The gaming scene acquired a rep as the last untaken hill in the culture war. These days it’s more like the Death Cult’s test market, as each day brings a fresh enormity inflicted by the industry upon its customers.
Today’s gamersphere fracas concerns the inauguration of a Safety Advisory Council at the already censorious game streaming site Twitch. Given Twitch’s penchant for banning users on the flimsiest pretexts, even for off-site behavior, it stands to reason they’d source their board of censors from the same stagnant pool in the fever swamp where the Cult gets all its shock troops.
But since the point is to humiliate their users, garden-variety degenerates just won’t cut it anymore. Twitch’s techno-druids were so eager to prove their devotion to the Cult that they’ve installed a man who not only thinks he’s a girl but a doe; a deer–a female deer.
Stephan “Steph” Loehr, who goes by the online aliases of “FerociouslySteph” or variations of “StephOddish,” is a trans, ex-competitive gamer from Washington who, despite their horse-face, is also a deer furry/otherkin. While one can derive amusement, or be disturbed, by his behavior as a deer otherkin involving mewling on his stream for hours and spasming as a goblin pokes his head, Stephan is most notable for his extreme views on online conduct which aims to appeal to the most hypersensitive of users. While this ordinarily would lead to bemused dismissal from most, this instead raises concern given Stephan’s recent promotion to the head of Twitch’s “Safety Advisory Council,” a position of power from which he will be able to enforce his bizarre stances, an ability he has been recorded gleefully bragging about in anticipation. Further intrigue arises from the absolutely horrendous reception his promotion and previous behavior sparked, leading to a cataclysm of negative criticism from detractors in opposition and sheer insanity from his supporters doubling down, creating a dumpster fire of unprecedented proportions not seen since about a week ago when that other thing happened.
Gamers were quick to respond with the expected protest videos and nervous jokes.
The outcry has mainly focused on pointing out that the head of Twitch’s Safety Council would have been locked up for his safety and others’ a generation ago. What most pundits are missing is that choosing the most loathsome overseer imaginable is the whole point. If Twitch added a new policy forcing all streamers to wear clown costumes, it wouldn’t be a more obvious humiliation ritual than this.
Many among the YouTube and Twitter crowd are making fun of the bizarre rituals Loehr performs to reinforce his Doe-Man delusion. The significance of a Death Cultist enacting a ritual involving a spirit animal transformation goes over their heads. But that’s to be expected of spiritually starved Late Moderns.
The key takeaway from this clown funeral isn’t that Twitch has appointed a headcase to police its users. It’s that they’re employing a witch to preside over the humiliation ritual they’re directing against those users.
This is spiritual battle. You don’t show up to a sword fight without a sword. You don’t fight a holy war without a religion.
Robbing Millennials of a relationship with Jesus Christ is how you get dysphoric deer-men. The Church’s conquest of the Death Cult is the only cure.
For actionable advice on how to beat the Death Cult and restore Christendom, read my best selling book!

Can't wait for the usual "This is why I can't stand Christianity, all the bigotry" crooning from my eastern seaboard relatives while I do my familial witch-hunts.
Lord grant rapture to my justice.
Deus vult. Amen.
even I, as an apatheist/agnostic can see the spiritual component in this.
Let them see who have eyes to see.
"You don't fight a holy war without a religion."
And how. I was reading commentary by a Gamergater where he was ridiculing Twitch but kept referring to the Loehr as a "she". I agreed with his points but added that "she" was actually a "he" thinking he didn't know. Someone took me to task and said that of all the outrageous things Loerh is doing and saying, let's not concentrate on the pronouns. That is, a man thinking he is a woman and you going along with it with preferred pronouns is just a point of courtesy, but a man thinking he's a deer?! THAT'S a bridge too far! I felt like I was bidding in an SJW Dollar Auction.
The God who is Word gave man language to speak with Him. The attack on it is far more insidious than the more colorful eccentricities.
Their religion is secular humanism circa 2010. If we can just roll it back there and keep it like that forever everything will be fine. You can destroy everything you like as long as I get my vidya and Marvel movies without 2014 politics in them.
They have a religion; it's just a broken and outdated one.
Lemme guess, his name was Vito Gesualdi? In ten years if he gets his way he’ll be taking you to task for talking about deer otherkin-isms while whining impotently against recreational child murder or some such
Twitch CEO's attempt at clarification:
Lots of entries from the Devil's Lexicon there.
