The ongoing clown funeral that is The Last of Us Part II has officially descended into self-insert Gary Stu onanism.

Now, who could have inspired TLOU2 character Dr. Uckmann, whose BRAINS we are informed bury the needle at 100? Someone should ask the game’s director Neil Druckmann.
As usual, Jim’s friend has the best explanation:
Seriously, the entire game is just one extended shame ritual at this point. Anyone who spends money on it deserves the humiliation he’ll get.
You deserve better entertainment. That’s why I’ve pledged to explore Combat Frame XSeed manga and anime adaptations when the current IGG campaign hits $10,000.
There is an entire gay sex scene featuring a Druckmann lookalike and the Abby character who kills Joel. The Druckmann lookalike later spits on Joel's corpse.
Joel was the main character of the first game.
It's really this stupid, folks.
Must be nice to have the money to replace a proper sequel with self-insert slashfic. Granted, that money would go to better uses, but still…
Forget it Jake, it's Death Cult town.
As someone who’s hated any Naughty Dog game post-Jak and Daxter series I’m just enjoying the popcorn
It's games like these that vindicate why I never became an avid gamer.
Sad because I enjoyed Pacma,n the original Star fox and Me warriors
It's confirmed then? Abbie really is M->F trans?
It's a biological woman deliberately rendered as ugly as possible with almost no female characteristics. It's about as satanic as it gets as it suggests homosexual sodomy and is an assault on the concept of Beauty itself.
So the cat's out of the bag. Naughty Dog's excessive secrecy, abusive copyright strikes, outrageous restrictions on reviewers with advance copies. It was all to cover up that they wanted players to watch gay porn.
That leaker deserves a medal.
So I was thinking, do people who watch gay porn get visual AIDS?
Spiritual. It feels as though the demons violate you, themselves.
and mental. Porn requires the brain. Seeing how Jim’s friend stumbled on a chat room of men who had become gone gay for black dick (taking the knee wasn’t enough I guess) and self/race hating bigots longing for the extinction of Euros simply from watching too much inter-racial and Mandingo-cuck porn.
I'll do you one better. I have screen shots from the early 2010s of comment sections on furry sites, and one after another, the users line up and admit that gay furry porn swung their sexuality. Some of them even went out to find boyfriends.
The internet was a mistake
If that "Laurent Foucault" person is in any way named in honor Michel Foucault, that would help explain the ick-factor considerably.
Better Jehovah than Foucault.
It gets better. It appears that Druckman did the mocap for both characters in the infamous sex scene in the game.