim Keller? My father-in-law worships that guy. (Internet search) No! No!!!!!
Keller is preaching a parallel religion that's hostile to the Gospel.
He's not even being subtle about his heresy.
Segregation is also coming, although what form it takes remains to be seen.
I was about to leave to retrieve my lunch as a friend of mine had just come over to tell me my food had arrived. The mob then approached him. They asked if he was with me, and when he said yes they began to berate him.
And the cock kept his big yap shut.
Deo Gratias.
There is a black lady I work with going goo goo for these things happening right now as some "work of God". I don't like talking politics in public so I just kind of shook my head and went "uh huh". Then I just calmly stated "But I don't support pulling these statues down and vandalizing them."
When she attempted to lecture me on how I can't understand the oppression that her people went through I then pointed out how I am a part of a group that has been enslaved in their own home. The "oppression" points game was lost. So then she went and called these statues "idols". To which I said, "Well I affirm the Second Council of Nicaea." So she reverted back to unceasingly calling the statues "idols". But it shows in full intellectual discussion that these people have no argument other than repeating the talking points of their heresies.
It very well may be a work of God–just like the Babylonian Exile.
May the Lord protect his Church through the trials and tribulations. May those who fall in grace be welcomed into his kingdom and may the faithful keep fast to Christ's promise.
I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened already.
When it does expect a media spin unlike any you've ever seen, followed by a reaction that will take many by surprise. It'll make the Covington Catholic situation look like a mere spitball fight.
As always, pray and hope for better outcomes. It's about all we can do right now.
God never wills evil, but He can will good that's attached to some undesired lesser evil.
Do you see that cross tattoo in the video thumbnail? Pray for its owner, because Almighty God dreads when we associate Him with evil.
Good call.
This will not go the way the inversionists think it will.
Anyone "praying for unity" deserves the beating they get.
The terms matter very much here. A universalist unity is the unity of a common grave, but Christian unity is another matter entirely. We can and should pray that the body of Christ would be one. I do not think we can go wrong praying for ourselves the prayers Our Lord prayed for us on the night He was betrayed. I assume that these Catholics were praying for Christian unity, and not the counterfeit unity the world offers.