Trust & Safety = Death Cult compliance office.
Discussion = Satanic sermon.
Community = Cult congregation.
Healthy = Sickly, brainwashed, and spiritually dead.
So is the person demonically oppressed?
Is it time to engage an exorcist to pray at the Twitch HQ?
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One more brick in the wall regarding 1997. After I listened to a video or two on the influence of classical music on early rock, YouTube suggested the one below. In it, the host analyzes when Rock and Roll stopped being the focus of pop music. He did his own research, based off of the yearly chart toppers from the birth of Rock to the modern day. He came up with a definition of what makes Rock and stuck to it. He made a spreadsheet and chart of the years. The timestamp goes to the 96-2000 discussion. As you can guess, '95 started a decline with an attempt at revival in the mid '00s, only to bottom out soon after.
[Deleted the prior to get the url linking correctly.]
After the early '90s we hit post-grunge which was overproduced glossy guitars, stiff and cliched songwriting, and manufactured rage. It's best exemplified in the nu metal trend and bands like Puddle of Mudd or Good Charlotte. By 2000 it was all burnt out and all that was left was the Coldplay style quiet rock. That's all it's been since.
The mid-00s saw the rise of garage revival which was squelched by the record industry collapsing. Bands like the White Stripes, the Hives, and the last remaining Britpop bands like Supergrass were the final stand for rock.
By 2010 it was all pretty much gone.
Yeah, that matches his chart.
That person was HIRED at all, for any kind of oversight position?
Professional help is needed, for certain.
Or maybe just nuke it all from orbit, just to be certain
That's exactly the reaction Twitch wants you to have, and they're laughing about it.
The Death Cult carefully chooses the most loathsome Tumblr denizens to police the rest of us online. The whole point is to demoralize normal people.
They're fanatics, not businessmen.
So do we ruthlessly engage this council through through the witch test and relentless hammering of the truth? I.E utterly reject their unreality?
On the other hand, the T-Witch is a massive dose of red pill. I’ve shown the video to some friends and family, the type who are apolitical and or not religious. It’s a wake up call to most of them. Many had no idea how crazy things have gotten.
Yes, it’s chosen to demoralize is. But like when evidence of the demonic appears and can’t be explained away, it energizes some people’s belief in God. The old. “If there’s a devil, there must be a God” effect. It’s real and it does happen. The devil takes the same strategic risks as any enemy when exposing himself. And God is the almighty strategist.
Still, I feel the need to pray for the T-Witch. He probably brought it on himself, if it’s not just straight mental illness. But that is a picture of an individual suffering hell on earth before they even meet their judgment. Horrible.
To quote St Peter, God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
To quote Our Lord, "Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."
We are the only army on earth composed entirely of infantry combat medics, and the only one which risks death to rescue enemy casualties. By all means, pray for him.
A correction: I should have said "the only army on earth whose calling it is to rescue enemy casualties,and which risks death to do so."
It would be hard to imagine hiring such a person by accident. So yes, this is their "let's fuck with the customers" statement. As to the demonic aspects of the selection, again it would be hard to imagine this just being a typical SJW attempt at humor. This isn't really funny on any level, even theirs.
I can't think of a rational reason to hire a person/being like this.
So clearly it's an irrational decision, which then means it is motivated by other things, such as spirituality or activism.
This being so, the product purportedly being sold is NOT the one which John Q. Public thinks.
Good point. The critical mistake a lot of folks in the counterculture make is assuming the Death Cult has rational motives.
next up: the passionate argument that "deer-kind" and other such folks should be able to mate with their own kind, thus justifying bestiality as a stand against "hate". I can see it now.
Soon enough, self-identifying zombies (aka dead people) will demands the right to mate with their own kind, thus justifying… Nah, that's too gross to finish, but you get the idea.
This is 1COMODIN9
Sweet Lord, I don't even have the words to describe how disgusted I am after watching that. Could not watch more than 10 seconds. I don't usually exagerate my digust, but I felt physically ill looking at that. You are right this is a spiritual battle and that is a humiliation ritual, and a very effective one too. It was also effective in revealing how many of the people who reacted to this are cowards who in 5 years will virtue signal how okay they are with these kinds of eccentricities to appease the Death Cult.
Don't use streaming services under the thrall of Satan. Also maybe this will finally kill the "watches but doesn't play video games" mentality?
It's to be hoped.