One surprising insight uncovered by yesterday’s post on the T-Witch is that some among the counterculture still mistake the Death Cult’s ritual cant for normal, if jargon-riddled, English.
A vital aspect of Cult behavior that normal folks must always keep in mind is that all of a Witch’s faculties are wholly given over to serving the Cult. That includes the gift of speech, which the Cult perverts from its original purpose of worshiping God to demoralizing and manipulating His children.
Twitch released a statement on the Doe-Man business that many took for an ordinary corporate communication. In reality, it’s an encyclical issued by their cultic high priest to encourage the faithful and dismay the infidel.
Here’s a sample.

And here’s the English translation for the benefit of folks who are new to this.

Trust & Safety = Death Cult compliance office.
Discussion = Satanic sermon.
Community = Cult congregation.
Healthy = Sickly, brainwashed, and spiritually dead.
Also remember not to pay people who hate you.
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Attempt #2. YouTubers today:
"Transgenderism is scientifically proven, whereas otherkin belong in an institution. Remove that woman."
YouTubers tomorrow:
"Otherkin audaciously inspire us to transhumanism. You Nazis can shout 'Deus vult!' all you like; you're just jealous that you can't become deer people."
YouTubers the day after tomorrow:
"The lord Satan has told me that normal people belong in an institution. Satan is totally just a character in fiction, but that's what he told me."
Ask a Conservative which social issue he won't have a 2015 Leftist position on in 2021. Take screenshots.
The existence of intersex conditions doesn't show that transgenderism is a thing in any case, that's a pretty straight up is/ought problem even if we assume it's not an outright non-sequitur.
If anything, intersex conditions existing and being traumatic proves that sex exists, gender identity is a socially mediated function of biological sex, and anything that inhibits or ambiguates male/female sex dichotomy is socially disruptive and psychologically traumatic.
I'm just sayin' these people don't make sense on their own terms.
They're not trying to.
I deleted my twitch account. They ask for a reason. I said: 'moving to a better, more gamer-friendly platform". I'm sure they will interpret 'gamer-friendly' as some sort of dog whistle for thought crimes against the cult.
Nothing outside the Cult. Nothing against the Cult.
Strong independent opinions
Courage to challenge our thinking.
Do they also have a bridge to sell us, or some beachfront property in Arizona?
They have "Workers of the World unite!" signs for us to put in our windows.
There's a difference between "strong independent opinions" and bat shit crazy. They chose bat shit crazy. They did it on purpose and with malicious intent. These are people with dark hearts and no souls.
The interesting thing (to me) is that it seems written toward a 60s-90s liberal with pretensions to diversity of opinion and objectivity ('strong independent opinions', 'challenge our thinking', 'wide range of points of view'). Not much mention of social justice, inclusion, or safe spaces, though the idea of 'safety and health' for a site that streams video games is kind of a tell–you're not making industrial chemicals here. The viewers can always turn the video off.
Good point. Maybe they know people are on to them and have rolled back the buzzwords to a more innocent time. You know, when Bush was Chimpy McHitler.
The DOJ making antitrust noises may have spooked them.
More evidence for "They Hate Everything, Even Themselves" files:
Although this also fits in with Bradford Walker's "S$@#&$ You, Dad!" hypothesis.
Stewart is 79 years old, so a 'passing the torch' plot where he has to let go of power actually makes a lot of sense. Organizations really do suffer when people refuse to move on, and the old guy who's done great things but has gotten past his time is an underexplored theme IMHO.
Given the woke subtext, though, I probably won't give them any money. 😉
In the show, Picard is RETIRED and called OUT of retirement because he believes he is NEEDED…and then is humiliated for it.
Yeah, because in the original ST-Next Gen, Picard wasn't nearly woke enough. 😉
The entire point of the show was to trot out the old girl and dress her in clown makeup before putting a bullet in her.
Now it is time to forget that old junk and get excited for new things that are exactly as good.
Now give me your money, loser.
However, this will probably go over as well as Discovery did. Like a lead balloon.
Star Trek is dead.
I keep saying that, minus a handful of books and other odds and ends, I'm fine with treating Star Trek as having died with the 20th century. 🙂
As you may know Final Fantasy VII has been rebooted. Someone tweeted about Aerith, one of the female protagonists, and listed all her good qualities and concluded that she must be trans. Get that? If a woman has admirable qualities, it must be a man. Remind me how we're the misogynists again?
Then a story broke about a transgender threatening to shoot up VA Tech for not using his preferred name. The SJW take? That guy's not really trans.
There you have it, the No True Scotsmyn fallacy.
You are calling into the trap again of taking their words at face value.
Let me translate:
Aerith has qualities associated with masculinity, so this is a good opportunity to push a trans agenda
That guy is trans but we will absolutely not admit it until the culture has sufficiently advanced that it won't hurt our cause
Very good article. I sometimes forget that the Death Cult likes co-opt language to further their goals. There's no point in trying to find any contradiction in their words because they are actually explicit in what they want once you've broken their spell.
That's the lesson the Right, which has a tendency toward linear thinking–needs to internalize if we want to start taking back lost ground.
I'm guessing you know or talk to David Stewart? Just happened on this video and he tells people not to give money to people who hate you.
You must be new here. Welcome!
Indeed. Thanks for the link. Watched and ordered his creativity book on the spot.
Outstanding. Thank you!
They hired someone who is literally deranged.
No one who cared about their audience would ever willingly expose them to this sort of thing.
This person should be in a rubber room, not having power over site users.
But they do, because those in charge hate you.
Not only did they hire him/her/it, they gave him/her/it power over their customers. No they don't care about or even like their customers. They actively hate them.
When a person sees "Trust and Safety Council" and doesn't seem bothered, it makes me think they've never read Orwell's 1984.
When a big corporate entity uses that phrase, it makes me think their leadership has read Orwell's 1984.
Funny how brazen they can be about their agenda.